He found us

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[Chapter idea byAphroditeey ]
I yawned and opened me eyes. I fell asleep on the couch after watching the cats with Tom and Matt. It was a pretty good show. I wanted to go buy some new clothes seeing as I was still wearing Tom's shirt, but with jeans to.
"Guys, can we go shopping?" I yelled.
"Sure, I want more novelty toys!" Matt replied.
"Matt, you have more novelty toys than a girl had shoes," Tom replied.
"It's true," Tord said.
"C'mon Tord-le!" I smiled.
"Your still saying it?!?" He said surprised.
"I wonder if I can put it on my grave 'was friends with Tord-le!"! I yelled. I was knocked down in a blur.
"Hey!" I said.
"You asked for this!" Tord yelled. He started tickling me.
"H-h-hey, that tickles!" I yelled.
"I won't stop until you stop calling me that!" He replied.
"Never!" I said.
"I'll change the grave stuff," I said.
"To was tickled to death by Tord-le," I replied.
"Hey!" He replied.
"Alright Tord that's enough," Tom said, after pulling Tord off me.
"But I wasn't done yet!" He exclaimed.
"Everyone garb there stuff lets go!" Edd said. Tord ran to his room, and grabbed something. I assumed it was a gun.
"Bacon flavored cola, now with more bacon!" An add ran on the televisions as we passed by.
"That doesn't sound to good," I said.
"Hey, cola's amazing!" Edd replied, defensively. I rolled my eyes.
"Shopping montage?" Matt asked. I nodded.
"Shopping montage!" I replied.
I came out trying many different out fits until I found some I liked in my style. Tom got some beer from a bar, Matt got more novelty toys, Edd got loads of cola, Tord somehow managed to get his hand on an Ak-47, which I didn't want to question, he said he knew some people. I trusted he wouldn't shoot me. We were heading back to the car, when I heard a familiar voice,
"Y/n!" That was my fathers voice. I wasn't imagining it.
"Guys, that's my dad." I said.
"The one that did something to your mom and brother?" Edd asked. I nodded. Tord pulled out his gun that he brought with him, thankfully not the Ak-47.
"He try's anything funny, I'll shoot him," Tord stated coldly. My father rushed up to me.
"Y/n, thank the heavens I found you!" He exclaimed, reaching out to touch me.
"Get the hell away from me you psycho!" I screamed, causing people to turn and look.
"Hey, get Y/n there is a good explanation of why I did that," he said slowly.
"Well i don't wanna hear it, for all I know you could have murdered mom and my brother!" I screamed. He reached out for me, but Tord grabbed his arm.
"Let go of me son," My dad said.
"While I would like to marry Y/n, I don't think I want to be your son in law," Tord stated, as I blushed. Tord showed his gun.
"Hey, easy there kid,"
"You hurt Y/n, you hurt her again, you'll pay, and I don't mean in money, I mean in your soul," Tord stated. Mg father gulped, then he pulled out a pocket knife.
"I have another gun with me, I don't that's going to do much good on me," Tord said.
"Oh it's not for you," dad said, with an evil grin, as he darted forward, just as Tom stood in front of me, taking the blow.
"Out of the w-" dad was caught of mid senctance by a punch to the stomach.
"Everybody freeze, the police screamed. Tord put his gun away fast.
"Uh oh the po-po," I whispered.
"What's going on here?" They asked.
"This psycho path tried to stab her, but stabbed me instead, and he is her father. Also he threw her out on the street, hit her mother, and god knows what he did to her brother!" Tom screamed, blood dribbling down his arm where the stab wound was.
"Is that so?" They asked. I nodded.
"Alright, off to the slammer, dude," one of the guys said, as they dragged my father away.
"No let me hit her, he doesn't deserve to live!" He screeched.
"You don't either!" Tord yelled back.
"Tom are you alright?" I asked.
"Just a stab wound." He replied.
"Lets go get some bandage," I said.

After we bandaged Toms arm up. I hugged Tom and Tord at the same time tears in my eyes.
"Thank you two, who knows what would have had happened if it weren't for you guys being here," I said, smiling. They hugged me back.
"Your welcome, Y/n," Tord said. I thought back to when Tord said he wanted to marry me.
"Hey Tord?" I asked him.
"Did you really mean it when you said you wanted to marry me?"I asked him, after pulling away from the hug.
"Uh...w-w-well you s-s-see..." he said, sheepishly. I smiled, blushing.
"I already know the answer," I said.
"Your not mad?" Tord asked.
"No, besides I think it's cute you have a crush on me," I said. He face instantly became Red as a tomato. I giggled.
"Aww....I'm surprised the guy with a Ak-47 is blushing," I grinned.

[There you have it, I think this is my  longest chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this! Until next time!{

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