We need to talk.... Chapter five

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I am now 2 months and weeks pregnant. I decided to keep the baby. I don't know why I would want that but I just do. I feel complete. in a way. "Are you ever going to tell mom and dad?" said Danny flipping though the channels. "I guess, I mean this IS their grandchild. but how do you tell people that their son was raped and is keeping the baby?" I replied from the kitchen table. Danny Shrugged his shoulders and said "Maybe with a text message I mean they both live on their phones and stuff." That wasn't a bad Idea. I wouldn't have to face them right away. So I took out my phone and wrote the text:

"Hi, it's Vincent, I have something I need to tell you both, yes I have sent this text to both of you! so please read this, The reason I was in hospital was because I was raped. No I don't want to talk about it! and well....I'm pregnant. I'm 2 months and a week now. and I'm keeping the baby. I hope you still want to know me. if not then that's okay. Love you Vincent." I took a deep breath and tapped their names and then send. "Danny beware I told mom and dad by text so expect a call and a lot of bad words!" I said throwing the phone at Danny, turning quickly towards the bathroom, not to be sick I mean the baby is sat on my Bladder so I go to the bathroom a lot! "Okay but I got to go! my Girlfriend wants me to come over! you okay on your own for a little while Vince?" yelled Danny banging and clanging, Girlfriend?...what girlfriend? before I could ask Danny was gone slamming the God damn front door again! I hate it when he does that! 20 mins after Danny left my phone was going off every 10 seconds, looking at the text messages:


Dad: We need to fucking talk Vincent William Afton! I fucking hope this is a joke!

I sighed. dropped the phone on the table and covered my face with my hands leaning back in the sofa. 'aaaAHHHHHH!!' there was a soft knock at the door, I got of the sofa and opened the door. Oh Sweet Jesus. My heart was going mad again. "Richard?" I whispered, why did I whisper? "Hey Vincent. I don't mean you any harm, I just want to talk, I can stand out here if it makes you feel better, you haven't answered my text's or calls." Said Richard looking down the street. I said Nothing, what do I do?! "Yeah sorry I have had things on my mind." why the hell am I saying sorry to him?! I felt something in my heart like it was heavy. I swallowed hard and said "Come in Richard, we need to talk." He came in and sat down on the sofa, I sat down next to him, I took a deep breath, "Richard there's something I need to tell you, I don't know why I'm telling you, I just feel like its the right thing to do". Richard looked at me and said "Okay, what's the problem?" I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I reached into the draw next to where I was sat and pulled out the ultrasound and handed it to Richard. Richard took a hold of it and stared at the photo. "What? is this a joke?" said Richard looking at the photo, I stood up and at the time I was wearing a large jumper, I took it off to reveal my slightly round stomach, I whispered though my tears and said "N-no." Richard Looked up and his eyes stared at my gut, his mouth fell wide open, his eyes became huge, he stuttered, "U-uh! I- erm!" "I just wanted to tell you that the baby is coming in 7 months and 3 weeks time so." I cried wiping my nose and with my arm, Richard Jumped up and it scared me a little. He stared at me straight in the eyes, he grabbed my hips and made me squeaked a little as he pulled me close. I started to shake a little. His breath was warm, I, I wanted him to kiss me! "I'll help you in anyway you want me to help you." whispered Richard. I began to cry again, I put my face in his chest and he just held me. it felt good! He kept saying 'it's okay.' I pulled away to try and breath I cried to much and so hard I couldn't see. I looked at Richard and I think he was going to say something but I didn't wanna hear it as I kissed him. Richard's eyes widen, then closed as he kissed me back. After about 10 mins we finished kissing and sat down on the sofa again, Richard stoked my small round belly and smiled. I just watched his face reactions and I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep, Richard soon followed.


Vincent, Vincent, Vincent........... What are you doing?.... mixed feelings much. I know that Pregnancy's can do strange things to people but Dayum! lol   

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