Cat shirt

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My eyes fluttered open, then scanned the room. Huh, must have fallen asleep on the couch. I chuckled, then sat up. I sighed. My e/c colored eyes scanned around the room for the guys, but no luck. I shrugged it off. My stomach grumbled. When was the last time I ate? I don't even remember, maybe like two days...? I got up, and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, looking for something to eat. I found some milk. I closed the fridge to see if there was some cereal. I mean I'm not gonna have the milk out if there is no cereal. I looked in the cabinets. I found a box of cereal. Yay! I got the milk back out. I grabbed a bowl, and a spoon. I poured the cereal in, and then I poured the milk in. I heard footsteps, so I raised the spoon in my hand as a weapon. Tom walked into the kitchen looking tired. He yawned.
"What are you doing Y/n...?" He mumbled.
"Oh it's just you.." I said. He turned his head in confusion. He looked at me holding the spoon.
"Are you gonna kill me with a spoon? Because the way your holding it looks like you wanna kill me.." he said, eyeing the spoon.
"No..I'm just making some cereal.." I said. Tom shrugged, then walked out of the room. Hmm.. I was hungry.. how do my clothes smell? I lifted up my shirt, and sniffed it, then decided that it stunk. I decided that I would have to borrow some ones shirt, until I or someone else did the laundry.
"Hey anyone have a shirt I can wear until someone does laundry!" I yelled. No reply.
"Ugh... I guess I'll just go up there and speak normally, and not shout," I said, walking up the stairs. I popped my head around the corner, and peeked into Tom's room.
"Hey Tom!" I shouted.
"Ah!" He said startled and jumping.
"Sorry," I said.
"Do you have a shirt I can wear until someone does laundry?" I asked. He blushed.
"Um... sure..."
"Do you have a dog shirt?" I asked.
"No," he said.
"A dinosaur shirt?"
"How about a cat shirt?" I asked.
"No...wait, yeah I do!" He said. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a shirt, that looked way to big for me, but it was ok. I smiled. He blushed.
"O-k imma just go out of the room while you change..." he said, hurrying out of the room. I pulled off my other shirt, and put on Tom's shirt. The bottom of the shirt covered up my shorts.
"Hey Tom?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said.
"Why do you even have this shirt?" I asked.
"I don't know..." he said. I walked out of his room, with my shirt in my hand.
"Hey," I said, as he was walking back to his room.
"Thanks for the shirt," I said. I hugged him.
"Well, now I gotta go doodle art," I said, then running downstairs.

| Ok so, sorry that this took so long to be published, I was like updating every week or so, and now it's been over a month. So I tried to make it because some girls take shirts from their boyfriends, but I'm not saying your Tom's boyfriend or anything, but yeah hope you enjoyed, and the chapter picture is of Tom's shirt, or at least the cat shirt I imagined, but you can have it be anything you want. Till next chapter, bye! |

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