I thought you were my friend! Chapter one

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It was time. 12am! watching those damn animatronics always scared me a little. My name is Vincent or Purple guy as I am known. I don't mind kids it's the loud and obnoxious ones I can't stand! I'm not alone here I am with Richard. He's a nice guy even though his scars on his face puts some people off and he's very heavy handed. Although he has been gone for awhile now. He was meant to be doing the rounds to check on things like to make sure the doors were locked we don't want kids coming in and the animatronics finding them. I couldn't see him on any of the cameras. So while still sitting I pushed my chair over to the door way and looked down the hall, "Richard? where the hell are you?" I said but got no reply. I sat in silence and frowned, I heard a noise coming down the other hall way. I turned slowly, winded my eyes and took a deep breath, holding my breath I left the chair and ran to the monitors. Seeing Chica's lower jaw hanging down showing the endoskeleton inside. 'uh-oh' I thought to myself, "Vincent!! come here! help!" Screamed Richard, "shit!" I said quietly to myself I have no time to close the door on Chica! I made the choice to find Richard instead even if it meant I would most likely die, so I ran for the other hallway praying that Bonnie wasn't there, "Richard?! where are you?" I kinda yelled trying not to bring unwanted attention to myself, "Vince... in here" said Richard calling from the repair room, so I ran in without stopping slamming the door behind me. "Richard!....are you fucking drunk?!" I said feeling pretty annoyed looking at Richard leaning over the table in the middle of the room, as he looked down at an empty bottle of Booze. Richard Laughed and said "you are a fucking genius!" Richard pushed himself up off the table lifting his left hand over his shirt sighing and looking at my from under his security hat, "mmmmmm Vince, you know Purple really is your colour." he smirked. "Okay... thanks but you are a recovering alcoholic, you should not be drinking!" I said getting more and more pissed off at the fact we should be in the office not hiding. I turned around to open the door and leave and then the door was slammed shut again, ripping the door handle out of my hand and feeling something squeezing the back of my neck making a squeak out loud, "Richard! what the fuck are you doing?!" I said at the bottom of my throat. Richard kept a hold of me pulling me closer to him so he could sniff me, "mmmmmm you smell so good too" He pulled me even closer so I could hear him suck in air though his teeth, I closed my eyes tight trying to find the door handle even though I knew he still had his hand against the door. He bit a hold of my ear lobe and sucked "Rich...Richard ple..please stop!" I sniffed trying not to cry, but he didn't listen, he moved down to my neck licking , sucking, and biting my flesh. I started to shake, trying to hold back my tears, "I want sex" he whispered into my ear like a snake, my eyes widen as he picked me up by my throat and throw me up on the table, I tried to crawl away but he grabbed my legs and pulled me towards him, his eyes were black and he had a smirk on his face licking his lips, I kicked him in the face, "Richard, I'm sorry but please don't do this!" I whimpered he licked his lip to taste the blood that had came down from his nose and he looked at me clicked his neck to the side and said "MMMMM a fighter!" he continued to pull me towards him pulling off my pants and shoes, I tried to hold on to the table with all my strength scream for him to stop! He stopped for a moment but I froze why didn't I try to run for the door?! I heard him undoing his pants and shirt I caught a quick glimpse of Richard naked! Then I felt his hands holding on to my legs pulling me down off the table so my hips were hanging off the table, I clawed at the sides of the table while he kicked my legs apart, I felt his cock rub up against my ass cheeks and he leaned in to talk to in my ear, "Now you can play nice and do as I want or I can chain your hands together and treat you like the bitch you are! either way its going to happen! Now would you like a drink before we begin?" He held a bottle neck to face, and I turned away from it. "Richard you are NOT raping me! it's the drink making you do something stupid that you can walk away from!" I yelled as he grabbed my hands putting the chains around my wrists putting a pad lock on and throwing the key on his clothes, "Okay, have it your way Vincent" he replied with a sigh. I felt him put his hands on my ass cheeks and pulled them apart exposing my entrance, I was so embarrassed! Richard Purred when he saw my tight ring of muscle," I am going to have so much fun!" he put his hand in front of my face pushing his fingers into my mouth with force, "mm-no!" I yelled trying not to open my mouth and he got in making me feel ill as he pushed his fingers almost to he back of my throat, I gagged a little. "Awww poor baby can't take it can you?" said Richard in a sadist way, as he said that I felt his fingers circle my asshole making my eyes widen. I felt one of his fingers enter me pushing back and forth, then a second finger, making Richard moan a little "You are so hot! mmm so tight too I am so fucking hard right now!" he took another swig of drink from the bottle as he add a third finger pulling my asshole walls apart to make me stretch, I felt tears in my eyes starting to form. Richard throw the bottle against the wall in front of me and yelled "Enough!" he grabbed my waist and lifted me up a little and I felt the tip of his cock against my entrance, "No! please! Don't do this! Richard! PLEASE! I WONT TELL ANYONE! I SWEAR!" I cried as I felt him push his cock inside me making me want to throw up he pushed in all the way to the base making me scream, "Oh fucking Good Fucking God!!! you are so tight!" screamed Richard at the top of his lungs knowing no one would save me, he started to thrust in and out of me so fast he had to keep pushing back on to the table, I tried my hardest not to moan as the pain turned into pleasure! my body has betrayed me! I felt pre-cum leaking out of my cock, Richard grunting behind me made me cry out loud. Before I knew what was happening I had cummed all over the table and my shirt that I was still wearing, I cried, "Oh Fuck! you have tightened up! oh you feel so fucking good!!" yelled Richard, still fucking me pretty hard, "Ugh! I'm cumming!" he yelled again. my eyes widen as I yelled "PLEASE DONT CUM INSIDE!!" My cry was ignored as Richard Cummed hard so fast inside I could feel it! it made my Stomach turn! Richard was happy he sighed a laughed to himself pulling his cock out of my ass and reaching down to pick up the key, he then walked around the table, leaned over the table and looked at me. "Look at me Vincent" he said in a calm and low tone, I refused to look at the man who just raped me. "You know I can rape you again, so look at me" he said in a much more worrying tone, I slowly turned and looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I'm going to let you go now okay! it's almost 6am, now you can go home and do what you normally do, and you can forget this ever happen, now if you tell anyone what we did I will not only rape you again I will fucking kill you! got it?" he said lifting the key to my face, I just nodded. I just wanted to go home! To get away from him! Richard unlocked the pad lock and removed the chains, I slipped off the table and landed on my ass, Oh my God my ass!! I turned over to my side to put my pants back on, Richard who was stood in front of me just watching, I didn't dare look up at him, I just put my pants on and got up, walked towards the door praying that he wouldn't change his mind and want to rape me again. I heard the clock Chime 6am, so I knew it was safe to leave even if It wasn't safe there was no way in hell I would stay with Richard, I stopped in the door way and turned to look at Richard, I watched him put his clothes back on while drinking the rest of the booze from another bottle and I asked him the question that played though my head "Richard, why did you do that to me? I though you were my friend!" I started to cry a little again. Richard was doing up his belt and the shrugged and said calmly, "Why not?".

I closed the door on Richard and ran to the office grabbed my jacket and ran out the back doors, got into my car and cried while driving home. 'This is a fucking nightmare!!! Richard didn't do that!!' I thought to myself. When I got home I was meant by my younger brother Danny who was living with me, "Hey Vincent! how was work?" he asked waving at me while laying on the couch watching tv, I said nothing and walked past him, I felt weak, sick, dizzy. My head echoed with Danny's voice "Vincent! you're bleeding!" I remember falling on my knees and then darkness.

I woke up in the hospital, screaming. I saw Danny at the end of the bed telling me it's okay! A doctor trying to hold me down telling me to stay calm while a nurse on my other side was putting something in my IV drip saying to Danny "It will calm him down!" I felt numb. My eyes became heavy . I must have fallen asleep again.


Chapter one! Done! :)

You like? good! my wrist hurts now lol!

In case you wonder what they look like I recommended you take a look at the drawings that belong to Blasticheart! Link below!


Comment please to let me know if this is any good and if I should continue! Thanks! oxoxo

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