Sick day

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I opened my eyelids slowly. I felt groggy and tired, despite going to bed earlier than normal last night. I glanced at my alarm clock. 10:36. How am I still tired? I groaned and lifted the sheets off my body, and sat up. I felt my forehead, I felt warmer than normal. Then I felt like I was going to throw  up. I rushed to the bathroom, and puked out last nights dinner. That continued for a while until Matt came to see what all the noise was.

"What's going on?" He said yawning. He looked at me.

"Are you ok, Y/n?" He asked me.

"No, I'm dandy," I said sarcastically.

"I'm currently puking my guts out," I said. 

"You want me to get you anything?" He asked me.

"Maybe some Tylenol to kill this headache, and a bucket," I said. He nodded. He went to go search for medicine, and a bucket.  He came back with a bucket, a towel, and the Tylenol. 

"I got a towel in case you want to wipe your face off," he said. 

"Thanks," I replied. I grabbed the items and went back to bed. I layed down and almost instantly had to use the bucket. I used that bucket three or four times before I heard a knock on the door.

"Y/n, you  ok in there?" I heard Edd's voice. 

"Just puking my guts out," I replied.

"May I come in?" 

"Sure," I replied. Edd walked in with a worried expression. 

"Edd, remind me never to eat Tom's cooking again," I said.

" I don't think it was his cooking, I think you got food poisoning," Edd said. 

"I'll get you some cola," Edd said jokingly.

"Cola doesn't solve everything, Edd!" I said.

"Yes it does!" He said back, trying to be serious.

"Cola will cure you of your sickness!" Edd said loudly. I heard footsteps in the hall.

"Out of the way commie!" I heard Tom say.

"No, I'm gonna get there first!" I heard Tord reply. They both tried to shove their bodies through the door frame.

"That's not gonna work," I said flatly.

"But I have to see you first!" Tord said. I rolled my eyes. I glanced at Edd.

"Please bring the children in," I said. Edd walked over to them, grabbed Tom by the ear, dragged him in, then did the same with Tord.

"Ow," they both said.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"I wanted to help you feel better, by comforting you," Tord said.

"I wanted to keep him away from you," Tom said pointing at Tord. 

"If you really want to help, go pick up some Tylenol from the pharmacy," Edd said.

"But I-" I started, he put his hand over my mouth.

"She was going to say she didn't need it, but shes in pain," Edd said. Tord and Tom looked at each other. They ran out of the room, got into the car and drove to the pharmacy.

"I already got Tylenol from Matt, why did you tell them I needed it?" I asked.

"So they can leave you alone. I know they're just trying to help, but bickering and fighting isn't going to help," Edd said.

"and because I wanted to help you feel better," he said.

"How are you going to do that?" I asked.

"Lay down on your side and close your eyes," he said. I did that, then a few moments later I felt warmth on my back. I opened my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked, blushing.

"Cuddling you," Edd said. I felt nice. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I was woken by a voice.

"what the hell?!" I heard someone shout. I slowly opened my eyes and yawned.

"What were you doing Edd?!" Tord shouted. He was holding a plastic bag that I assumed had Tylenol in it. 

"Cladding Y/n, what does it look like?" He said, smirking. I blushed. 

"That's not fair! I wanted to cuddle her!" Tom said pouting.

"So did I!" Tord said. 

"Well, Edd beat you to it," I said, still blushing.

[So I hoped you enjoyed this. Sorry there wasn't much interaction with Matt, Tom, or Tord. Normally my chapters aren't focused around Edd, normally Tom or Tord. So I mixed it up. I need to do a Matt based chapter soon.

What's your favorite sick food? ]

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