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|YEAH! Third day in a row updating!|
I yawned and sat up straight. I rubbed my eyes. I just woke up from a nice slumber filled with my favorite things. I thought about [favorite Icecream flavor], and I drooled slightly. I wonder if the gang could go out for icecream.
"Guys!" I yelled.
"What?" Tom yelled.
"Can we get icecream?" I pleaded.
"No," he responded.
"Pleeeeaaasssseeee!" I whined.
"Fine!" He replied.
"Edd!"  Tom called out for the green hoodie boy.
"What? This better be important, I was drinking cola!" He replied, sounding irritated.
"Y/n wants icecream!" He said, sounding annoyed also.  After a long pause, Edd replied,
"Do they have cola flavor?" He said, sounding like a six year old kid on their birthday.
"Maybe..." Tom said, followed by the sound of a thump, and footsteps.
"I'm buying!" Edd said, so happily. Aww.... that's cute, he's so hyper!
"Matt and Tord come over here, I'm buying ice cream!" Edd yelled. I heard more footsteps, I knew that was Matt.
"Ice cream!" Matt screamed.  I jumped up and down.
"I know, right!" I yelled. Then I heard the sound of slow footsteps, I knew that was Tord.
"Come on Tord, don't be a Tord-le!" I grinned.  He groaned.
"Not funny!" He yelled.
"You sure?" I said, laughing. Then Matt started laughing. I kept laughing, and was laughing so hard I fell on the floor, along with Matt.
"They acting like such kids right now," Tom muttered.
"H-hey, you tr-ry making a p-pun about T-t-Tord!" I managed to say in between gasping for air in between laughs.  Tom groaned. Then he picked me up and put me over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I yelled, still giggling slightly.
"Not until we get to the store," he said. I crossed my arms.
"Hi, what would you five like today?" A lady who worked there asked.
"I'll have [favorite ice cream flavor], please," I asked.
"Do you have cola flavor?" Edd asked, trying to stay calm.
"Yes we do," she said. Edd screamed.
"Is he ok?" She asked me.
"He just really likes cola," I said, then she nodded. Tord got cherry, Matt and Tom both got chocolate, Edd got cola flavor, and I got [favorite ice cream flavor]. We were eating the delicious frozen treat outside at a table.
"Thanks for paying Edd," I smiled. Everyone else thanked him as well.
"No problem," he smiled. I finished my ice team in a few minutes, then everyone else did but Tord.
"Hurry up Tord-le," I grinned. He stopped eating his icecream, and glared at me.
"I think I'm going to keep calling you that," I laughed. He gave me a look that said stop, but I continued anyway.
"Tord-le," I said one last time, then I giggled.

|Sorry this chapter is a little bit shorter than the past two ones, I need some more ideas, let me know in the comments, sorry if I don't pick your idea|

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