Please don't tell mom and dad! Chapter two

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"Vincent? can you hear me? it's Danny, oh please wake up if you can hear me." sobbed Danny holding onto his older brother's hand. Vincent squeezed it making a soft moaning noise in his sleep trying to wake the fuck up, as he slowly opened his eyes the lights in the room blinded him, a wave of pain hit him like a bus, Vincent's eye shot open as he pulled himself up to grab a hold of his aching stomach, as he wrapped his arms around his middle he let out a scream, shaking his head side to side thinking to himself 'This Is a nightmare! it's okay! it's a dream! your safe! no one hurt you!' only to feel hands holding onto his shoulders and feeling someone pushing him down onto the bed "N-NO!! GET OFF ME! THE FUCK OFF! g--get off of me please!" he sobbed as his eyes blinded him with water, "Its okay Vincent! it's okay! your safe Honey!" said a soft voice. Vincent took deep breathes as he tried to calm himself, trying to see who the voice was, "M-Mom?" whimpered Vincent trying to clear his eyes to see his mother hanging over him, it was her trying to get him to lay down again to sooth him, she simply nodded, "Yes sweetheart its me" giving him a kiss on his sweaty forehead. Both of his parents were in suits, even when I was born they were in suits, I think my mother gave birth to me in a suit while still working on her laptop! Vincent's Father was on his cell phone with his back turned towards Vincent. Danny was worried as always I don't think there was ever a time that Danny wasn't worried. "William! your son is awake!" said my mother in her motherly tone, you know the one where you misbehaved in public and your mother tried not to make a scene but gave you the voice to make you stop. My father turned around to look at her and said "I'll call you back get that paperwork done BEFORE I get back to the office!" then putting his phone back into his pocket, taking a deep breath then walking up besides my mother not looking to impressed that I was even awake. "Vincent? you have been asleep for almost 3 weeks! everyone has been worried about you! the Doctor's thought you had slipped into a coma!" said Danny playing with his fingers like a scared child. 3weeks?! a cold shiver went down my spine. "What happened Vincent? Danny said you were bleeding and then you collapsed. Danny where was he bleeding again?" said our Father looking at me then towards Danny, Danny's face turned bright red and pointed behind him I guess to his ass, my Father took another deep breath and covered his eyes with his fingers, "Vincent if you are gay, that's fine but what could have possibly made you bleed so much that you had to have a blood  transfusion?" I couldn't answer him, I am ashamed! so this isn't a nightmare! Richard....he really did betray me! I felt sick, dizzy and cold. I wanted to leave! I tried to get out of the bed breathing heavily, "Vincent! no you have to stay in bed until the doctor clears you dear" my mother said kindly to me trying to get me to return to the bed. I fell down still holding the bed sheets, Danny reached down to help me back into the bed "Its okay Mom I got him, it's alright Vince" said Danny lifting me up like as if I was paper.

My parents decided to leave the room to find the doctor as they left and shut the door Danny Jumped up on the bed and looked me in the eye and said "What the fuck happened to you Vincent!? did someone rape you? you can tell me I wouldn't think any less of you, I just want to help!" I started to cry silently to myself I looked away from Danny who's eyes continued to follow me, Danny raised his hand to his mouth when he worked out that I was raped. Danny started to cry "I'm so sorry Vincent! please tell me! I don't want the details just tell me you know who it was!" sobbed Danny. I nodded as if to say I know who raped me. Danny put both his hands around my neck and rested his forehead against mine and sad quietly "Who was it Vince? do we know him?" I nodded and whispered "R-Richard". I could feel Danny shaking with anger or sadness or maybe both. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled to himself loud enough that only we could hear. I could hear Mom and dad coming back talking to the Doctor as the door opened I grabbed Danny's Hand and pulled him close looked him in the eye and Whispered "Danny, p-please! please don't tell mom and dad!!" We stared at each other for a second and Danny Nodded and whispered back "Promise but I don't like it". As the curtain was pulled back to reveal mom, dad and the doctor, The doctor spoke , "Hello Vincent! it is so very good to see you are awake! I am Doctor Sally Allen! I am sorry I am female we have a lack of male doctors you see, so but everything will be okay, I promise you." I looked at Danny who was trying to be brave I could tell that. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 'she is right, I'm going to be okay!'.


Notes from the writer:

I'm sorry it has taken me a few days to continue with this. It takes time for my head to Brain fart ideas! is this story any good? should I continue? I'm sorry if I misspell something blah blah blah writing has never been one of my strong points you see. I got an F in English but oh well life's a bitch. anyways Thank you for reading! comment please! THANK YOU! :)  

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