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Before i start this imagine i want to say that this is just an imagine i know that justin and raegan are dating (highkey ship them😻🔥), but in this imagine they are not dating. Dont get me wrong i love them they are like the cutest couple ever😍. So yeah thats all just keep that in mind and enjoy❤

You have been a fan of Justin since the very beginning. He means so much to you and you love him from the bottom of your heart.
You waited for this moment so long and now you'll finally meet him. You're very excited.
"Are you excited?" your mom asks "YESS OMG" you answer. Your mom smiles. Only a few miles, then you're there.
After 15 minutes, it felt like 2 hours, you finally arrive. "Ok Hailey just call me when something is wrong or when its over, so i can pick you up alright?" your mom says "yeah mom bye" you reply and hug her. "be careful please" your mom tells you before you walk to the building. You instantly get really nervous. The meet up is right there. You see a big group of people standing in a circle. Oml its right there.. only a few feet away from you are Justin and Raegan. All of a sudden you instantly get very nervous. With weak knees you walk up to them. Then Justin notices you and you make eye contact with him. He smiles and you smile back "hii cutie whats your name?" Justin asks. Oml he looks so fricking hot and hes so cute. "Im hailey" you say very weak "thats a beautiful name😊 well im Justin😂❤" "oh really i didn't know that" you both laugh. "can i have a hug?" you ask shy "aww don't be so shy.. of course" Justin answers with a big smile and hugs you super tight and lovely. Oml you are melting, he gives the best hugs😻. It feels like forever then you both let go. Justin smiles again then he talks with a few other fans. Raegan walks closer to you.. "hiii😊" he says with the most adorable smile. "hii😍❤" you reply. "how are you?" "im excited and nervous" you say "you dont have to be nervous cutie" Raegan says then hugs you. Lord hes so cute. "your name is hailey right?" he asks while still hugging you. "yes❤" you say "aw you're so cute" you let go and Raegan laughs. His laugh is your favorite, its so cute😍. You talk with a few fans and with Raegan and Justin. Then Justin says "what about we go to taco bell😏" everyone is okay with that and very excited. You all start walking to taco bell. Justin is walking right next to you. You cant believe all of this it feels so unreal. "soo... tell me something about you" justin says. "what do you want to know😂❤" you ask him. "idk. Do you have a boy or girlfriend? Do you like someone.. do you have any hobbies?" he asks "First of all, no i do not have a boyfriend, i dont have a crush at the moment. Uh.. i sing a lot, i dance, i play the piano.." you answer "i wish i could dance too😂" Justin says. You both laugh. It feels so normal when you talk with him, like you've been friends for the longest.
10 minutes later you arrive at taco bell. You aren't really hungry right now. Cause you're just too nervous. Justin is with Raegan now and you see Justin whispering something in his ear. You order everything, Justin and Raegan are paying for all of you. Thats so cute. You take a bite of your taco, its fricking delicious. Justin talks with all the fans, including you. Raegan sits next to you. "do you like justin? I mean in a different way, like do you kinda have a crush on him?" Raegan asks. You wonder why he asks that but you still answer "i mean i love him but not like that you know?" "are you sure?" Raegan asks "i dont know" you answer. Its the truth, you dont know if you like him like that. Raegan smiles.
After the meal all of the fans stay in the restaurant with Raegan. Justin asks you to go outside with him. "sure" you reply.
He takes your hand and you go outside. You both walk away from taco bell and you go to an offside place. Justin is right next to you. "so.. uhm...did you ever find yourself..uh.....falling for someone you just met?" he asks surprisingly shy. "yeah.. i think" you reply. Justin stops walking and you do too "cause... to be honest....thats what happened to me" he explains "ok.. and why do you tell ME this?" you ask a bit confused "because i.... the girl i fell for....its you❤" he looks into your eyes. "omg.. i dont really know what to say... but......idk.. first i wasn't sure about it but... i like you too❤" you reply.
You hug each other tight. Then you go back to taco bell.
When you arrive there, you see Raegan hugging all the fans saying goodbye. "oh hii😊 the fans have to go now" Raegan tells you and Justin. Justin hugs each of them and wishes them a good rest of the night.
Everyone left. Now theres only you, Raegan and Justin. You can see Raegan and Justin talking but you cant hear what they're saying. Then Raegan walks up to you. "i have to leave too" he says "oh okay" you say sad. He hugs you "i hope we see each other again" you say "for sure😊" Raegan answers. Then he says bye to Justin and walks away to the bus station. “uhm...can i have your number, so I can text you later❤“ Justin asks “of course😊❤“ you say.

You lay down on your bed. You just got home and you're very tired. But you're also excited, cause of what happened today. You then walk to the bathroom to take a shower.
After you showered you go back to your room, you put on your favorite hoodie and some sweatpants. You check your phone and see that Justin just send you a text.

J: hi❤
Y: hey❤
J: whats up?
Y: nothing much, im home alone
J: really?
Y:yes, why would i tell you a lie😂
J: idk😂
J: is it wierd to ask if i could come over?
Y: not at all❤
J: can i?
Y: yeah sure💜
J: your adress?😏😂
Y: *sends adress*
J: kk ill be there soon❤
Y: see you later❤

“Oml I just met him and hes already coming over to mine“ you think but you're still very excited. You just wait until you hear a knock on the door. You go downstairs and open the door. No one is there. Now you get scared, cause you watched a horror movie yesterday. “hello?“ you say. Suddenly someone softly grabs your waist from behind “hi babygirl“ justin whispers in your ear. “OMG“ you say loud cause you obviously got scared. “Justin whyy? I got so scared😩“ “aww babe i didnt mean to scare you😂❤“ Justin says “yeah right👀 fuck you🌚😂“ “aww no dont be mad babygirl❤“ “it makes it worse cause i watched a horror movie yesterday😑😂“ you say while you both walk to your room.
“oh god😩😂 did you really got that scared?😅❤“ Justin asks “i had a fricking heart attack“ you answer “im sorry babe❤“ Justin says. You cant stay mad at him “it okay❤“.
You lay down on your bed and Justin lays down beside you. “what do you want to do?“ you ask him “nothing im really tired“ he replies “kk❤“ you say. “when will your parents get home?“ he asks “in a few days“ you answer “oh ok❤“ Justin says. You just lay next to each other silent and 10 minutes later you both fall asleep.

At night:
You wake up and check your phone. Its 3am. You forgot that Justin came over. You see someone else in your bed and you get scared and scream (not too loud since its night). Justin wakes up too and sees you sitting on your bed. “whats wrong babygirl?“ he asks “i woke up and you scared me“ you say “why did i scare you?“ Justin asks a bit confused. “cause i forgot that you came over yesterday😅😂“ you reply. You both laugh. His laugh is so cute aww. “so since i scared you twice, maybe.. i could make you feel well again for once😏❤“ Justin says with a sexy smile. Before you can say anything else your lips are tight against​ his. You start to make out roughly. Justin kisses down your neck. You moan slightly. You sit on top of him and now you kiss his neck. Then you take off his shirt. You bite your lip while looking at his sexy body. Justin smirks. You kiss his neck again, then you go down his stomach and unzip his pants. You slowly take his penis in your hand and start to jack him off, while you place kisses on his tip. “lord..“ Justin moans. You go a bit faster to tease him, then you slow it down again. You can literally feel the pressure he gets from this. “please stop teasing..“ Justin groans. You go faster, Justin moans again. You feel yourself getting wet. You start to suck on his tip “daamn“ Justin says in his raspy, sexy voice. You take him deeper inside your mouth and deep throat his dick. Justin breathes heavily. You move your head up and down, going slow again. “omg.. this is enough“ Justin says and makes a fast move, so hes on top. “Justin!“ you scream. Then Justin kisses you again and your shout immediately falls silent. He kisses you so passionate and sexy. You moan into the kiss. Then Justin slides his hand down your body in between your legs and starts to rub your clit. “ahh Justin“ you moan. “you're so wet for me“ Justin says. His voice turns you on even more. “are you ready babygirl?“ he asks getting you even more wet. “always“ you say breathing very heavy. Then Justin enters his dick inside of you “AHHH“ you moan while feeling so much pressure in your body. Justin goes faster and harder “babe you feel so fucking good“ he moans. “ahh faster Justin“ you say “come for me“ Justin is so dominant, which gives you so much pleasure, that you cant take it anymore. You scratch Justins back. “JUSTIN“ you let it go and reach your high. “ahhh“ you moan and bite your lip. Justin came too, he lays down next to you. You're both out of breath. “i love you Justin“ you say “i love you too babe“.

Finally a new one😂🌚 I hope you made it till the end and enjoyed. I tried to make a kinda more romantic one. Tell me what you think❤

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