Waking up

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
I open my eyes, only to see four boys standing over me. One with ginger hair, a purple hoodie and green overcoat. The ginger haired boy was making beeping sounds, and another boy slapped him in the face.
"Ow.." he said. The next had a green hoodie and brown hair. Another one had a blue hoodie light brown hair, and what seemed to be no eyes. The last one had a red hoodie, a small bandage on his face, and orangish-brownish spiked hair.
"Are you alright?" The guy with no eyes asked. I groaned.
"W-where on earth am I?" I said, trying to remember what happened.
"How did I get here?" I muttered. 
"We found you bloody, and unconscious on the streets," The ginger haired one spoke.
"So we brought you to our house," the brown haired one said.
"Wait, where's my brother?!?" I said, sitting upright from what I thought was a bed. The group looked at each other.
"Please tell me you saw my brother to!" I said. They shook their heads no. I started to breath in and out quickly, as I pulled off the covers, and stumbled out of bed. The ginger haired guy tried to catch me, but I shoved him away.
"If theirs any chance my brother is out there, I need to go find him!"  I looked around for a door. 
"You're in no condition to go outside, you can barely stand up!" The ginger haired boy said.
"We don't even know your name!" The brown haired guy protested.
"It's Y/n..." I said.
"Cool, I'm Edd, that's Matt, Tom, and this is Tord," Edd said. I raised my eyebrows.
"Tord? I take it he's foreign," I said.
"Wow Tord, they guessed, lucky huh!" Matt said. Tord rolled his eyes

"He doesn't talk much, does he?" I said.

"It's better when he doesn't talk," Tom said. Tord growled. I giggled, and Tom smiled.

"Oh shut up, Tom!" Tord said with a accent. Wow he was foreign. My mind started worrying about my brother, and my mother. I attempted to walk forward, but it felt like the world was being tilted ,and I slammed into the wall, and fell down onto my stomach.
"Ow.." I said looking up, to see Edd, Tom, Matt, and Tord rush over to me.
"Are you alright, Y/n?" Matt asked me, and I gave a crooked smile and nodded. They looked at each other, with worried looks.
"I'll be fine, guys," I said, standing up. I tried to walk over to the door, but something picked me up.
"Put me down this instant!" I said.
"Sorry Y/n, but you'll just have to stay with us for now," Matt said, holding me. I groaned.
"But where will I sleep?" I asked them.
"You can sleep in my room, I'll sleep out here on the couch," Matt said.
"But I don't want to be a bother," I said.
"Nonsense," Matt said.
"What about clothes, and food?" I asked them.
"You can borrow some of my clothes," Matt said, and I looked away and blushed. I looked down at my f/c hoodie, there was lots of dried blood on it.
"As for the food, I'm sure it would be ok if you stayed here for awhile and had some food and stuff," Matt said looking back at the guys and the nodded. He grinned.
"Good! Do you want to take a shower?" Matt asked. I nodded.
"I'll get you some shampoo some soap,and I'll also get you a shirt and some shorts." Matt said, setting me down, and rushing to what I think was his room. He came back out a few minutes later with a white towel, a f/c colored shirt, a f/c colored pair of shorts, some shampoo and some soap. He led me to the bathroom.
"I'll be down stairs, leave your other clothes in the bathroom," he told me, as he went down stairs to watch tv with his friends. I opened the door, shut it and locked it. I started the water,  and took off my clothes.

~Time skip~

I put on the shirt and shorts Matt gave to me, and set my other clothes on the counter near the sink. All of the blood was off my skin and out from my hair, and I felt so much better. I looked at my f/c hoodie, and sighed. Maybe if I asked, one of them could wash it. I loved my hoodie. I picked it up, unlocked the door, and opened the door. I walked down stairs, and the guys were watching tv.
"Um, my hoodie is bloody, so could one of you possibly please wash it?" I asked, as they turned their attention to me.
"I'll wash it for you Y/n," Edd said.
"Thank you !" I said, smiling. I hugged Edd. Edd blushed. I stopped hugging him.
"Here's my hoodie Edd, thanks again!" I said smiling again, as I handed the hoodie to him.
"What time is it?" I asked Matt. He looked at a clock.
"10:00 pm, why?" He asked me.
"I better be going to bed, good night guys," I said.
"Good night," they all said. I walked up the stairs, and into Matt's room. I snuggled under the covers, closed my eyes, and quickly fell asleep.

[Edited on 3/14/18]

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