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It's been 4 days since I got out of the hospital. I try to relax but I can't help but to go into full on mommy mode. Michael try's to do stuff, but there's a lot of stuff I have to teach him about new borns. Ashley helps out sometimes. I try to keep Ashley mostly on kitchen duty. these are Michael and i's kids. we need to take care of them. it's tough sometimes but that's how life is with kids. it's always rewarding.

Aubrey been acting weird though. she has a lot more attitude.... just another thing for us to worry about now.. oh and school. Michael and I are having such a hard time deciding on whether we should send them to school or home school them...I don't want them to miss out on the socialization but Michael doesn't want them exposed to the public. it's a hard decision. but starting next week they are being home schooled. Ashley will be doing that.

Bens been trying to help out. he LOVES being a big brother! he hates when harmony cries. he'll come up and sit by Michael or me and try to help calm her down. its to cute!

Michael doesn't leave the house as often. but sometimes he has to.

It is 9pm at night and I'm showering while Michael puts harmony to sleep. it felt good to shower. i haven't showered in two days! I felt so gross. I was almost done with my shower when the door slid open.

"Michael! what are you doing!" I said shocked covering my stomach.

"What I can't shower with you?" he ask stepping in the shower.

"Ye-n-n-yea-no!" I said mad looking at my feet. he grabbed my chin making me look at him.

" And why not?" he asked clearly confused.

He tried to move my hand from my stomach but I quickly covered myself again. " Why are you covering yourself?" he asked.

" Michael just stop!" I said getting out of the shower. I tide a towel around my body and hair. he stayed in the shower and finished up. I quickly got dressed and brush my hair and teeth. As I brushed my hair a light suddenly clicked in my head. I remember Michael said we were leaving after I gave birth and he put the house on lock down! he never told me why. as soon as the shower door slid open I asked him

" Why were we going to leave after I have birth?"

He wrapped a towel around his clearly aggravated.

"I don't know, why won't you let me touch you ?" he said finally looking at me.

" You tell me first."

" Nope, you tell me first." he replied

" Michael that's not fair."

" No you not letting me touch you isn't fair." he replied.

" You don't understand ." I whispered.

" I would if you'd tell me!" he said

I felt tears swell up in my eyes. I turned around and kept brushing my hair as tears hit my cheeks.
He wrapped his arms around, resting his chin on my shoulder.

" Amber, baby please tell me. I need to know." he said

" I feel so fat,I have stretch marks, I haven't showered for two days.... I feel like a cow, I look disgusting!" I cried.

" Baby is this what this is all about. you think I'm not attracted to you?" he asked.

" How could you?! Im disgusting! do you have any idea changes your body goes through after having a baby? I had to get fucking stitches down there Michael! STITCHES!" I replied.

" Baby, calm down. I'm still attracted to you. I understand your body goes through these changes. you just have to give you body time to go back." he replied

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