I think I want you. Chapter six

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Richard had woken up to find a sleeping pregnant Vincent, he slipped off the couch and dropped a note on the pad of paper on the coffee table. He slowly leaned down towards Vincent and gently kissed him on the forehead, then lowered down to his belly to kiss his child goodnight. Richard opened the front door slowly and left. a few hours later Vincent woke up to find no Richard. "Richard?" he called but no sound came back. Vincent stretched and yawned. He heard the front door knock and got up to answer it and he rose up of the sofa he noticed the note left on the table, it said the following:

'Hey beautiful, I had to leave, sorry I couldn't stay! I have to work tonight as you may or may not know, what joy huh! but I am excited about the baby! we can talk more once you have rested up! Love Richard x'

I smiled, while someone was still knocking on the door, "Okay! I'm coming!" I yelled folding the note and putting it in my pocket. I opened the door to find my Mother standing. "Vincent, I ..." she stopped in her tracks when she saw my stomach. I forgot! I wasn't wearing my jumper! I took her by the hand and pulled her in, she was still staring at me, when we sat down. I took a deep breath and told her everything.

"Wow. erm, I have no idea what to say, I mean of course I still love you, your my son! my first born! this is just a little hard to take in as you can understand. Leave your father to me! Okay!" said my mom looking at the ultrasound, she then raised her head to look at me and saw me crying. "Oh Vinny! its okay!" she said pulling me close to her to hug me, I put my head on her shoulder. I wiped my tears away. "Thank you for understanding why I have to do this!" I said still crying a little. We talked for awhile, I felt so close to her! I haven't felt like this for years! My mother left after a few hours. I wonder what she will tell my Father. Danny came home after awhile, he was sat on the sofa messing around with video games again, so I sat up at the kitchen table and took the note out of my pocket and read it again. I had this over whelming urge to leave and go to see Richard. So I got up and walked towards the front door, "Hey Vince, where you going at this time of night? it's 2am". said Danny still playing the game. "I need to go do something okay, don't wait up for me!" I yelled as I walked out the door, got into my car and left.

I got to the Pizzeria, drove around back and buzzed on the back door.  "Yeah?" said Richard over the intercom. "Richard it's me, Vincent, can you let me in please." I said covering my head with my jacket as it started to rain, "Yes!" said Richard sounding excited. the door buzzed and opened a-jar, I walked in, shook my jacket off and walked towards the security room, as I walked in the room Richard was standing up, waiting for me. We just stared at each other for a moment, I walked towards Richard, knocked his security hat off grabbed the back of his bald head and locked lips with him. It felt right. Richard kissed me back wit his hands around my back and as we broke off the kiss his hands trailed to my sides that leaded to my stomach. "Why are you here? not that I'm not happy about it but you should be in bed asleep." whispered Richard, we had to be quiet Because the Animatronics are awake, I hit the buttons to the doors to slam them shut and I grabbed Richard again and whispered, "I think I want you, I think I'm in love with you." Richard smiled and we both started to kiss each other again, in the dimmed light of the security screen.


:3 Oh.! I hope they know what their doing! maybe someone doesn't like this! maybe there not alone! ;) I am such a f*cking tease!   

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