I'm home. Chapter nine

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The month was almost up which meant that Vincent was 3 months and just over one week pregnant, Richard hadn't called him, texted, sent letters at all. And it was killing him! He had written his letter to the boss saying he was leaving. He even took the shifts that Vincent wasn't working to avoid him. Half of his apartment was in boxes. He sat on the sofa and put his hands on the sides of his head and sat in silence.

Vincent at this time was laying in bed in the dark, his phone lit up his face, he had been crying his eyes was red and puffy, he must have sent Richard over 100 texts saying 'have I done something wrong?' but he never got a reply, he covered his eyes with one hand and started to cry softly to himself, "Vince? are you in here?" whispered Danny from around the door. Danny heard him crying, and walked over to the bed and got up to lie next to his brother. "Its not fair! if he doesn't want to be with me then that's fine! but he doesn't have to fucking ignore me!" cried Vincent. "You know what! give me your phone! I'm taking it!" said Danny holding out his hand, Vincent checked his phone one more time then gave it to Danny. Danny took the phone and put it in his pocket, "Right now your going to make yourself sick! so stop crying over that bald headed idiot! You can come out here and sit with me or you can go and have a shower!" said Danny climbing off the bed. Vincent knew he was right and crawled off the bed and walked into the bathroom turning the shower on. Danny sat on the sofa in the living room and read some of the Text messages his brother had sent to Richard, he tutted and shook his head, muttering to himself "i have had enough of this!" Danny got up and walked to the bathroom door saying "Vince I'm going out to get some milk okay, I'll be back soon!" Danny left the house got into his car and made a phone call, "Yellow?" said a voice, "Jonas, its Danny I need a favour , I need you to tell me where Richard Lives."

(Time skip because I can!)

Richard was still sat on the sofa feeling sorry for himself, when a loud bang was heard on the front door, "Richard! its Danny! open this door I am NOT going away!" yelled Danny banging hard. Richard jumped up and opened the door as Danny pushed past him, "Now you fucking listen here! YOU got Vince pregnant! I DONT forgive you for what you did to him and I never will! But ignoring him isn't going to make this go away! so what the fuck do you think you are playing at?!" Yelled Danny. Richard stood still like a child being told off. Richard looked up and said "Please sit." Danny walked over to the sofa and sat Richard grabbed a wooden chair and sat opposite him and told him everything. By the end Richard started to cry Saying "And if I didn't do what he told me he would expose Vincent and the baby! I don't care about me but he doesn't deserve that!" Richard cried into his hands and all Danny could do was feel sorry for him. Danny got up and rubbed Richards back "You have to tell Vincent! he has been crying for weeks! PG is such a two faced asshole!" Richard Laughed a little "Do you think Vincent will listen to me?" Richard asked looking up at Danny. Danny shrugged "I don't know his mood has been all over the place, one way to find out huh!"  They both left to tell Vincent the truth. Back at the house Vincent was in the kitchen at the table when Danny appeared, "Before you say anything! I have been to see Richard! he has something to tell you!" Vincent eyes turned black when Richard appeared though the front door. "I can't do this." Said Richard. "I can't stay away from you!" Richard gave a half smile and then the smile faded from his face when Vincent folded his arms. Richard told Vincent everything just like Danny. "You see this is why I had to stay away!" explained Richard. Vincent all of a sudden stood up walked over to Richard Grabbed both his hands and put it on his stomach. Richard's eyes widen when he felt the baby kicking. "This is what I have had to put up with this month!" Said Vincent starting to cry "Why didn't you tell me!? " he sobbed. Richard kissed Vincent and said "We tell everyone! so that way PG wont have a leg to stand on!" Vincent nodded and kissed him back. "I have an ultrasound tomorrow, do you want to see your child?" whispered Vince, Richard nodded, got down on his knees and kissed Vincent's belly saying "I'm home baby, I'm home".


Ouch my wrists!!! What will PG do now?  I hope you enjoy! :)

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