Do you still love me? Chapter sixteen

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Vincent is 6 months and two weeks Pregnant. And he has a headache. Vincent had been getting a lot of those for a while now, He still can't trust Richard fully after what happened with Charles. So Richard had been banished to the sofa. Richard was at work, and Vincent and Danny was on the sofa, "Your still getting married right? I mean you do still love him?" asked Danny looking at the wedding book. Vincent didn't say a word, he just continued to stare at the TV. There was a knock at the door so Danny got up and looked though the spy hole. "Its Oskari and Jennifer." said Vincent. "How did you know?" asked Danny reaching for the handle. "Because they sent me a text saying they were coming over." replied Vincent. Danny let Oskari and his Girlfriend in, Hugs was exchanged. "Hey! how are you feeling? Oskari told me about what happened. Lets hope that Charles just disappears again huh!" said a very excited Jennifer holding a gift box. "Yeah lets hope so." said Vincent. "Here we got this for the wedding for you." said Jennifer handing the gift to Vincent, Vincent took it and smiled opening the colourful box. It was a box frame with a painting of a home with rocks for people. "Oh! my God it's beautiful! thank you so much!" sobbed Vincent. Jennifer aww'd and hugged him. " Jennifer teki sen sinulle" said Oskari. (Jennifer made that for you). Oskari looked at his girlfriend and Jennifer looked at him and he gave her a smile and a wink. Vincent Got up and put the frame on the wall.

*Time skip*

The day of the wedding. It was nerve racking. Vincent was playing with his tie, he kept making knots with it over and over again. a quiet knock was heard. "Yeah?" called Vincent starring into space. "How are you feeling sweetheart?" Asked his mom. Vincent snapped out of it and sighed. "I really don't know anymore." Vincent replied, Wilma frowned a little and walked over to him and tutted when she saw the state his tie was in. "You would never do your tie properly even as a kid, you always saw your top button. what's wrong sweetheart?" said Wilma sorting his messed up tie. "I'm scared. I have this feeling something is going to go wrong!" said Vince putting his fingers though his hair. Wilma could see he was close to crying, so she took him by the hands and lead him to the seats in the room and sat him down next to her. "You know I almost didn't marry your father, I almost walked away." said Wilma quietly. Vincent looked at her in horror, he didn't know this. "Yeah, I was scared, but I got over it when I realised how much joy and love we brought to each other. I knew at that moment I needed him , I wanted him." She continued to say. "I do love him but will he still love me after I give birth though?" asked Vincent resting his head on his mother's Shoulder, Wilma shrugged her shoulders and said "Becoming parents is no easy task! but nor is marriage." They cuddled for a moment and Vincent took a deep breath when it was time to get hitched.

*10 mins into the wedding*

"And do you Richard take Vincent to be your lawful wedded husband?" asked the priest. "I do" said Richard. "And do you Vincent take Richard to be your lawful wedded Husband?" Vincent stood still for a moment his heart was going crazy, he was shaking, he felt sick, he could feel the baby kick a little. "Are you okay babe?" whispered Richard. Vincent looked at him and said "Yeah I'm fine, and yes I do." the whole room sighed with relief. "Well I now pronounce you as man and husband, you can kiss each other." called the priest. Vincent and Richard Kissed, Vincent sucked in some air with a groan. Richard broke off the kiss and held Vincent's pregnant belly, "Hey are you okay?! do you need to sit down?" Richard asked him with Concern. Vincent shook his head and said "No I'm okay I think I don't know I feel ill all of a sudden." Vincent's dad came over and pulled a chair over to Vincent, "sit down and take a moment, Wilma get Vince a glass of water." Wilma rushed off. After a few minutes Vincent was okay, He grabbed Richard's tie and pulled him in close and whispered, "Don't you think this is your way out of not making love to me tonight as your new husband." They both smiled at each other, "So does this mean I can come back to bed with you?" asked Richard. Vincent nodded and kissed him again but not as his partner but as his lovely Husband. They made Love that night soft and gentle.


awwwwww!!!! :) <3 the next chapter will have a huge time skip! so you know what that means!!

Oskari girlfriend Jennifer is a real person btw! its my lovely friend and supporter RyugaSama! check her out!

and as for the gift, this is it -------->


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