My mom

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Hi guys! Sorry for the late update, and short chapter. I wanted to thank you guys for all your support, it really means a lot to me. Also , I found a Tom! (●°u°●)​ 」 Anyway, onto the story.

I giggled.
"Brother, I-i-i can't believe it, your alive..." I whispered. He nodded, then hugged me tighter.
"What did dad do to you and mom?" I asked. He stoped smiling.
"Let's not talk about that, Y/n..." he said, setting me down, then pulling his hoodie father down. I grew suspicious.
"What's under your hoodie...?" I asked him.
"N-n-nothing!" He stuttered. I narrowed my eyes.
"Just let me see!" I said. He tried to push me away, but I managed to get past his arms. I slowly pulled up his hoodie, to see small cuts that turned into scars. I gasped.
"Did he do this to mom?" I asked. He shook his head.
"Thankfully, no..." he muttered. He looked up.
"Anyways, who are these boys, your boyfriends,"he grinned. My face turned pink.
"Hey!" I said, embarrassed. He laughed, then I laughed m.
"Let me introduce you to the gang," I said. I started with Edd.
"Here's Edd! He loves cola!" I said while grinning. Edd held out his hand for a high five. My brother then high fives Edd. Then we moved onto Matt.
"This is Matt, who is a narcissistic ginger, but is slightly sweet," I said, to my brother.
"Hey!" Matt said. Then we moved onto Tom.
"This is Tom, he has a high interest in Smirnoff, and enjoys playing the guitar," I said.
"Hey, mate," he said to my brother.
"Lastly we have Tord... how should I explain him... he enjoys riflery," I said, avoiding the fact that he shoots a lot, because my brother would freak out if he knew about what Tord was really like.
"Hello," Tord said, with his norwegian accent. My turned to look at me, then gave me this look he always did, when he thought of something. Then I realized it, I had a thing for guys with accents, I'm not sure why, but I did. I glared at him.
Don't. You. Dare. I thought.
"Aww... Y/n, you always did say you wanted to date a guy with an accent," my brother said.
That's it!
"Shut up!" I said blushing. He started running away from me.
"I'm gonna get you!" I yelled. I eventually caught up to him, and jumped up on his back.
"I got you now!" I yelled. He only ran faster.

When he finally slowed down, I realized, I hadn't talk to my mom that much.
"Where's mom, brother?" I asked him. He pointed to a booth. I walked over to that booth.
"Hey mom," I said grinning. She looked at me, smiled then hugged me.
"Let me show you the gang," I said, then grabbed her hand, and led her to where the gang was.
"This is Edd, Matt, Tom, and Tord," I said pointed to each one. I saw mom looking at Tord.
"Tord say hello," I whispered.
"Hello," Tord said. My mother squealed in delight.
"I love his accent, Y/n! Plus he's cute!" My mother said excitedly. Tord blushed.
"Mom, stop, your embarrassing me," I whispered.
"Sorry Y/n, it's just I want you to be taken care of, find the right guy, settle down and have grandbab-" I placed my hand on my mothers mouth, my face tomato red, and Tord's face tomato red also.
"Mom, stop it," I whispered.  She smiled.
"Sorry," she said. I sighed, and an uncomfortable silence was in the air after.

[So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, this is how my mom would react, at least. Until next time! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ]

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