TELL ME THE TRUTH! Chapter fifteen

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Vincent ran into a room and slammed the door closed, leaning against the door he sobbed loudly. "I'm such a fucking idiot!" he cried to himself, He heard footsteps heading in his direction, he soon reached up to the lock and slid the bar across so no one could get in. He heard knocking on the door, "Vincent, are you crying? baby please open the door." said Richard, Vincent shook his head and screamed "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE CALL ME BABY! YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE!" Richard got confused for a moment then released what he said to Charles, he closed his eyes and sighed, "Baby, please let me explain! Charles has a way of twisting my words! Yes okay I wasn't expecting you to fall pregnant, but I do love you!! Please.!" Richard heard a Huge bang hit up against the door, "VINCENT?!" screamed Richard, "Please Richard just go the fuck away." said Vincent after a few seconds of silence. Richard looked up at the ceiling and sighed, "Okay I'm going away, okay I'm not leaving the building but I'm going away from the door." Said Richard turning to walk away when he saw Mike and Jonas starring at him with anger and disappointment. "I think we need to talk my old son." Said Mike pointing towards the roof door. Richard didn't say anything he just nodded and walked for the roof, he was followed by Mike, Jonas watched them disappear, and he walk towards the door Vincent was hiding behind. Jonas Knocked on the door as  Oskari walked into go to work unaware of that's happened, he walked passed and nodded at Jonas as if to say 'sup?' Oskari walked into the security room. Jonas Knocked again and said softly "Vincent it's Jonas, I'm alone well  Oskari is here but he's here to work, can I please come in, I'm worried about you." a few seconds floated past when Jonas heard the bar unlock and the door open a crack. Jonas walked in and closed the door. Vincent sat back down on the chair and wiped his tears away. "I heard what he said and there is no excuse for it! that was unfair and uncalled for!" said Jonas. "I feel like such a fucking idiot!" sobbed Vincent to himself. Jonas walked over to Vincent, crouched down and put his arm around Vincent. "Its okay Vince, Try not to get to upset okay, you'll make yourself sick and its not good for the baby." said Jonas trying to calm him. The door opened and both Jonas and Vincent looked up thinking it was Richard but it was only Oskari. "Onko hän kunnossa?" (is he alright?) asked Oskari. "He'll be okay just Keep Richard away from him if he leaves Mike okay." said Jonas. Oskari opened a can of beer and said "Okei aion pitää baldy poissa." (okay I will keep the baldy away.) Oskari opened the door and walked out closing the door behind him again.

*On the Roof*

"He has always twisted my words! that's why I never spoke to him again! I mean how did he know I was seeing someone else anyway." said Richard walking back and forth on the roof, Mike was sat on the edge of the roof watching him and listening. "I'm sorry Richard but how did Charles twist your words?" asked Mike. Richard stood still for a moment and sighed, "He has this...'talent' to piss you off so you'll say anything." there was an awkward moment of silence, Then Richard turned and walked towards the door saying "I need to see him! I need to speak to him!" Mike jumped up and chased Richard down the steps "But Vincent doesn't want to see you or talk to you Richard! you'll piss him off that little bit more." As they both turned the corner they found Oskari stood outside the door blocking the way in, at this moment Oskari knew what was said after listening to Jonas and Vincent. Richard walked in front of Oskari and said "Move." Oskari looked at him then cracked open another beer, ignoring what Richard said. "Oskari, move now or I will move you I need to talk to Vincent!" growled Richard. "

Hän ei halua nähdä teitä Richard ja i dont syyttää häntä, jos olin häntä olisin potkaissut sinua niin kovasti pallot sinun täytyy hiuksenkin! joten ei im ei liiku!" ( He doesn't want to see you Richard and i dont blame him if i was him i would have kicked you so hard in the balls you'd have hair on your head! so no im not moving!) Richard stood with a look on his face as if to say 'what?' Jonas then yelled though the door telling Richard what Oskari had said. "You little drunk fucker!" yelled Richard. "Richard stop it!" yelled Vincent "Let him in Oskari, let him say his piece so he'll go away." said Vincent calmly as Jonas opened the door to revel Vincent still sitting on the chair. Richard pushed past Oskari and Jonas and said what Charles is like and that he didn't mean a single word he said, "I love you Vincent and the baby! I don't regret either one of you! I'll do anything to prove this to you!" said Richard. Vincent clicked his fingers and pointed towards the floor "Get down on your hands and knees" said Vincent, Richard fell down on his hands and knees much to the shock of Mike, Jonas and Oskari. "Now, you're never going to talk to Charles again are you?" Said Vincent in a tone of voice that sounded angry but his face was still. "No I'll never talk to him again!" said Richard. "Your going to cut all ties to him aren't you." said Vincent, Richard Nodded. "Your going to do as I tell you aren't you or the wedding is off and you'll never see the baby!" said Vincent who was starting to get angry again. Richard nodded faster. "Your never going to lie to me again! are you?!" Yelled Vincent "I am NEVER going to lie to you again!" said Richard leaning up to Vincent. Vincent grabbed a hold of Richard's neck tie and pulled him close to his face and starred into his eyes. "You had better not lie to me again." said Vincent though his teeth.


Oh! Vincent is serious this time! lets hope that Richard keeps his Promise!

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