See Him

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"I can't wait to see daddy!" Aubrey squealed as we got on our plane. "Me too!" Harmony said excited. "Mom I'm scared." Ben said. He doesn't like planes. "It's okay buddy. Remember after we get in the air it's not that bad. You always get freaked out." I giggled. "You're right." He said. He sat by me and held my hand as we sat Down and get ready for take off. We were flying to Moscow.

After hours of flying we finally landed. The kids were sleepy and I had to carry Harm to the car. Thankfully Bill was there to help me. We got everything in the car and then headed to the hotel. "Hi Bill." Aubrey said. "Hi Ms. Jackson. How was your flight?" He asked. "It was good. I miss you and daddy." He smiled warmly. "Well I know your father misses you all very much and I miss you guys." "Mom can I sit up front with Bill?" Ben asked. "No you're not old enough." I replied. "Were gonna sneak you guys in the back then me & the other security will bring your stuff up." He said.  I nodded. "There's some scarves in that bag by your feet." He said.  I handed the kids their scarred & they knew what to do.  I covered Harm face & my own just in case. We got to the hotel where security was waiting for us. We hurried out of the car. They surrounded us guiding us inside. We got in an elevator taking us to Michael. "Were about to see daddy guys!" I smiled. Aubrey squealed. Ben was just acting goofy. "Were taking you to your room first & he'll be there in a little bit." One of the security guys said.  "Why aren't we staying in his room?" I asked confused.  "There's not enough sleeping room." He replied.

We got to our room & we just kind of sat there waiting for our luggage & michael.  30 minutes passed. "Where is he mom?" Ben asked getting impatient. "Why is he taking so long!" Aubrey said frustrated. "I don't know baby girl." I said. 10 minutes later there was finally a knock on our door. "Who is it?" I asked. "The most handsome person in the world." I smiled knowing that was Michaels cocky voice. I unlocked our door & opened it. The kids were quick to jump off the beds and run as I opened the door. He got tackled by hugs by Ben & Aubrey. "Where's Harm?" He asked.  "Shes asleep." I replied. "I missed you daddy!" Aubrey said getting upset. "Princess don't cry." He said softly. Tears soaked her face. "I'm so happy to see you." She cried. He wipped her tears. He stood up just holding Aubrey as she cried. She's been having a really rough time.  She kissed his cheek "I love you daddy." "I love you so much." He replied
   "Who's that?" Aubrey asked. I looked to see who she was talking about. Then there stood Lisa Marie Presely behind Michael. "That's my friend I wanted you guys to meet. This is Lisa guys." He smiled setting Aubrey down. Aubrey looked at me unsure. "Go say Hi." I said walking away to get Harm. "Babygirl guess who's here." I sang lightly. "Daddy?" She mumbled. I picked her up. "Yeah, can you wake up so daddy can talk to you?" I asked bringing her to him. I passed her off to him. She opened her pretty eyes. "Daddy.." She said tired. "Hey babygirl. Did you sleep good?" She nodded laying her head on his shoulder going back to sleep. We laughed. He laid her back on the bed then I finally got my 'Hello'. "Hey baby." He smiled. I hugged him tight as he hugged my back. I kissed him passionately as he did the same. "Ew!" Ben said covering his eyes. We just giggled. "I miss you." I said. "I miss you too." He said kissing me again. "Um were moving you guys to a bigger room up to my floor. They just got the room ready. Your luggage is up there." He said. "Are we good to go out there without our faces covered?" I asked "yeah. Come on." He said grabbing Harmony . He took us to our room. "This room is huge!" Ben said exicted. It was actually a condo. It even had bedrooms for the kids. The kids ran around around excited touching everything. "I'm gonna lay Harm down in your room so she doesn't get freaked out waking up in a strange room." He said. "Okay baby." I smiled. Then he left me here with Lisa.... "This tour is pretty great isn't it?" She said trying to make conversation. I shrugged, "Maybe if it wasn't so big and we could be here with him." "Well the big tours bring in the big money and I know it's stressful to bring families." She replied. "Money is just an object. Missing out on a year with your family is time you can never make up. Do you have kids?" I asked.  She shook her head no. "When you have kids you'll understand." I commented then walking away to check on the two older ones. "Mom look at this fridge! It has so much food!" Ben said in Awh. "Can we sleep out here and watch movies mom!" Aubrey squealed. "Haha, not tonight babygirl. You two go get ready for bed so daddy can tuck you in." I said. They ran off to their bed room and got ready. I was checking the kitchen out as Michael approached me. "You could be a bit more friendly you know." He said referring to Lisa. I put my hands on my hips, "is she the one who convinced you to do this tour?" I asked. He stayed silent. "Answer me." I said irritated. He took a deep breath. "Yes. I mean it was still my decision but she helped me figure out why it would be a good thing." He said. "Babe. Can we not do this? Please?" He said irritated. Jennifer said to let it go... "Okay, I'm sorry." I said. He hugged me. We stood there just embracing eachother. "I'll be home soon and we'll be okay." "But then you leave for another 6 months."I pointed out. He let go of me. "Why do I even try." He said walking away. "Babe-" "No. Just stop." He said walking to the kids bed rooms. I went in there shortly after. "Mom, what are we doing tomorrow?" Aubrey asked. "I'm not sure sweetheart." I replied looking at Michael. "I've got rehearsal that you guys are coming to then we'll hang out & do fun stuff." He said kissing their heads, walking right pass me. I hurried out the door to go after him. "Babe!" I said. "What Dre." He asked irritated. "What time is your rehearsal?" I asked. "10am. Get up at 8am." He said then just walking out the door with Lisa. I went to bed and cuddled Harmony. I have a bad feeling about this week.

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