Beach nights

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You and your boyfriend Justin sit in front of your laptop. "No I don't like this hotel" you say and go back to the previous website. "Babe, why not. This was a nice hotel" Justin answers. "But I didn't like the vibe and all" you contradict. He rolls his eyes and sights. You scroll down, trying to find the right accommodation for your holidays.
"What about this one?" you ask Justin.
You both look through the pictures of the rooms. "Looks good to me" he says. "Book it?" you ask.
"Yup" Justin says. You smile. He smiles too and kisses you.

The next day:
"Babe?" Justin shouts from the bathroom. "Have you seen my blue hoodie?"
"I think it's in our room" you shout back. You two are packing for the vacation to Hawaii.
You're almost done, but you still need to get some little stuff.

You're in the kitchen, cooking dinner.
You feel Justin stepping behind you, grabbing your waist and placing his chin on your shoulder. “Can I help you baby“ he says and slightly kisses your neck. You bite your lip. “Uhm..actually you could already start doing the dishes“ you tell him, with a little hesitation cause the kisses on your neck distract you.
Justin stops and says “Alright.“ He begins to clean the dishes.

You and Justin sit down at the dinning table. “Enjoy your meal“ Justin says.
“You too“ you say back smiling.
“I'm so excited for tomorrow!“ you rave. “Yes me too“ Justin answers. “Especially, cause I've never been to Hawaii“ you continue. “Really?“ Justin answers surprised. “It's so beautiful there. One of the most gorgeous places I've ever visited tbh“
You smile. “I'm so happy“ you say.
“I love you“ Justin answers. “I love you too“ you say.

At the airport:
You and Justin are almost in your plane. You just talk about random stuff.
Then you get in the plane and when you take your seats and get comfortable, you feel Justin's hand on your thigh. You look at him smiling, then slightly biting your lip. Justin kisses you with his soft lips. “Your lips are so lushous“ he whispers in your ear, then he kisses your neck. “Justin! We're in public!“ you remind him, keeping your speech down. He smirks. You roll your eyes. Justin's hand is still on your thigh, slowly and softly touching your skin. You lay your head on his muscular shoulder and close your eyes. He gives you a kiss on your forehead.

The plane finally lands at your destination.
“I'm so exited!“ you say smiling like a little child. “You're too cute“ Justin says smiling, as he hugs you.
Your uber to the hotel arrives. You both put your stuff in the back of the car, then Justin opens the door for you and you get in the car. He gets in on the other side. You smile at each other as the uber takes off.
After about fifteen minutes you arrive at your hotel. It is absolutely beautiful there. All you can do is be shook. You check in and go up to your room.
“Wooow this view is stunning!“ you swarm as you step on the balcony.
“But you're more stunning“ Justin says as he hugs you from behind and kisses your neck.
He's so gentle, you think to yourself and enjoy the romantic moment.
You turn around and jump on the bed with him. You kiss him passionate. “Babe..-“ he says, but you cut him off with another kiss. He smiles into the kiss and turns you two over, so he's on top. Then he lays down next to you. “I love you babe“ he says looking deep into your eyes. “I love you too“ you say with a smile. “Do you wanna go eat at the restaurant?“ Justin asks. “What about if we go and get food there to then take it at the beach, so we can eat there?“ you suggest. “That's a fabulous idea!“ he agrees.

You walk to the beach on a beautiful beach trail, holding hands.
You arrive and settle down to eat. The sun is about to go down and the views fantastic. You take out the food you took with you and eat it.
“This is delicious“ you say flaming. Justin smirks. “What?“ you say laughing. “Nothing“ he says still smirking in a dirty way. “Justin stop it! This is supposed to be romantic!“ you demand him jokingly. “Alright“ he says with his smirk getting even more intense. You roll your eyes.
After you ate, you both lay down on your blanket and look at the sunset. “I'm so glad, we came here“ you say silent, almost whispering. Justin kisses your forehead. You get up and enjoy the last beams of the sun. You close your eyes. When the sun is not to be seen anymore, you feel Justin grabbing you from behind. He turns you around and smashes his lips onto yours. You're surprised, but so into it. He is on top of you, passionately kissing you in french.
You feel yourself getting wet, against your will. You wanted this to be all romantic and cute, but Justin just always turns you on. You break the kiss. “How do you just do that!“ you question him a bit frustrated. “Aww babe don't get frustrated about it.. I know you wanted this to be lowkey and all, but.. I just couldn't resist“ he says biting his lip as he says the last word. You just look at him, lust in your eyes, begging him to get back on top of you.And again his lips crush onto yours. You moan into the kiss in relief. Justin smiles, then he grinds his hips into yours, while intensely playing with your tongue. You slightly bite his lip. “Take off your shirt baby“ he says heavily breathing, breaking the kiss for a split second. You take off your shirt, revealing your chest. “You're so gorgeous!“ Justin compliments you. You blush a bit, getting turned on by his voice. Justin takes off his shirt too and ardently kisses you again.
“I want you“ Justin demandingly whispers in your ear. Then he places wet kisses down your neck, giving you hickeys all over. You're a moaning mess. You feel Justin's smirk, while he keeps on kissing down your body.
You bite your lip as he teasingly stops and starts to kiss down your leg. “Babee, please stop teasing!!“ you moan in pressure. Justin smirks at you, then moves his tongue up your body again and to your lips. You feel his boner on your leg and you attain even more lust. “Baby, Please, I need that!!“ you whimper. “Seems like your really craving for my tongue to go down on you, huh?“ he says teasingly and starts so slowly kiss down your body. You're so wet right now. “I am“ you answer to Justin as he continues to kiss down your sweating body. He now kisses down your thigh, which makes you tingle. “Justin! Please!?“ you beg in sexual frustration. He looks deep into your eyes and absolutely slowly puts down his lips on your pussy. You moan relieved from him finally pleasing you. His tongue moves around in swirling motions in between him sucking your clit. It feels so goddamn good. “Shit.“ you moan, arching your back. He just keeps on magically working his wet tongue between your thighs. “Omg..“ you moan loud and bite your lip “Justin! I'm gonna-“ before you can finish the sentence, he stops, turns you around and enters you with his dick. “Holyyy fuck!“ you scream in between moans. His dick moves fast inside of you, making you go insane. You can't even think no more, you just moan with every thrust of his. He starts to move faster. “Bend further down for me baby“ Justin demands you. You do as he says. “Now touch yourself, while I fuck you like that!“ “Yes daddy“ you moan and follow his command. You lick your fingers and start to rub your clit. Your moans get louder and more intense. Justin moves faster and keeps going faster, making you feel ways you didn't know existed. “Justin don't fucking stop!“ you scream in pleasure. “Let me turn you around, Sexy“ he says and aggressively turns you around, so you now lay on your back, his cock still inside of you. He then starts to thrust again, very fucking slowly. “Please! Faster Justin!“ you beg him, not able to control your body. “Shh babygirl“ he demands you. You bite your lip, trying to stay quite. “Justin!!“ your sexual frustration is getting bigger and bigger, while Justin has you in pressure. Justin leans down and kisses you. “Stop talking“ he says, looking deeply into your eyes and thrusting harder. You want to moan,but before you do, Justin presses his hand on your mouth, making you shut up.
Justin starts going faster. You lean back your head and you feel Justins hand choking you. You moan and scream in pleasure and relief. “Justin keep going!“ you moan loud. Justin goes faster and leans down to your face again, kissing you wet and passionate. You moan into the kiss, then Justin breaks the kiss for a moment. “I love you“ he whispers in your ear and thrusts harder again. You bite your lip and kiss his neck. “I love you too“ you moan.
He goes faster and harder, making you loose all your thoughts and control over your body. “Babe“ you moan loud “I'm gonna cum!“ “Yes babygirl, cum for me!“ he says demanding. He goes faster and faster, your legs start to shake and you lean back your head. Justin makes you feel fucking amazing! “Ahh I'm coming“ you scream in between moans. “Yes“ Justin groans and you feel his warm cum inside of you. Justin gently but passionately kisses you. “Oh my god.. you're amazing!“ you moan exhausted. “So are you“ Justin says smiling, before kissing you again. He lays down next to you. You then lay your head on his chest. “I love you“ you say, closing your eyes. Justin kisses your head. “I love you too“ he says and you both fall asleep.

Heyoooo you guyss💯🙌🙌 after centuries I finally did another imagine. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it😏 I'll update again sooner the next time (at least I'm attempting to lmao)
And thank you all so much for 30k reads😍😩 I appreciate it so much❤ also thank you for all the comments with support, critics and ideas. I love you all to the moon and back❤🌝

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