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A/n: OMG guys we just hit 1,000 reads! I'm so happy right now! Thank you so much for reading this book, I hope you will love it as it continues to grow and get longer. Onto the story!

I sat on the couch in a new set of pajamas that I bought with some money I had in my old hoodie pockets. I wrapped a fuzzy blanket around me and turned on the tv. I scrolled through the anime selection, and stopped at The Seven Deadly Sins. I remember watching that show a little while ago, King was my favorite. I decided to make some popcorn, after all, I was gonna watch all of the episodes. I got the hot and buttered popcorn out of the microwave, and sat back down on the couch, and snuggled under the blankets again. I pressed play, and started to eat my popcorn.

Halfway through one of the episodes, Tom came in.
"What are you watching?" He asked me.
"Anime," I replied.
"What's the point of it?"
"It's The Seven Deadly Sins, I don't think you would like it," I said.
"Your right, what's up with that floating kid, how old is he and why is he trying to kill someone the kid looks like he's thirteen, he's insane. " Tom said. I grabbed a fist full of popcorn in my hand, and threw it at Tom's face.
"Hey!" He yelled.
"Don't trash talk about King, he would beat you in a fight easily with his Chastiefol," I said munching on some more popcorn.
"You mean that stupid pillow? What's he gonna do sleep?" Tom said. I threw three more fistfuls of popcorn at Tom.
"Would you stop doing that?!?" He yelled.
"I'll stop when you stop trash talking King!" I yelled.
"If you would so kindly leave Tom, I'm watching Anime, you can watch it to, but only if you won't trash talk King," I said, snuggling more into the blankets. Tom rolled his eyes, and walked out of the room.

Matt walked into the room.
"Hey Y/n what are you watching?" Matt asked me.
"Anime," I responded.
"The Seven Deadly Sins anime," I said.
"Cool," Matt said.
"Can I watch to?" Matt asked me. I nodded.
"Can you share some of the blanket?" He asked me. I nodded again, and pulled some of the blanket off of me. Matt got under the warm blanket, he was very close to me. I felt my face start to heat up, so I covered my face with some of the blanket, making it look like I was cold. Matt didn't seem to notice how close we were together.
"Y/n why did the orange haired guy try to kill the blue haired guy?" Matt asked me.
"The orange haired guy is King, and the blue haired guy is Ban, they have kind of a awkward friendship, since Ban fell in love with King's sister, and King's sister died, and King thought Ban killed her," I said explaining things.
"Why does King look like he's thirteen? How old is King?" Matt asked me.
"King's a little bit over one thousand three hundred years old, he's a fairy, and fairies live a long time," I said.
"Wow, he lives forever, I wish I could live forever," Matt said.
"I'm going to go Y/n, have fun watching anime," Matt said, as he left the 
I was watching another episode when Tord came in, and sat on the couch, I blushed.
"What is that?" He asked.
"Anime," I replied.
"Is there blood in it?" 
"Yes," I said.
"I wanna watch!" He said.

"I didn't like it, there wasn't that much blood, later Y/n," Tord  said as he walked out of the room.

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