Home with Tord

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Before the story starts, a quick A/n, we hit 3,000 reads on Take Care! I'm so happy, I want to thank everyone of you for using your time to read this when you didn't have to. I'm sorry Im not updating as much as I used to, and I'm sorry the chapters are shorter, but I'm trying to manage to publish chapters even if they are short, so I apologize for the lack of length in the stories, but I hope you enjoy the story anyways. Okay, onto the story.

I woke up with my head pounding, I groaned and sat up. My e/c eyes scanned around the room, I was in the living room.
"What... happened...?" I muttered, rubbing my head.
"Is anyone home?" I shouted.
"Just me!" I heard Tord call. I mentally groaned in my mind.
"Hey Tord can you come over here?" I shouted. I heard footsteps, then I saw the boy in the red hoodie standing in front of me.
"What is it Y/n?" He asked me.
"How long have I been staying with you guys?" I asked him.
"About three or four days, why?" He asked me. I shrugged.
"Okay, well I'm just gonna go do something..." Tord said, walking out of the living room.
"What are you gonna do?" I asked him. Tord froze in his tracks.
"S-stuff..." He stuttered. I narrowed my eyes at him.
'What's he planning?' I thought to myself.
"Uh...bye!" Tord said dashing out of the room. I rolled my eyes. I yawned, and felt sleepy. I got comfy, lied down, and went to sleep.

I heard a creak, and I opened my eyes, awake. I saw Tord about to go out of the door.
"And where do you think your going?" I said, seeing Tord freeze, and turn around.
"Oh h-h-hey Y/n...." Tord stuttered.
"Where you just gonna leave me here?!? What if Tom saw you left, you know he would kill you!" I shouted.
"What, no...pfhhh...please...I wasn't gonna leave you..." Tord said nervously.
"I knew it..." I muttered.
"You don't care about me... and after you tried to comfort me a while ago... I should have known I couldn't have trusted you..." I weakly muttered. I felt a single tear slid down my cheek, and hid under the blankets. I felt more tears stream down my face. I felt Tord sir down on the couch.
"Y/n I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you, or tried to leave you, for that matter. I'm sorry, is there any way for me to make it up to you?" Tord asked. I sniffled.
"If you won't come out from under the blankets yourself, I'll do it for you," Tord said , pulling the blankets off of me. Tord saw me with puffy red eyes, and I saw a single tear slid down his face.
"Tord are you all right?" I asked him.
"It's my fault your upset, I shouldn't even be here..." he muttered.
"Tord, don't say that!" I shouted.
"It's true," He said, more tears streaming down his face.
"Look at me, Tord...." I said. He turned his head to look at me.
"Your an amazing person, and I like you for who you are... okay?" I said, and Tord nodded.  He smiled.
"Y/n?" He asked me.
"Have I ever told you your beautiful, even when your crying..." Tord said. I blushed, and giggled.
"No, but you have now," I said.
"Y/n..." Tord said.
"I have something to show you..." Tord said, blushing slightly.
"Okay, what it is..?" I asked.
"This," he said, leaning in towards my face, and kissing me on the lips. It made my body tingle with electricity, like I was on top of the world. I blushed a lot, but at this point I didn't care. I melted into the kiss. I didn't know how much time went by, but I must have been a lot, because we didn't even hear the door open, and there was Tom, standing in the door way, holding groceries. He gasped when he saw the boy in the red hoodie kissing me, set down the groceries.
"I'm gonna kill you Tord!" Tom screamed, and Tord pulled away from me.
"Uh oh," I said, blushing.
"Now, Tom lets just talk this out Tom, let's take deep breaths... it's okay..," I said trying to calm Tom down. Tord was backing away.
"Excuse me, Y/n, but I need to kill Tord now," Tom said, charging towards Tord. 'Oh geez, this is not gonna end well.' I thought to myself.

So what did you guys think of Y/n's first kiss? You can change Tord to your favorite character and Tom to who ever you want it to be, I just like Tord a lot.

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