Coming clean. Chapter ten

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Richard and Vincent went to the Hospital for the ultra sound.

(Time jump to the pizzeria)

Everyone was there, everyone who worked there that is. Outside the place Vincent stood still covering up his baby bump with his jacket, taking in deep breathes, he was nerves. Richard put his hands on Vincent's  shoulders, rubbing them "Hey, its okay! you're going to be fine, alright I can do this alone if you want." said Richard. "What if they start to treat me different, what if they think I'm some sort of monster?" said Vincent looking at Richard over his shoulder. "Well if they have a problem then they can come find me and tell me, but if I don't like what they have to say I will punch their lights out, okay?" Richard smiled, Vincent nodded with a smile, Richard kissed his forehead and they both went inside.

everyone was talking to each other the room was loud, filled the laughing, fighting, just men stuff really. Richard held Vincent's hand and lead him up on the stage with Freddy, Bonnie and chica. "Okay shut the fuck up all of you!" yelled Richard, the room became quiet after a few seconds. Richard scanned the room to look at all the faces and spotted PG with his arms folded looking rather pissed off that he was near Vincent, Richard looked at Vincent and Vincent nodded that he was okay. "Right what I'm about to say may shock you but its 100% true!" said Richard as he started to explain everything, the rape, going back to the AA meetings, Vincent and him being an item. The whole room was filled with shocked faces, some we're pretty pissed off. Richard Nodded at Danny, who then left the room and came back with a TV on wheels, Richard gave Danny a disc and said, "Okay this will shock you even more but please understand." Danny put the disc in the dvd player and played the dvd. The dvd contained a moving image of a baby in 3D with the sounds of a heartbeat. Richard held Vincent in his arms stroking the baby under his jacket. "What is this? some sort of joke?" Asked Dexter (one of the security guys) Vincent looked up at Richard then his own stomach to open up the jacket to reveal his round belly. Richard looked at Dexter and said "No. no joke." everyone's mouths fell open! their was some excited cheers and a lot of congratulations. after awhile the news sunk in and everyone was happy. Everyone got to have a feel of Vincent's belly feeling the kicks and movements, all except PG. PG looked a little upset and left to go outside the back, Richard watched him leave then turned to look at Vincent who was giving him the look of 'go after him'. So Richard did.

Outside PG was smoking, he turned to see Richard had followed him, "Why? why did you want me to leave Him so badly PG? you must have a reason?" Richard asked softly. PG hide his face under his cap and said "I had a sister once, she died during child-birth. I never saw my niece again, her father took her away from me. I don't really have much of an excuse for being a coward, it's just that I have always had feeling for Vince. And I thought if you left him he would come running to me." Richard was shocked, "I'm sorry about your sister PG, did you say all of that stuff because you love him or because you couldn't stand losing him?" said Richard. PG smiled "i guess a bit of both really." Richard walked up close to PG, put on hand on his shoulder and said "I forgive you." PG cried a little only to quickly wipe his face with his sleeve. "Come on inside, it's going to rain soon." Said Richard. PG nodded and walked in with Richard, "Hey you never told anyone the sex of the baby." said PG as Richard held the door open. Richard leaded against the door and said "Do you really wanna know?" PG nodded. Richard put his hand on PG's shoulder and said "Its a girl PG. we're having a little lady." PG smiled and jumped up fist pumping the air. "I knew it" PG said with a grin walking down the hall again to the others. Richard smiled then closed the door Behind him quietly.


ITS A GIRL!!! <3 AWWWW! do you think PG can be trusted? let me know! if you have any girl names then again let me know! 

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