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|I feel so proud after updating two days in a row!|
I had asked the guys if they wanted to play paintball. They agreed, and I eyed Tord suspiciously. He was grinning, I'd never seen him this happy.
"Only use the guns they have there ok Tord?" I said.
"Psssh...." I wouldn't dream of it. I raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe I would..." He said.
"Give me your hoodie," I said, filled with determination.
"Excuse me?" He asked.
"You heard me," I said. He shrugged and handed over the red hoodie. I shook the hoodie, and a gun fell out. I looked at him.
"Really?" I said.
"Ops..." he muttered. I shook my head. I shook the hoodie again and several more guns fell out.
"Where do you get all the bullets to fuel these," I questioned.
"I know some people, Y/n," he said, grinning. That creeped me out.
"What are you a sniper? Or do you shoot for fun, like hunting?" I asked. He started to say something, then shut his mouth.
"Alright I think I got all of them," I said.
We arrived at the paintball place, and everyone chose their color. I chose f/c. I loaded the paintball gun, and looked around for Edd. I saw his shoulder out from behind a tree.
"Gotcha," I whispered, as I shot the ball.
It hit the back of Edd's shoulder, causing him to turn around, just as I ducked back to my hiding place. We were going for most hits. The person with the least splatters wins. So far, Edd had three, Tom had two, Matt had five, and I have one. I didn't know how many Tord had. He was pretty decent. I scouted for Tord. I saw some hair behind a obstacle, and then realized it was just Matt, but I still fired. I saw tall hair poking from behind another obstacle, there's Tom.
That makes three. Now if Edd's there, Matt's there,and Tom's there, then where is Tom...?
That was no paintball gun. I turned slowly to the direction of which it came from, and the user was non other than Tord himself. Of course.
"Tord what are you doing," I spoke slowly.
"Playing paintball," he said like it was no big deal.
"With a real gun!" I whispered.
"Nah, this is just a really fancy paint gun," he said.
"Prove it?" I said.
"How?" He raised an eyebrow, grinning.
"Shoot me," I said. His grin dropped immediately.
"A-are you s-sure?" He whispered. I'd never seen Tord scared, it was kinda cute. I nodded. He raised the gun, shaking. After what felt like forever, he lowered the gun, and sighed.
"I can't..." he muttered.
"I'm sorry what was that?" I said.
"I fricking can't shoot you, Y/n!" He screamed. Diverting everyone's attention from the game.
"Why, you said it yourself 'it's a fancy paint gun,'" I quoted him.
"I..lied.. I'm....sorry...." he said.
"I don't want to lose you because of me," he chocked out, tears staring to drip down his tan face. I dropped my paint gun.
"Geez, this is embarrassing, I don't like to cry..." he mumbled. I ran over to him, embracing him in a tight hug.
He returned the hug.
"I-I'm sorry..." he said.
"It's fine," I said, smiling. He then muttered several things in Norwegian, which I sadly couldn't understand. I chuckled.
"Mind speaking some English, buddy,"
He shook his head, I sighed."
"You've calmed down at lot, that's good," I said.
"Y/n they've stopped playing, and they're staring," he whispered. I shrugged.
"Hey you need this hug!" I said.
"Yeah, I guess that's true," he said.
"So...about earlier...." he started.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I'm sorry I cried," he blushed.
"Everyone cries Tord, its what makes us human," I replied.
"Robots can't cry, because they would power down," I said. Tord hugged me, again.
"Thank you...for being there for me.. who knows what could have happened if you weren't there..." he said.
"Yeah yeah," I said.
"I mean it," he said.
"I know," I replied. He squeezed me tighter.
"I need-*gasp*oxygen!" I said.
"Oh right sorry," he let me go. I took several deep breaths.
"Thanks again," he said then walked out of the room.

|This was a long chapter, your welcome! Until next time!|

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