The wedding

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[Before I start, I want to thank all of you. Whether your are a reader from when I first started writing this back in 2017 or a new reader who stumbled upon this messy story by chance, I want to thank you. Your continued support has kept me going, despite tough times. I guess I should talk about why I thought it to be a good idea to pull the plug on this story. I've been going through some tough shit lately and I haven't really felt like writing much anymore. It's become more of a chore than an escape as it used to be. I used to just write this for fun as a way to distract myself from the world, but I became more and more dissatisfied and it caused a lot of panic and nervousness from not writing. I felt guilt and shame for not writing for a month or two. I felt legitimately sad and disappointed and disgusted with myself and how lazy I was being. I nearly had a panic attack stressing myself out over Halloween chapter I was supposed to write last year, same for the Christmas chapter I was supposed to write last year but I never did. Although I have only been on Wattpad for two years I feel like this is my home and my family, and I'm sorry for letting my family down but I feel like it's time for me to move on and work on better projects like music magic. I know some of you may be upset about my decisions but I hope that you can learn to forgive me and respect me and my choices. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating but I think it's time to pull the plug. Thank you for your continuous support and love. I actually do read most of the comments and they do make my day when I'm sad. I hope you all can love this book and I love my work. This book is like my child and I think it's all grown up and I'm ready to send it off to college. Anyways, if you have any questions about me or the book, don't be afraid to ask it in the comments. As long as it's not anything very personal or sexual, I'll be happy to answer. A little warning, though this chapter does have some vulgar language, as well as some more sexual content. You have been warned, but I hope you enjoy. ;)]

Today's the day. I'm getting married to Y/n, the love of my life. I love everything about them from their smile to their hair to the way they care about people and animals and care about me. I've always had a certain fondness for them. I couldn't let any of the other boys get them so when the time was right I asked them if they wanted to go on a date with me. They actually said yes, which ended up making me feel like the luckiest man in the world. I am the luckiest man in the world in fact, because like to marry them today. All the other boys are jealous and upset about not being able to have a close relationship like I do with them. But if they want to be with them so much they should have asked them out. I love being with them. I love cuddling up to them every night in bed and whispering I love you in their ears. I love the movie nights that we have together, where we watch scary movies and they get scared and cuddle up against me. I feel giddy and like a little boy on around them. I finally popped the question a couple months ago. And they actually said yes! I am the happiest man in the world and luckiest man. Everyone was at the wedding everyone we had met, except for their dad. I fucking hate that bastard. If he ever tries to hurt Y/n again, I will hunt him down and torture him. I will protect Y/n with my life.

I went down the aisle, nervous butterflies fluttered around at my stomach not caring that I felt nauseous. I know Y/n probably aren't nervous, as they've never been really nervous around me. They've always been more of an outgoing person, but still an introvert at times. Why they fell for somebody like me I will never know. I took a deep breath, smoothing out my suit. I glanced at the guys, they took notice of this, giving me a thumbs up while grinning. I took a deep breath once more, before proceeding to walked down the aisle. Y/n was still being prepared by her mom. Before I reached the alter though, her brother stopped me.
"Hey, if you ever hurt my sibling, I will rip your guts out and feed them to you, as well as your dick." I nodded while I stuttered an ok. He stuck his tongue out while he ruffled my hair.
"Take good care of them," I nodded. Honestly, Y/n's brother is VERY defensive. I readjusted my tie, before walking to the altar. I waited around for a couple of moments before a stunning beauty made their way down the aisle. They grinned at me as my heart fluttered. My face turned pink and my breath hitched in my throat. I gulped before giving back a weak crooked smile. They grinned even more, which cause a swarm of butterflies to create a tornado in my stomach. They made their way to the altar. They stood in front of me, their face pink. I started at their face so much I got lost in thought, and the priest had to tap me on the shoulder when it was time for the vows. I glanced into their eyes, those beautiful eyes.
"I do." They replied with the same answer. I didn't think it was possible, but I was more nervous than ever. I leaned in for a kiss, pressing my lips against theirs. They were soft as clouds and tasted sweet like honey. I pulled away, and for a moment, they looked at me. Then they forcefully pressed their body against mine, causing me to fall. Cheers erupted from the crowd, as we made out on the ground. It was as if we were the only ones at the wedding. We pulled apart, breathless. I took notice of their red face. I smiled.
"That was amazing," I said, grinning. They burst into a fit of giggles.
"You're adorable when you laugh," I said. They grinned, before giving me a quick peck on the lips. They stood up, before making their way to dance floor. I followed. The DJ had already started playing music. As we had arranged the wedding around the evening, the sun had already set. Everyone was dancing. Y/n grabbed hold of my hand as they pulled me towards the edge of the dance floor, where the refreshments were located. I could feel the music plusing through my body. It was very loud. They poured themselves a glass of some kind of alcoholic drink. I poured myself the same. The downed the drink in a couple quick gulps.
"Woah slow down!" I said. They grinned at me, biting their lip. They grabbed the bottle and started chugging it.
"Woah! Are you okay?" I asked, surprised.
"Yes, I just want to get a little drunk," they replied. I raised my eyebrows.
"A little?" They rolled their eyes and laughed. I drank my drink. A new song started playing. They gasped.
"THIS IS MY SONG!" They yelled. They grabbed my arm and pulled me to the middle of the dance floor. They started to dance.
"Dance with meeeeeeee" they pouted, I laughed. I started to dance as well. I close my eyes feeling the rhythm, and after a moment that wasn't the only thing I was feeling. I felt someone softly grinding against my ass. I squeaked before turning to face the person. It was Y/n, their face red.
"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered.
"You know damn well what I'm doing," they said. I did, I just couldn't believe it.
"Is it the alcohol talking?" I asked.
"Maybe," they said in a flirtatious tone. I had a suspicion where this was going, I just didn't know if I was ready.
"Y/n I-" they cut me off with a forceful kiss. Their tongue slid inside my mouth. My face was hot and red. They continued to grind against me. I wondered if anyone was staring. Then I realized I didn't care. This was our wedding and we could do whatever the fuck we wanted. I kissed back. Starting to grind as well. This felt wrongdoing in public but I wanted Y/n to be happy. We had rented a beach house for the after party and the wedding itself.
"Wanna go inside?" They asked after pulling away. I nodded. They grinned and once again grabbed my arm. We practically ran to the house. We stumbled inside. There were also snacks in here. I made my way over to the table with Y/n, glancing at that bottle of alcohol. I grabbed it, chugging it. I drank about half before Y/n snatched the bottle.
"Hey, I wasn't done with that!" They grinned.
"You want it? You're going to have to get it," They winked and went up the stares.
"So this is how you want to play it, huh?" I followed them, my face still red. I walked into the bedroom. They were lounged out on the bed, smirking at me. I grinned. I practically pounced on them. All of the alcohol must have gotten to me. Within a moment, somehow I was on the bottom.
"How did this even happen?" They shrugged. They brought their face to my neck, before kissing and nibbling. I shivered.
"P-people are gonna wondered where we a-are..." I stuttered.
"It's our wedding night. They probably saw us grinding. It won't be hard to piece the pieces together." They said. That was true. I moaned slightly. They chuckled. I was basically squirming underneath them. They were in control.
"Y-y/n..." I shivered again.
"Yes?" They said while smirking.
"Don't play innocent, you know what you're doing to me," I said.
"I don't know what you mean..." they said. They had sat up and been tracing circles on my arms. They were sitting on my lap. I hugged.
"You're such a tease-" they pressed their lips against mine. They smelled of coconut oil and alcohol. On anyone else, it might smell disgusting, but on Y/n it was heavenly. They sat up again and started to take my shirt off, along with my belt. They continued with my pants. The rest of the night was a blur. 

I woke up the following morning with a massive headache, feeling nauseous. I rushed to the bathroom before puking my guts out. The only thing I threw up was last nights poor drink choices. I hadn't eaten anything, so I was starving. I made my way down to the kitchen. I glanced in the fridge. I decided to cook pancakes, bacon, and eggs for everyone. Besides Y/n and I, their brother was the only other one here. The sizzling of the frying pan and the heavenly aroma woke him up. He leaned against the doorframe.

"How was last night?" He asked me, causing me to jump.
"You startled me, dude, not cool!" He shrugged.  I sighed, running my hands through my hair.
"Honestly, I don't really remember. I remember them kissing me, and then undressing me, but nothing past that.
"Pretty convenient excuse," he replied.
"I was drunk as hell dude!" I said, angrily flipping one of the pancakes.
"Sure..." he said.
"I had over half a bottle of alcohol dude!" I protested. He raised an eyebrow.
"I'm done talking to you," I mumbled. He took a seat at the table. A couple minutes later I served him a pancake with a frowny face made out of whipped cream on it along with some eggs and bacon. He burst out laughing. He pretends pouted at me. I started laughing too. Y/n walked in a moment later, with a very severe case of bed head. I giggled.
"What are laughing at?" They asked.
"Your hair,!" They rolled their eyes before giving me a kiss on my face.
"Good morning beautiful," I said, grinning.
"You guys are so sweet you're giving me diabetes," Y/n's brother said. I snorted. I have Y/n their food. They have a great made out of whipped cream on their pancake. They grinned. They shoveled the food into their mouth before smiling.
"Guess you were hungry too, huh?" They nodded.
"It's delicious!"
"Thank you, but please don't talk with your mouth full," I said. They proceeded to say something, not from the English language. I snorted.
"Why did you serve everyone else before yourself?" They asked.
"Because that's what chefs do, ones that have a good sense of decency," I replied. They replied with an 'oooooohh'.  I finished making myself breakfast. I took a deep breath before scraping down the food.
"Woah slow down!" Y/n said to me. I didn't.
"I'm famished!" I said, my face stuffed full of egg, bacon, and pancakes.
"Don't talk with your mouth full." Y/n said.
"Touché," I replied. I continued eating. I even went back for seconds. By the time I was done, Y/n had gone back to bed. I cleaned up after everyone. I washed the dishes, before heading upstairs. I walked into the bedroom, and got into bed, becoming the big spoon. I kissed Y/n's neck. They giggled.
"This feels nice," they said.
"Let's stay like that forever," I said, closing my eyes.

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