After the club🔥✨

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Before you read this I just want you to know, that this imagine is very dirty and if you dont like that, this probably isn't made for you🌚.
But to all the freaky people reading this, hope you enjoy😂💦.

After a long day you finally arrive at home.
You are so tired. You just lay yourself on your couch with chips and watch tv.
After like five minutes your best friend Sarah texts you:

S: Hey girl, whats up?
Y: Im so tired you cant even imagine
S: Noo you cant be tired! The girls wanna party tonight
Y: Hell noo, bitch im too tired
S: oh come on! You're gonna have a fun time
Y: nope girl, im so done
S: gurl! You better get your lazy ass up and come to the club. Pleaseee??
Y: but...
S: no you're coming. See ya later bye

And again Sarah persuaded you to go out. You can't hold her back now. So you get up and walk to the bathroom to take a shower.

You stand in front of your closet and look for a outfit. Dress or pants?
You put on the pants and look at yourself in the mirror.
"Mhh.. nope" you say to yourself and take them off.
You put on a light blue dress with a few accessories:

"That's way better" you think, then you walk to the bathroom again to do your make up

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"That's way better" you think, then you walk to the bathroom again to do your make up.

You hear Sarahs car outside. Seconds later you hear her yelling at you, while walking in "Hey bitch".
"Im in the bathroom" you shout back.
"Hurry I wanna go" Sarah says.
"Im almost done" you answer.
You take your stuff then you two leave.
The girl squad is already waiting in the car. "Hiii" Ashley says.
Chloe and Lola are a bit drunk.
"Did you already drink?" you ask laughing. "Yup" Lola says and smiles like an idiot.
You drive for like twenty minutes, then you arrive.

You sit at the bar, waiting for your cocktail. You see this stranger looking at you and biting his lip.
He is fricking fine, thats for sure.
"Your drink" the bar keeper says. You take a sip. This is delicious oml.
Chloe walks up to you. "Hii are you having fun?" she asks very drunk.
"Yes I am. Are you?" you say. "Im having soo much fun.. theres this guy and we kinda have something going you know.." she laughs and walks on the dancefloor.
Suddenly the guy from before is next to you at the bar getting his order.
"Hey girl" he says. Holy shoot his voice is hot. "Hii" you say.
"Why is such a beautiful girl like you sitting alone at the bar?" he asks.
"Well, I wanted a drink and my friends wanted to dance.." you answer.

"Since you are alone here and im alone.. why dont we keep each others company?" he says. "I mean nothing speaks against it so... I guess we could do that" you say flirty.
He smiles sexily at you. "So, whats your name?" you ask.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you... Im Justin" he says. "Well im Amy" you say with a smile.
"Why are you here?" Justin asks.
"Just to have fun" you answer. "Are you having fun?" he continues with questions. "Yes I am" you say and smile again. Justin smiles too.
"And why are you here?" you ask Justin. "Just for fun too" he answers.
You both laugh.
"Is it just me or do you feel this too?" you ask laughing.
"Honestly I feel it too" Justin answers
"are you down to go outside?"
"Yeah sure" you say.
He takes your hand and you two go outside the club.
You walk along the street to a silent place. "Its so peaceful here" Justin says "the last time I was at a place this silent, I still had long hair" Justin laughs. "You had long hair?" you ask giggling. "Yes like a long time ago" he says and smiles.
"Haha" you chuckle. You just keep walking silent.
"Hey uhm.. do you wanna go to the club again?" Justin asks "Im kinda in the mood for dancing now".
"Same" you say.
So you stroll back to the club.

You can already hear the music again.
"Omg my favorite song is on, hurry!" you say and start to run.
"Hey...wait!" Justin says laughing, while going faster.
When you arrive at the club, your song ends.
"Noo frick" you say. Justin arrives too, still laughing. "Oml haha you're hilarious"
The next song is a bop so you still go on the dancefloor and get lit together.
You dance very close to each other.

You have a lot of fun and you both feel the chemistry

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You have a lot of fun and you both feel the chemistry.

Suddenly a more calm song comes on and you get even closer to each other.
Justin grabs your waist and you put your hands on his shoulders.
You basically hug each other while dancing.
After the song you go to the bar and get drinks.

You talk and laugh, just having a fun time. You get really drunk and just forget about anything else but Justin.
All your worries go away and you feel very save being with him.
He comes closer to you and before you realise what he is doing, Justin crushes his lips on yours.
You kiss each other very passionate.
After like two minutes Justin pulls away and takes your hand.
You both get away from the bar, making your way outside.
Justin hauls you to the parking lot.
Then he takes out his keys and opens his car.
"Come on" he says and you get in the car. You lay on the backseat.
Justin gets behind the wheel.
"Noo Justin! I want you now!" you say.
"I dont like car sex" he says and smirks at you.
"But..." you say, then Justin interrupts you "but you're horny?"
"Yess" you say getting sexually frustrated.
Justin smirks again. "Justin stooop" you say.
"Ok.." he says still smirking.
You get really frustrated again.
"But Justin.. while we're driving... can I at least touch myself" you say and put your hand in between your thighs. "I dont mind it" Justin says and bites his lip “I mean no!“
He drives his car out the parking lot.
You still get yourself comfortable, then you lick your fingers to make them wet. Again you teasingly slide your hand between your legs.
You start to move your fingers in circular motions, pleasing yourself.
"Mmhh ugh" you moan.
You look at Justin from the corner of your eye. You know that you tease him with your moaning.
So you keep getting louder and you move faster.
After only seconds Justin takes a deep breath and pulls the car over.
"Are you trying to caught an accident?" now Justin gets sexual frustration.
You smirk at him. You can tell that hes tired of this and then very fast he gets in the backseat too and kisses you hard. He slides his hand down your body and replaces yours.
You moan in pleasure. “Im so mad that this is what you wanted with all this“ Justin says breathing heavily.
Then he kisses you again.
He kisses like a fucking god.
“I want you so bad Justin“ you say turned on “I want all of you inside of me“. Justin unzips his pants and takes out his boner.
“Sit down and relax“ you say and go down on him.
Slowly you start to suck on his tip.
“Omg babe..“ Justin groans.
You swirl your tongue making him catch his breath. Then you take him a little deeper in your mouth.
“Yes babe deeper“ Justin says and pushes himself deeper.
You deepthroat him. “Ahh fuck“ Justin moans.
You get up to his face again and you two make out. Justin starts to finger you again. “Justin.... dont stop“ you moan. He is on top of you.
Then before you can do anything, he thrusts himself in your vagina.
“OMG“ you scream then you kiss him again.
He is so fucking hard.
“You feel amazing babygirl“ Justin whispers in your ear and thrusts even harder. “Ahh Justin dont stop“ you moan. He gives you so much pressure.
He goes faster making you want him even more.
“Justin!“ you say. “Cum for me babe“ is Justins response.
He goes even deeper, making you feel like you're in heaven.
“Justin.... im gonna..cum“ you moan.
He takes you higher and higher then you reach your climax.
“Justin omg“ you say out of breath and kiss him.
He pulls out and lays down beside you.
“That was amazing“ he says breathing heavily.

Hope y'all enjoyed. If this was too dirty for you don't come for me, I know that its really freaky and I warned you😂✨

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