Dominant Pt. 5😈

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“Babe! Are you done?“ Justin shouts from downstairs. “Coming!“ you answer. You and your lovely boyfriend planned a night out, going to the cinema. It's always fun to watch a movie and it's been quite a while, since you and Justin went out.
You get downstairs and see Justin already holding up the front door for you. “You look amazing babe“ he says smiling as you walk up to him and give him a peck on his cheek.
You two walk outside and get inside of Justin's car.

You arrive at the cinema and Justin opens the door to it for you again. He's such a gentleman. You smile at him. “Thanks babe.“
You go and get your tickets, Justin wouldn't let you pay, so you finally give in and let him pay. You just can't argue over stuff like that with him.
You get yourselves some popcorn and enter the movie theater. Justin gently grabs your hand, slightly dragging you to your seats.
You sit down and Justin does too, very close next to you. “I'm excited we're here“ he says and kisses your cheek. “Me too. It's been a while“ you answer smirking. “Yes!“ he agrees smiling.
Other people are entering the theater and a few minutes later the lights go out and the movie starts playing.
You lean your head on Justin's strong shoulder.
After a while Justin whispers in your ear: “I'm kinda turned on right now!“ You feel yourself getting wet by his voice and words. “Justin!“ you silently laugh. “I can't help it!“ he defends himself smiling. Then he gets serious again and deeply looks into your eyes. “It just gets me excited, being here with such a sexy girl like you.“ He bites his lip. Then his eyes move down your neck to your cleavage. “Justin!“ you say again lifting his head. “We're in public!“ “So?“ Justin smirks. “So!? People could be watching!“ you whisper giggling. He sexily laughs. “You know what?“ he whispers in your ear again. “No?“ you say. “That kinda turns me on“ he whispers, then slowly bites your earlobe. You feel yourself getting wetter, while slightly moaning. “Is someone getting a little wet?“ Justin smirks. “Shut up!“ you say blushing. “Not denying it, huh?“ his smirk is getting wider. You look at him acting innocent. Justin again comes closer to you. “How about we continue watching the movie?“ he says and turns his head to the movie screen.
You do the same, lowkey mad cause you now want him. He always does that! “You mad babygirl?“ he says. Damn it! He obviously had to notice. “No“ you say not taking your eyes of the screen. You see his smirk out the corner of your eye. Damn! He has so much control over you, which makes you mad. But also turns you on. “Aww baby!“ he says but doesn't do anything. He just focuses on the movie again. Only seconds later you feel his hand on your thigh. You don't really think anything of it, cause it's a pretty normal thing. But then Justin's hand, slowly teasing you, starts to move in the direction between your thighs. You feel your ovaries getting tensed as you bite your lip.
As his hand keeps on moving further in between your thighs, he starts kissing your neck. You slightly moan. “Shh babygirl! People are gonna notice, if you keep doing that!“ he demands you and puts his other hand over your mouth to shut you up.
He's reached his goal, in between your thighs and starts rubbing you through your panties. You gasp for air. “Shh!“ Justin whispers in your ear as he shoves two fingers inside of you.  You hold back your intense moaning. Justin smirks and dominantly looks into your eyes. You try to signal him to stop with your eyes. Really you don't want him to stop, but you're in public! “Justin!“ you try to say through the pressure of his hand on your mouth. Then all of a sudden he stops and watches the movie again, but before he whispers in your ear: “We'll finish this later.“ With a smirk he then turned his head to the screen.

The movie is over and you both get out of the theater and walk to Justin's car. “Get in sexy“ Justin says, holding up the door for you. You do what he says. He closes your door, gets around the car and gets in on the other side.
You look at each other with lust, signaling what you want. Then fast and rough he smashes his lips onto yours. You make out while he passionately touches your body. He goes down your neck and takes of your dress, so you're left in your underwear only. You look at him in sexual desire as he kisses down your body. He starts kissing down your thigh. Then he takes off your panties with his teeth. You throw back your head in relief and bite your lip as he starts to please you with his tongue. “Oh my god Justin! Just like that“ you moan loudly. And then, all of a sudden he stops and comes up to your lips again. He passionately kisses you then whispers in your ear: “People are coming.“ You look at him in sexual frustration as he gets behind the wheel and starts driving. You put your dress back on, kind of mad and very sexually frustrated.

You get out of the car, after you two arrived at his place. You get in his fancy house, once again impressed of how beautiful and nice his place is. Justin closes the door and once again smashes his lips roughly onto yours. You moan, as he pushes you against the wall. You take your make out session upstairs to his room. He lays you on his bed and grinds his hips into yours, making you drip.
He kisses down your stomach again, deeply looking into your eyes. You moan in pressure. He starts slightly placing kisses on your clit. “Mmh.. Justin..!“ you softly moan. He smirks and starts using his tongue. Your moaning gets louder and louder by his mouth pleasing you. Then, very fucking slowly, he puts one then two fingers inside of you. “Ahhh god“ you say heavily breathing. He keeps on moving his fingers in and out, but very slow. “Justin! Please, faster!“ you moan. “Oh you want me to move faster?“ he teasingly asks. “Please Justin!?“ you moan in desire. He goes a little bit faster, but just slightly, giving you so much pressure. You scream in sexual frustration. “Please!! Justin, please go faster!“ you beg him. “Say it one more time babygirl“ he demands you. “Justin!!“ you whimper “stop teasing!!“
“Please babe? Just one more time. I love to make you beg“ Justin says making you go wild. “Justin please go faster!!“ you moan, biting your lip in pressure and frustration. “There you go babygirl“ Justin smiles and passionately kisses your clit as he slowly starts to move his fingers faster and faster. “Yes daddy! Just like that“ you moan. But then he slows down again and suddenly stops. “Justin!“ you whine. “Shh babe!“ he whispers in your ear. And very hard and fast he shoves three fingers inside of you, making your whole body feel amazing. You scream in relief again. He deeply looks into your eyes as he keeps on moving faster. You look back at him in desire and pleasure. “Don't fucking stop, holy shit!“ you moan looking at him, then biting your lip.
He goes harder and faster, making your legs shake. “Ahhh! Omg Justin!“ you moan loudly. “Cum for me babygirl!“ he demandingly whispers in your ear. “Yes daddy“ you whimper and throw back your head as you reach your climax. Justin slows down and kisses your jaw. “Good girl“ he says. You bite your lip again and look at him. “I love you“ you say. “I desire you“ he answers.

Oh well, that was dirty lmao😂 hope you guys still enjoy these👀 Favorite this and tell me what you think about it, I'd really appreciate it💖

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