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You open the door and leave to go home. You had a dance lesson today, like every other friday. Its almost 8pm and cold af, since its winter. You're walking through your city. Its really silent. Not a lot of people are outside.
A few minutes pass and suddenly you see a person walking towards you. You can hear that he is on the phone. You know exactly whos voice this is. How could you not. You've had the biggest crush on him for almost one year... Justin Blake. You never really talked with each other, but
you've hung out a few times.
He ends his phone call, looks up and he sees you. “oh god he's looking at me“ you think as he walks by.
He almost passes by but then he turns around “oh hi y/n, i didn't see you“ he says and smiles “hii“ you say. “how are you?“ justin asks “im good how are you?“ “im good too“ justin smiles again. Omg his smile is so cute and sexy, you cant really focus on the moment. Justin is just too hot. “So whats up?“ “i just had a dance lesson“ you answer “you take dance lessons?“ justin asks “yeah for almost seven years now“ you answer laughing. Justin looks at you while biting his lip. Lord he is so damn sexy. “hey i really have nothing else to do.. wanna come over to my place?“ justin asks. Omg he literally just asked you to go to his house. For sure are you kidding me. “sure“ you say “ok cool“ he says.
You walk and have just a normal conversation. After maybe like thirty minutes you arrive.

You're in his room waiting for him to come back. He was downstairs to get you something to drink.
Justin walks into the room smiling at you. “is soda ok?“ he asks “yes for sure“ you smile at him.
“your smile is so beautiful“ justin says “aww thanks. Thats so sweet of you“ you answer while melting apart, lord this boy is so cute. You sit on the bed and drink your soda. “do you want to watch tv or something?“ he asks “yeah sure“ you say. He turns on the tv. Two broke girls is on. Instead of watching the show, you look at justin. You just cant take your eyes off him. “what?“ justin asks after he realizes you were looking at him. “nothing“ you say and smile “why are you looking at me like that?“ he asks laughing “idk you're just cute“ you answer “you're cute“ he says “but you're also hot“ “maybe thats why its so hot in here“ you answer “maybe..“ justin leans in and you start to make out. You lay on your back and justin is on top of you, grinding his hips into yours. That was exactly what you needed right now. You moan slightly. It feels so good. Now you feel justins boner against your leg. “looks like someone is getting excited“ you say and look down at his pants. He laughs sexily then you make out again.
You take off his shirt and kiss down his sixpack. You unzip justins pants and you pull his boxershorts down, releasing his penis. You start to rub him with you hand, then you softly kiss his tip. “damn babe“ justin groans. You tease him by placing kisses all around “babeee stop teasing“ justin moans in pleasure. You smile to yourself, then you keep on teasing him. You can literally feel the need of justin, for you to suck his dick, in the air. Again justin moans. You place two more kisses on his tip, then you take him fully. “OMG“ justin moans. You rub the part that doesn't fit in your mouth with your hand. Justin takes your head and puts himself even deeper inside of your mouth.
He then takes you back up to his face and kisses you passionate. You feel his warm wet tongue slide into your mouth. You want him so bad. Justin turns you both around so he's on top again. He takes off your shirt and your bra. He licks his lips looking at you. He comes closer to you and starts to kiss down your neck to your breasts giving you a hickey. Justin kisses all the way down your stomach. He takes off your pants. Then he pulls down your panties with his teeth, slowly teasing you.
He kisses down your thigh while he takes your hips, pulling them closer to him. He looks deep into your eyes and still kisses down your thigh so slow that your getting sexually frustrated. You moan in frustration “justin.. please!“ “beg for it babygirl“ justin now kisses up close to your knee area again. “please..!“ you moan “what do you want me to do babe?“ “i want you to fuck me“ you say “what? Im sorry babe i couldn't hear you“ “you did hear me and you know exactly what i want!“ you say, again getting very frustrated. “seems like you're kind of frustrated, aren't you babygirl?“ justin teases you so fricking bad. You cant even say something you just look at him in pleasure. He smirks then keep on teasing you like crazy. “JUSTIN..“ you scream “beg for it!“ justin is demanding you “please..!“ you moan. He just looks at you. “JUSTIN PLEASE FUCK ME ALREADY“ you scream breathing heavily. He puts his mouth down on your clit placing kisses around. Then he starts to actually eat you out. You moan very loud. Then justin stops and demands you to get on your knees and hands. He is behind you then he puts his dick in your pussy “AHH JUSTIN“ you moan. He goes very slow. “please justin faster“ you beg and he goes faster.
“OH MY LORD“ its feels so good that you have to scream. He gives you so much pleasure. His movements feel so damn good. You moan and scream getting so much satisfaction. “JUSTIN IM GONNA COME“ he goes even faster and deeper. After seconds his cum shoots in your vagina and you cant hold it anymore “AHH YESS JUSTIN“ you scream as you orgasm. Justin slows it down then pulls out and you lay down on his bed next to each other. Out of breath you say “that was amazing“

Hope you liked it😏💦
Thank you so fricking much for 210 reads it means so much❤

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