Summer nights💧

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You comfortably lay in yours and Justins bed. It's a beautiful, rainy summer night. You're reading a book; Fifty shades of grey.
Justin has been sitting at his desk all evening, working on something. "Justin?" you say. "What?" he replies distracted. "Are you gonna come to bed or what?" you ask him. "Babe, I'm working" he answers. You sight. “Please Justin?! You've been working all day!“ “Wait..“ he answers absent. You sight again and lean back your head. “Justin?“ you try again “are you listening?“ “What..?“ Justin says. “Please come to bed with me!?“ you beg. “Babe I'm working“ he says still focused on his work. You take a breath, trying to come up with a way how to get your boyfriends attention.
You decide to get up. “I'll go get ready for bed“ you tell Justin and go off to the bathroom. You take off your make up and wash your face.
Suddenly you see your black lingerie, laying on the towels next to your shower. A naughty idea goes through your mind. You smirk a little, biting your lip.

You get back in yours and Justins room. Only wearing your lingerie. “You comin' babe?“ you ask Justin as you lay down. Justin mumbles something as an answer. You sight again. For a second you want to get up again and get to him, but then another idea crosses your mind. You make yourself comfortable, while concentrating on Justin. You figured; if he's not going to give you what you want, you'll have to do it yourself. You start to touch your boobs and bite your lip again.
You move further down your body and start to softly touch yourself through your panties. You let out a small moan. You keep on messaging your boobs, while you slowly start to rub your clit with more pressure.
You moan again softly. You focus on Justin, while pleasuring yourself.
“Ahh mhh yes!“ you moan, now a little louder. You hear Justin breathing in pressure. You smile to yourself, knowing you're teasing him.
You take your panties off and start rubbing your clit again. “Oh my god“ you moan slightly. Then you slowly start to shove two fingers inside of you. “Fuck!“ you whimper.
You see Justin out of the corner of your eye, moving in his chair, biting his lip. You moan louder now.
“Babe!“ Justin finally reacts “Could you PLEASE stop!“
“Stop? What?“ you say in between moans, acting innocent. “Please babe?! I need to get this done!“ he begs. “I'm not doing anything“ you say still acting like you don't know what he's talking about. Justin angrily turns around and looks at you. But then the expression of anger on his face, turns into desire. He bites his lips again, looking at you in sexual frustration.
You keep on pleasing yourself, while seductively looking into his eyes. 
He can't take his eyes of your body. But then suddenly he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, turns around his chair and continues his work. You're kind of surprised, but you just keep on doing what you did, knowing how bad you're teasing your boyfriend. You get louder and louder, totally lost in your satisfaction.
You close your eyes and go faster, as your moans continue to become louder. You bite your lip and suddenly you hear Justin, even more aggressive than before, getting out of his chair. And to your surprise he all of a sudden is on top of you. “Y/n! I need you to stop right now! You know how much this is teasing me!“ he says tensed. You smile and answer: “But that's the whole point.“
“Fuck!“ Justin whispers and kisses you aggressively, but passionate at the same time. You moan into the kiss, as he replaces your hand with his and he starts to slowly shove his fingers inside of you. “Ahh-“ you scream, but before anyone could hear you, he puts his hand over your mouth to shut you up. You throw back your head and whimper: “Don't fucking stop Justin!“
“I won't babygirl“ he answers sexily.
“Please daddy! Fuck me!“ you say breathing heavily. He smiles, puts his hand on your throat and chokes you, before he aggressively pushes himself into you. You scream in desire. “Ahh Justin!“ He goes in and out very aggressive, while still choking you. “Keep doing that daddy!“ you whimper weakly but turned on. “You like that?“ he asks demanding. “I fucking love it!“ you moan. He hardly thrusts in and out of you. You're just a moaning mess.
Then he pulls out and demands you: “Turn around!“ You do as he says. Then he starts fucking you hard from the back. “Oh my god!“ you scream and grab the sheets. You moan even louder than you did before. He grabs your ass to fuck you harder. He thrusts in and out of you, fulfilling all your sexual desires. You scream his name, he's driving you crazy.
“Fuck!“ Justin moans and thrusts even harder.
Your pleasure builds up to it's maximum. “Justin..! I'm gonna-“ before you can finish your sentence, you reach your high. So does Justin, shooting his cum inside of you. You bite your lip as he pulls out. Justin turns you around and kisses you with a smile. “I hate you“ he jokingly whispers in your ear.

Heyoo long time no update I know😂 I hope you freaky people enjoyed this imagine💦 it's literally 2:30am I'm tired as fuuck😴 night y'all💞

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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