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"So...Tord, you wanna go to the movies?" I said, I looked over at Tord, and saw his cheeks turn pink.
"Like on a d-d-date?" Tord stuttered.
"No , with Edd, Matt, and Tom!" I said giggling.
"Do we HAVE to go with Tom?" He said groaning.
"Yeah, unless you wanna be what Tom calls you:'Commie!'" I said, giggling.  Tord laughed.
"What's so funny?!?" I said, still laughing.
"It's annoying when Tom does it, but it's cute when you say it," he says laughing. I laughed harder, blushing like heck.
"I'll go ask Tom, Edd, and Matt if they can come to the theater!" I said, running into the living room.
"Do you guys wanna go to the theater? Tord's coming too!" I asked them.
"Sure," Edd said.
"Cool," Matt said.
"Sounds fun," Tom said.
"Great! Can I pick the genre?" I asked them.
"Sure," Tom said.
"Yay!" I said, throwing my hands in the air.
"Tord, they're coming, to!" I said, yelling into the kitchen. Tord walked into the living room.
"Hmm...I pick [favorite genre] for the genre!" I announced.
"Lets go, then," Tom said.

~Le Time Skip~

We arrived at the movies.
"Five tickets to f/g, please," I said.
"Sure, how are you doing today?" The lady asked.
"Good, I can't wait to see that movie!" I said. She smiled.
"I'm paying," Edd said, as he handed her the money for the tickets. She gave us the five tickets.
"Thanks!" I said.
"Your welcome!" She said. We walked inside.
"Do you guys want anything?" Edd asked.
"Can I have some f/c, please Edd?" I asked him.
"Sure, I'll get some cola while I'm up there," Edd said.

Edd came back with a box of f/c, and two cups filled with cola.
"Lets go!" I said, as we went into the movie theater.

The movie started, and I sat next to Edd and Matt. I poured some f/c onto my hand and ate it. I took a sip of my cola. I felt the air vents turn on. Man, what is it with people and the air conditioning in the movies, it's like they go crazy with the cold air. I shivered. Edd noticed that I was shivering, and he wrapped him arm around my shoulder. His arm was warm. I thanked god that the room was dark, or else everyone would have noticed that I was blushing. I saw Matt look at me, I was still shivering.
"Y/n, are you cold..." Matt whispered, and I nodded.
"I'll put my trench coat on you," Matt whispered.
"No Matt, it's your coat," I whispered back to him.
"Edd, they're cold, can you move your arm so I can put my coat on her?" Matt whispered to Edd. I looked at Edd, he hesitated, but after a few seconds he moved his arm off of my shoulder. I felt Matt put his coat on me. This thing was warm.
"Thanks," I whispered to Matt.

After the movie, we went outside. It was nighttime, and the stars were shining.
"The stars look lovely tonight," Tom said. I smiled.
"Yeah they do!" I said, giggling.
"Not as lovely as you Y/n, though..." Tom muttered. I blushed.
"What was that, Tom?" I asked him.
"Uh.. n-n-nothing!" He stuttering, and blushing.
"Sure...sure..." I said, smirking.
"Really!" Tom shouted.
"I believe you..." I said sarcastically. Tom rolled his non existent eyes, or at least tried to.

|Story key:|
|f/c = Favorite Candy|

[edidted 3/14/18]

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