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You get home from school.
You throw your stuff on the floor and walk to the fridge.
"We literally have no food.." you say to yourself "MOOOM" you shout.
No answer. So she's not home.
But I'm hungry, you think.
Where is my mom tho, you ask yourself and decide to call her:

M: hey sweetie, what's wrong?
Y: nothing.. I was just wondering where you are, cause I forgot.
M: I'm in another country rn. Did you really forget that? I'm coming home in a few days..
Y: right.. I really did forget that. Now I remember
Y: but we have no food in the house
M: then go buy yourself food. I put some money on the dinner table. Do you see it?
Y: yeah I do. But when will you come home, exactly?
M: In three days.. on Monday
Y: well, see ya then
M: bye and be brave❤
Y: always.. bye❤

Your mom ends the call. Guess I have to go to the supermarket now, you think.
You call your friend Loren.

Y: what's up?
L: I'm bored af
Y: wanna come over?
L: sure

A few minutes later Loren arrives.
"Hello" she says "Hello hoe" you answer. You hug each other.
"We have to go to the supermarket. I literally have no food in this house"
"Lets go then" Loren answers.

You two arrive at the supermarket and stand in front of a shelf. “Should we get pizza or what else..? I think I want.. idk what do you wanna eat Loren?“ you say to yourself and then ask Loren.
“Hmm.. what about.. literally the only thing that's in my head is pizza😂“ Loren answers. “Ok then we take pizza😂❤“ you say.

After you got your stuff in the supermarket, you go to another store to buy alcohol. You wanna have fun tonight and you might invite some more friends over to your house. 
After you got all your stuff, you and Loren go back to your home.
“I swear I'm starving😩“ you say. “Same here. I haven't ate anything for like 5 hours😥“ Loren answers. You put the pizza in the oven while Loren texts some other friends to come over.

You eat the pizza and watch tv.
“Who did you invite?“ I ask Loren.
“Lilly and her boyfriend, my crush and Justin😏“ Loren says.
“Oml I love you for that😏“ you say.
You've had a crush on Justin for quite a while now. So you're hella excited.

You still watch tv, when the doorbell rings a few minutes later.
You and Loren go open the door.
“Heii“ Lilly says, who is standing outside. “Hii, come in“ you say and hug her. “Hello“ her boyfriend Mark says. “Heyy“ you say and hug him too.
“Uhmm... are you guys hungry or something“ you ask them. “No we just had dinner but thanks“ Lilly answers.
You all just keep on watching tv.
Only like two minutes later, the doorbell rings again. You stand up and walk to the door. You open it and it's Justin and Lorens crush.
“Hii“ you say and they both come in. Justin hugs you as well as Lorens crush, Aron. Y'all go in the living room and its down on the couch and the floor. We just talk a bit while the tv is still on.
“Hey what about if we play truth or dare?“ Lilly asks.
Everyone agrees. “So.. Loren, truth or dare?“ she then asks Loren.
“Truth“ Loren responses. “Hmm.. when and where did you had your first kiss and with who😏😂“
“Omg nooo.. that was so embarrassing🙄😂“ Loren says.
“Yeah I know, that's why I asked it😂“ Lilly says. “Oh god.. ok so uhm.. it was with Nicolas, the fuckboy of our school.. ahh noo why am I even doing this😥😂 i was like 13 and we were in the same class. And one day after school, I've had a crush on him, he like talked to me and then just suddenly he kissed me and I was so shook... ahh... that, I don't know why, but I stick out my tongue and he was so disgusted, that he never talked to me again😅😂“ Loren tells us.
“Omg this is still so funny😂“ I say as we all laugh. “Ok.. I'm asking you, Mark. Truth or dare?“ Loren asks Mark. “Dare“ he answers.
“Ok I dare you to make Yoga with Lilly“ Loren says. “Ok😂“ Mark answers.

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