A hug

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When we got back to the house,I remembered that I had my phone in the pocket of my hoodie, maybe Edd hadn't started washing my hoodie. I ran to the laundry room, and saw my still bloody hoodie on top of the dryer. I reached into the pocket and pulled out my phone. It still was at full charge. I opened up my text messages, and clicked on my brothers list. I read the last text he sent me.

Brother: Hey Y/n, just wanted to say that I love you! (。・ω・。)

I smiled after I saw the face he added in after. I looked at the date, he sent it to me, two days before what my father did. I decided I should try to text him.

Me: Hey brother, I'm really worried about you, you there? (>﹏<)

I waited for several minutes. Nothing. He almost always responds right away. I sighed, and turned my phone all the way off, to conserve battery. Maybe he'll respond later... hopefully, my father didn't murder my brother. I know my brother, and as much as I would rather it be me, I know that my brother would rather it be him that was killed, instead of me. I missed him so much. I felt tears start to stream down my face. I lay down on the floor, and put my hood from my hoodie on my head. I curled up into a ball, and cried. I tried to do it as silently as possible, but here and there was a couple of hiccups, and sniffles. I head footsteps.
"Y/n? Are you all right?" It was Tord's voice. I nodded.
"I'm f-f-fine..." I muttered, in between sniffles.
"Why are you crying?" Tord asked me.
"It's n-nothing..." I muttered. I heard Tord sit down.
"It clearly isn't nothing, Y/n. Do you wanna talk about it?" Tord asked me. I nodded, and sat up, and turned to him.
"I m-miss my brother, and my m-mother... and I'm worried that my f-f-father will or has already h-hurt them..." I managed to mutter. I hiccuped, again. Tord hugged me.
"I know that your worried, but your mom and brother would want you to be safe, right?" He asked me. I nodded.
"They wouldn't want you to be sad," Tord said.
"I know b-but..." I trailed off.
"No, try to be positive, at least a little bit," Tord said, and I nodded. I hugged him tighter. Thankfully, I was crying, so I wasn't embarrassed that I was hugging him. I don't know how long I was hugging him, but it made me feel better. I hiccuped again.
"Everything's gonna be alright, Y/n.." Tord trailed off. I heard footsteps.
"Y/n, you in here..?" I heard Tom call from the hall.
"No!" I couldn't stop myself from saying. Ugh, I'm so stupid sometimes! The footsteps got closer.
"Where are you Y/n, are you in he-" Tom walked in. His face was pink.
"Uh.... am I interrupting something...?" Tom asked.
"Yeah, you are!" Tord shouted, still hugging me.
"Ok...? Is Y/n ok...?" Tom asked. I stopped hugging Tord.
"I'm fine Tom," I said, smiling.
"You sure?" He asked me, and I nodded.
"Ok..then..." Tom said as he walked out of the room.

[Edited on 3/14/18, if I missed any errors, please let me know!]

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