Dominant Pt. 4😈

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You and Justin are in the city. He came shopping with you. That's one of the reasons why you love him so much. Not every boyfriend would accompany you to go shopping. He takes all your bags and gives you his opinion on the clothes you try on. He even seems interested.
You are at h&m right now. "What do you think?" you ask and turn around to show him the dress you just put on.
"For the dinner tomorrow?" Justin asks. "Yes" you answer "does it fit?"
"Yes you look gorgeous" Justin answers and smiles. You smile too. "So should I buy it?" you ask. "I like it, so yes" Justin answers.
You buy the dress, then you and Justin go to a restaurant. You sit at a table and a few minutes later the waitress comes. You order your food.
"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" Justin asks. "Yes, kinda" you answer.
Tomorrow Justin will introduce you to his parents. You'll go to a fancy restaurant and have dinner.
"Im sure they're gonna love you" Justin says. "I hope so.." you answer.

After you two had lunch you go home. "Im so tired" Justin says. "What if we'd watch a movie? Are you down?" you ask. "Sure" Justin replies.
So you watch a movie on netflix. 15 minutes in your eyelids get heavy, so you close them and you fall asleep.

The next morning:
You open your eyes and immediately see Justin. He wearing nothing but shorts. He notices you looking at him.
“Morning babe“ he smirks. “Morning“ you say. “What should we do today, before we go to the dinner?“ Justin asks, while he searches for a shirt.
“I don't know.. how's the weather?“ you ask. “Bad, it's raining“ he answers. “We could go to the cinema“ you suggest. “Yeah we could“ Justin answers “I'm going to make food now.“ You smile.

You get up and put on a shirt. Then you walk out of your room to the kitchen, where you find Justin, still without a shirt on, making breakfast.
You hug him from behind. “Why aren't you wearing a shirt?“ you ask him. “Because I feel like it. Does it bother you?“ he asks laughing. “No, I was just wondering“ you say and laugh too.

After breakfast you go to the bathroom to take a shower. You take off your clothes and step in the shower. The warm water runs down your body. “Hey babe, can I come in?“ Justin asks from outside. “Sure I'm in the shower“ you answer. You hear Justin walking inside of the bathroom. “Where's my deodorant?“ Justin asks.
“Why would I know that“ I say laughing. “I don't know, maybe you saw it“ he answers.
You're done showering, so you get out.
“Hello sexy“ Justin says with a smirk. “Hi“ you say with a smile.
Justin takes of his shirt.
You start to dry your body with a towel.
Justin sights. “What?“ you ask him.
“I'm still searching for my deodorant“ he answers.
You laugh again.

Later that day:
You're in the bathroom again, getting ready for the dinner.
You're almost done with your make up. You put on some lipgloss as Justin enters the bathroom. He grabs his perfume and sprays it on.
“You look gorgeous, babe“ he tells you with a smile. “I would kiss you right now, but I just put on lip gloss“ you answer. He laughs and you do too.
“So are you ready to leave?“ Justin asks. “Yes, I just have to go grab my purse upstairs, then I'm ready“ you say. “Okay. I'll wait by the car“ Justin says and opens the front door.
You walk upstairs and get your stuff.

Justin holds the car door open for you.
What a gentleman he is. You get in the car and Justin closes the door and gets in on the other side.
“Let's go“ he says and smiles at you.
You smile back at him and he starts the car.

The two of you arrive at the restaurant and you get out of the car.
Your hands are a little sweaty, this always happens when you're nervous.
Justin takes your hand in his.
You walk through the entrance of the restaurant and Justin searches for his parents.
Before he can find them, an employee walks up to you.
“May I show you your table for tonight?“ the employee asks courteously.
“We have a rendezvous​ with my parents, Mr and Mrs Blake“ Justin tells the employee. You've never heard him talk in a such grown up tone.
You knew since you've met him, that he comes from a nobly, wealthy family, but since you've never met them, you haven't seen this side of your boyfriend.
“Ahh yes, of course. If you would please follow me“ the employee answers.
He walks in front of Justin and you, leading you two to your table.
With every step your nervousness increases.
“I'm so nervous, Justin“ you whisper to him. “There's no need to be, babygirl“ he answers.
“But your parents are like so fancy and all... what if they don't like me? I mean I'm just an ordinary girl..“ you contradict. “Y/n, you're not just an ordinary girl. You're a gorgeous, talented and very polite girl. And I love you. They will accept you the way you are“ Justin tells you and looks at you. You look at the floor.
“Look at me, beautiful“ Justin says. You lift up your head. “I love you and no one can ever change that“
You smile at him “I love you too!“
He smiles.
“Here we are Mr Blake Junior“ the employee says and there are they, his parents.
Mr and Mrs Blake get up and Justin greets both of them by giving them hugs. Then he steps right next to you and introduces you.
“So this is y/n, my girlfriend!“ he says with a smile and you could feel the pride in his voice. “Y/n, this is my dad
David“ Justin says to you.
David comes closer to shake your hand. “Hi y/n! Nice to meet you“ he says as he is shaking your hand.
“Hi, it's nice to meet you too“ you say and smile.
“And this is my mom, Kathrine​“ Justin makes you known to his mother.
She also walks up to you.
“Hello y/n, I'm glad to finally meet you!“ she says with a warm-hearted smile. “I can only emphasize that“ you say and smile back at her.
“Then let's sit back down“ David says.
You all do what he says.
The next moment a waiter comes up to your table.
He hands you the order tickets and takes out a little booklet to make notes. “I think I'm gonna take the menu for the evening“ Justin tells him. The waiter notes it.
“Same for me“ you say and the waiter notes it in his booklet.
David and Kathrine order too and then the waiter walks away.

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