I love you so. Chapter eleven

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*time jump because I really am trying to think here!*

Vincent was now 5 months pregnant with a baby girl. Richard had moved in with them to be a real family. Vincent was outside on the curb trying to lift the last box but with great difficulty, grunting as he tried to bend his knees, Richard comes sprinting from the house, "Vincent! no, don't do that baby, you'll pull your back out, let me do it." said Richard trying to straighten Vincent back up again, as Vincent agreed and huffed holding his back. They looked at each other and kissed.

*an hour later* Vincent was Laying on the bed watching Richard unpack the last of his things, he only had about 5 or 7 boxes he wasn't one to own a lot of stuff, he was simple. "There! I am officially moved in! and we did all of that in less than 7 hours! work out!" sad Richard doing the pose of the statue  The Discobolus of Myron. Vincent chuckled "You really are a muppet, you know that." Richard flexed, turned his back towards Vince and moved his butt cheeks up and down, which made them both roar into laughter. Richard turned around so quickly he fell to the floor only to crawl towards the bed, Grabbing something small from under the bed. Richard pulled himself up on the bed and laid behind Vincent stroking his much bigger belly, kissing Vincent's neck. "I love you babe." whispered Richard continuing to kiss his neck. "I love you too" replied Vincent only to feel a few kicks from the baby, "I stand corrected WE love you too." Richard stopped kissing Vincent's Neck and leaned over to kiss Vincent's belly, "and I love You too!". Richard returned to lay behind Vincent talking sweet nothings in his ear. "I have something for you, I just remembered!" said Richard getting all excited he rolled of his side of the bed and walked off into the bathroom across the hall, Vincent lifted himself up and throw his legs over the side of the bed and waited for Richard to return. Richard returned to the bedroom with a balloon and Portable CD player, Richard put the CD player down on the floor and played a song ( Avenged sevenfold - Dear God) Richard gave Vincent the balloon and said "There's a note inside, I need you to pop the balloon to get it, don't worry I got two balloons". Vincent smiled and popped the balloon which made them both jump a little, Vincent opened the note to read, "I love you so...." Vincent frowned a little and looked up to find Richard was gone, only to find him still in front of him, but on one knee, Vincent's heart was going crazy! "Will you marry me Vincent William Afton?" asked Richard. Vincent started to cry, "Y-YES!" yelled Vincent though the tears. Richard jumped up in the air "WHOOO!!!" they hugged and kissed each other for a few seconds, Richard gave Vincent the ring it was a simple silver band. Vincent kissed him again and said "Fuck me please." Richard obliged to his now fiancés request.

Vincent laying down with a large white t-shirt on covering him almost completely moaned a little with excitement, biting his fingers, Richard who was completely naked with a hard on, looked down at Vincent and smiled, "When am I going to see you completely naked? I know you are having a hard time with your body but I think your as sexy as ever." Vincent looked at him and bite his bottom lip, "What if my body turns you off and you never want to touch me again." Vincent looked down at himself as Richard crawled on top of him and whispered "I doubt that very much Vincent. How about I dim the lights, would that be okay?" Vincent pulled a face and nodded, Richard dimmed the lights down enough so they could see but not very well, Vincent removed his large T-shirt with his eyes closed as Richard looked at every inch of his body. "My God I'm gonna make such fucking hot love to you! you look great! I really mean it!" Said Richard you could hear the excitement in hi voice. Vincent bit his lip again and said "Please Richard don't make me beg!" Richard got back on the bed and laid Vincent down slowly, Vincent placed Pillows under his back and opened his legs so Richard could slip in-between them, Richard Grabbed the Lube from the draw and got to work on Vincent's asshole, Vincent made such beautiful noises from moans to gasps. Richard Grabbed a hold of Vincent's cock and pumped it while taking the head into his mouth, this made Vincent Very happy! After Richard was satisfied, Richard grabbed Vincent's ankles and raised them up to his shoulders, Lining up his Cock to Vincent's entrance, "Are you ready? I'm going to go slow I'm not going to fuck you like Money on crack, okay." Vincent giggled a little at the thought of the monkey and nodded, Richard pushed his cock in slowly, Vincent moaned a little wanting him to push in faster and harder, But he knew his body was being more and more sensitive, Richard Pushed in all the way to the base Like Vincent liked, he paused for a moment to make sure Vincent was okay, Vincent gave a little wiggle with his ass to say 'its okay you can do it now', Richard Pulled out slowly and only half way then pushed back in again, they both gave a satisfying moan, Richard Bent down to Kiss Vincent's neck, Vincent mean while was scratching at Richards back and Biting his shoulder, after a few minutes Vincent tried to speak though the moans "I'm Coming! Richard! Please fuck me a little harder!" Richard didn't say anything he just looked at Vincent's face knowing he needed to cum and so he fucked him a little faster, Vincent's Moans got faster too until he yelled out as he came all over Richard lower torso and belly. Richard wasn't far behind a few more thrusts and he came inside Vincent. Vincent wrapped his legs around Richard with his arm wrapped around Richards Neck, as they both panted together. Their eyes met each other and they kissed. They soon cleaned themselves up and Laid together naked with a thin sheet over the top of them as they both started to fall asleep, "I love you soon to be Husband" whispered Vincent, Richard kissed Vincent and rubbed Vince's belly and replied "I love both of you too". They smiled and slowly fell asleep.


DAYUM! I am pure filth!!! ;) hope you enjoy this! MWAH! pervs no I love you guys really lol      

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