Baby Shower

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Michael's been acting very strange. Hes hired extra body guards, he doesn't let me go out and if he does i have to have 2 body guards. The kids aren't aloud to go out side with out at least 4-5 people watching them. Hes hiding something. And Im going to get to the bottom on this. I walked down to his office, once he caught site of me he quickly hung up the phone. 

" Who was that?" i asked curiously knowing he wont tell me.

" Oh no body. Just business." he said. I stared at him trying to figure out how to approach him.

" Why are staring at me like that?" he asked.

" You're hiding something." I said in a serious tone.

" What, no im not!" He said defensive.

" No Michael, I know you're hiding something. And i want to know now. " i said demanding.

" What makes you think im hiding something?" he asked crossing his arms.

I listed off everything," and i know you better than anyone else. Now tell me." i said demanding.

" I cant." he said simply.

" Are you fucking kidding me!" i said

" Amber! Watch your mouth!" he shouted.

" No! this is ridiculous! you've hired like 5-6 new body guards! Michael i want to know now!" i shouted at him.

" No." he said simply.

" You're a fucking asshole!" i yelled slamming his office door, walking out.

" Amber!" he yelled after.

" No go away. I dont even want to see you. " I said.

" No, Amber come back and talk to me now!" he demanded.

" Go fuck your self." I responded.

" Oh my god! Amber! Watch you mouth! " he shouted

" Whose gonna make me?" i said

" Now you're acting like a child." He said crossing his arms.

" And your being a as-"

" Amber." he said in a warning tone.

" Butt head. There is that better?" i said throwing my hands in the air.

" Mommy, Daddy. Why do you guys keep yelling?" Ben asked walking into the room.

" Were having a conversation Ben." i said

" Oh really? We are?" Michael said.

" Go back and play with sissy.Okay?" i said giving Michael a evil look.

" Okay..." he said walking away.

" So were having a conversation now?" Michael said sarcastically.

" Okay, im going to give you one more chance to tell me. What are you hiding from me?" i asked trying to keep my cool.

Michael walked towards me, taking my hands into his," Listen okay? I cant tell you yet. You'll worry and freak out. Just know what im doing is to protect you guys. Once the baby is born ill tell you.Alright?" He explained.

" *sighed* Fine!" i said pouting.

" Do you know how cute you look when you pout?" he said smiling.

" Yes, i know. I remember you telling me that when i got mad when Levi spit on me...." i replied

His hand guided down to my belly," Only one more month and we get to meet you." he cooed.

" I cant wait to have her. Its getting to be to much carrying her around." i said exhausted.

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