Tragedy. Chapter twelve

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Vincent is now 5 months and 2 weeks. The baby is starting to get heavier every week, his back felt like it was starting to break, He had Heart burn, the baby was moving a lot, his chest was hurting and he could taste metal in his mouth. Vincent leaned over the kitchen table and moaned a little, with the feeling of the baby pushing against his organs, Richard came out of the bedroom and walked down the hall towards the kitchen and living room area after hearing Vincent moan, Richard placed his right arm around his middle and his left hand on his round belly, "You okay babe?" Vincent nodded. "Yeah she is playing with my insides. I'm okay though really." Said Vincent getting up to stand straight. They were both wearing their uniform's ready for work, "Are you sure you want to go in today? the boss said its okay if your not feeling up to it." said Richard with concern in his voice. Vincent looked at him and smiled, "I'm fine Richard, I can't stay in bed forever, its driving me mad!". they agreed and headed off to work.

*Time skip*

At work everything was fine, the kids are having fun, the Animatronic's were playing their stupid song, parents talking to each other, but something didn't feel right to Vincent, he stroked his belly, and sighed. Richard came up beside him and held on to his shoulder's, "Hey you okay? do you need to sit down?" Vincent shook his head "No, I'm fine, It's just something doesn't feel right." Richard placed one hand onto Vincent's belly "Is it the baby? if it is tell me!" said Richard trying not to draw attention to themselves, again Vincent shook his head, "Where is Danny?" said Vincent trying to search for his younger brother, "I don't know Mike said he hasn't turned up yet, he was meant to be here 3 hours ago but he never showed up, maybe he is still with his girlfriend." Said Richard trying to sound optimistic. Vincent shook his head, "No, no something isn't right!" Vincent's tone sounded like he was starting to panic, Richard took Vincent by the hand and lead him away from the customers, took him into a different room and closed the door, Richard pulled out a chair and made Vincent sit, Vince sat down hyperventilating, Richard bent down to hold him still "Okay Vincent I need you to breath! I need you to calm down! Breath though your nose and out though your mouth okay!" Vincent nodded and started to breath in and out like the technique. He calmed down a little after a few minutes. Richard decided it was time to go home.

*Time skip about 4 hours later*

Vincent was in bed after his attack.   

Richard got a text.

Wilma: Richard, this is Vincent and Danny's mom, I need you to tell Vincent not to panic but Danny is in Hospital there was an accident last night! Violet is here too she is much worse than Danny! Thanks.

Richard's eyes widen when he saw the message 'oh God Vincent was right!' he thought to himself. He sighed heavily to himself, got off the couch to tell a sleeping Vincent. Richard walked into the room and sat on the bed to find that Vincent wasn't a sleep he just laying there talk to the baby, talking about how good her life will be and stuff. This was breaking Richard's heart, "Vince, your mom sent me a text, Its about Danny and his Girlfriend Violet......" 

*Time skip to the hospital*

Vincent was on a mission or something he was walking but fast! Richard had to jog to catch up to him, "Vincent! please slow down! Think of the baby! please!" Richard yelled to him but Vincent wasn't listening, he put one hand on his belly feeling the baby kick, but choose to continue looking for someone he knew, "Vincent!" a voice called from down a hall, it was his father, Vincent walked fast towards him with Richard following, Vincent throw his arms over his father as he started to cry, His father who was never very affectionate held his pregnant son, Richard could finally catch his breath and asked "How are they William?" William looked at Richard then looked away slightly, Vincent let go of his father and looked at him, "Vincent sit down please." asked his Father, Vincent did what he was told and sat down taking a hold of Richard's hand tight. William stood in front of them trying to find the words, "Danny is going to be okay, he may need to stay here for a few days, he has broken his arm and a few ribs." Vincent sighed and closed his eyes tight. He was so relieved. Richard put his other hand on Vincent's back and rubbed, "What about Violet?" asked Richard, William looked at Richard and shook his head. "She's dead. her injures were to severe." said William.  Vincent felt sick. His head was swimming. "I..i want to see Danny!" said Vincent between each breath trying not to panic again. William helped Vincent up and took him and Richard into see Danny, he was awake but drugged. When Danny saw Vincent he burst into tears, "Vincent! she's dead!! she's fucking dead!!" Vincent started to cry too as he grabbed his brother to hug him. Richard tried to fight his tears away, but it all became too much, Richard Left the room to get some air, Only to be followed by William, William grabbed Richard by the arm and held him in an embrace. Richard cried. "Its okay, you can't be strong forever, hell I have cried, just promise me you'll take care of my boys and my granddaughter that's all I ask of you." Said William, Richard looked him in the eye and said "I will."


Oh...Violet! :'( why am I so heartless!? I don't know. it was bond to happen. poor Danny. Vincent really needs to calm down huh.

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