A blast from the Past. Chapter fourteen

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Vincent is now 6 months Pregnant. Sitting on the sofa with his feet on cushions being told off by Richard, "Now are you going to behave while I go to work or are you going to pretend your not pregnant? Because if you are I will super glue your ass to the sofa!" Vincent gave out a heavy sigh and said "I tripped Richard! okay I'm going to fall down sometimes!" Before Richard could reply, a voice was heard, "Its okay Richard, you go to work I'll make sure he stays put."  it was Danny. wearing normal clothes, a checker shirt, jeans and a band t-shirt. "Okay but make sure he does the only time I want him to get of the sofa is for the bathroom, that's it! got it?" said Richard pointing at both of them, Danny smiled and nodded while Vincent folded his arms like a child and huffed.

a few hours passed and Danny was going though paperwork, "What are you doing Danny?" asked Vincent flipping though the channels. "Making sure you are all set for the wedding." mumbled Danny. "I mean you are getting married In two weeks!" said Danny leaning his head back on the sofa trying to look at Vincent, who then bonked him on the end of his nose with the tv remote. "Hey!" said Danny giggling. Vincent smiled and said "Its nice to hear you laugh again, how are you anyway." Danny stopped laughing but didn't stop smiling he shrugged and said "like I said to Richard I'm a big boy". they looked at each other and smiled then they both turned to watch the Tv.  

*Time skip to Richard.*

Richard was standing around like well a security guard when a familiar voice was heard. "I see your still being a monkey Richard." Richard Turned around to see Charles, an old friend that has now turned into a burden. "Charles, I wish I could say it I nice to see you again but I would be setting a bad example to the children here." Charles rolled his eyes and said "I hear you have a new someone in your life, don't worry they'll soon get bored of you. and soon you'll be alone again. blowing up my phone." Richard gave Charles the death stare as Vincent does to him so many times. Richard took a deep breath "Actually Charles we're getting married AND we're pregnant." Charles eyes opened wide at the news, Richard smiled a cocky smile, a bit like PG. Charles started to laugh "Your joking right!" Richard chuckled and said "no." Charles wiped away a fake tear and sais "Okay Richard I'll play, so where is she? in the back hiding?" Richard shook his head "Actually HE is at home, resting as HE is 6 months pregnant with our Daughter." Charles closed one eye to try and think, then replied "Okay so let me get this right! your getting married and having a baby with a guy?" Richard smirked and Nodded. "Its hard to explain really. you have to see him to believe." Richard said scratching the back of his head. Charles smirked "Okay I'll meet him. Lets say Here tomorrow, at 5.00." Richard didn't get a word in before Charles smiled and then walked away towards the door yelling "See you tomorrow!".

When Richard got home that night he told Vincent everything. "So, I have to ask Richard, do you love him?" asked Vincent rubbing his belly. Richard's eyes flew open and said "Oh God Vincent NO! I love you! only you! and of course little lady in there." Pointing at Vincent's belly. Vincent agreed to go to work with Richard the next day to teach Charles a lesson.

*Next day at Fazbears*

Richard was tapping his foot, looking at the door then his watch, over and over again, this was getting on Vincent's nerves. "Richard I swear to God if you don't stop in a minute I'm going to rip your feet off and shove them up your backside!" Growled Vincent though his teeth. Richard stopped. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen him in years and all of a sudden he's back! its like a bad smell, you just don't know if he's dead or not." Said Richard with a sigh. Vincent grabbed his neck tie and pulled him down to his level (as he was sitting down.) Vincent smiled and kissed him. Richard kissed back forgetting why they were there. "Put him down love you don't know where Richard's been." said Charles, expecting Vincent to be a woman as he saw the huge baby bump, only to have his smile wiped off his face when he saw that Vincent was a he. Vincent raised an eye brow and let Richard go, Richard cleared his throat and said "Charles this is Vincent the mother or father of my unborn child and my future husband, Vincent this is Charles." Vincent held his hand out to shake Charles hand but never received it. "Okay! I'm going to go in the back room." said Vincent getting up and kissing Richard, Vincent walked away. Richard watched Vince walk away when he was grabbed by his shirt by Charles "What the Fuck?! he's purple for one! and you knew I wanted a child! why him?! what makes him so special?!" Yelled Charles softly. Richard grabbed back his shirt and said "We would never have worked Charles you cheated on me remember?!  Its not like as if I planned on being coming a father anytime soon but shit happens!" the room fell silent. Little did they know that a very emotional and very pregnant Vincent Heard everything.


Oh shit..........Richard! you need to sort out your priorities! I know it all happened really fast! but don't forget Vincent and the baby are innocent!!

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