I know what you did last night! Chapter eight

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A few days later while at work Richard was leaning against a wall watching the 'toy's as he called Freddy, Bonnie and chica sing and dance their stupid song when he noticed another security guy watching him, his name was PG, a short and strange man he almost looked like a child in a way, he grinned when he realized Richard caught him looking at him. Richard shrugged his shoulders and looked away, only to blink for one second to find PG in his face. Richard was taken back with the surprise. "What do you want Peter?" asked Richard folding his arms. "I told you before haven't I, don't call me Peter! its PG. And I would like to talk to you in private." PG said with a half smile with his hands behind his back. Richard shook his head to say no "if you want to talk then say what you have to say and leave me the hell alone." PG started to smile even more like as if he was the humanized version of  the Cheshire cat, "I want to share a secret with you that's all" he said twitching his finger telling Richard to come closer. Richard Sighed and leaned in, "What?" PG licked his lips and whispered "I know what you did last night Richie and oh my! I enjoyed the show!" Richards eyes widened then he realized that he and Vincent was not alone after all! "I also know you raped Vincent AND that he's pregnant! how did that happen hmm?" PG tilled his head to the side only to grabbed by his shirt and dragged to the storage room, As Richard locked the door he grabbed PG by his throat and hit him hard up against the wall, "Listen here you little shit! I don't know how you have come across all of this but what ever your planning leave Vincent out of it!" growled Richard though his teeth. "Oh Richard this is not how this works! now you Are going to leave Vincent and the baby within a month, you are not going to call him, text him, write to him ever again, you are going to disappear! or else I will tell everyone! everything!" Smiled PG. Richard took a deep breath though his nose and said "Why are you doing this? You don't care about anyone but yourself! Why all of a sudden are you trying to ruin this?" PG smiled "Because people like you don't deserve anything or anyone, you deserve to be alone, to rot! now do it by the end of the month or I tell everyone and I have the evidence!" Richard Grinned, "You are so full of shit!" PG giggled a little a pulled out his phone to play a video, it was Richard Raping Vincent! the little fucker recorded it! Richard closed his eyes and sighed putting PG down, PG stopped the video put his phone back in his pocket, sorted out his work shirt and said "Now are you going to be a good boy?" All Richard could do was think of Vincent and the baby, he had to save Vincent, even if it would break hi heart. "Okay, Okay PG you win." whispered Richard trying not to cry. PG smiled unlocked the door and said "Good boy, remember one month." PG closed the door and left Richard standing in the storage room alone.


PG YOU LITTLE SHIT!!! what are you planning?..........what ever it is, its not good!

Poor Vincent   :(

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