My nightmare is far from over! Chapter three

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I went home the next day from the hospital. I was so happy to leave! I just wanted my own bed, surrounded by my own things, not having to smell that horrible hospital smell anymore. Home. I lived in a one floor house or a bungalow if that's what you call them, as you walked though the front door you where standing in the living room and Kitchen no walls separating them, then a long hallway to the bathroom and 3 bedrooms, one was mine, one was Danny's as his roommate kicked him out and he didn't want to go back to mom and dad and the other was my work space really. I got in to bed and fell asleep. It has been almost 2 weeks since I had left the hospital and something about me was not right. every morning without fail I vomited. but was fine after, I can't stand the smell of coffee! I loved coffee but I can't stomach it. I sat on the sofa after my daily visit to the toilet bowl, and sighed. "Maybe your pregnant Vince" said Danny with a chuckle taking a bite of his toast. I covered my eyes and gave a heavier sigh, "Danny, I'm a guy, and I am fine!".  Danny got up, putting his plate in the sink saying "Its a Joke Vincent." Danny walked into his bedroom to get ready to go to work, we worked in the same Place, Freddy Fazbears pizzeria. My hell. 20 mins later Danny waved to me and left for work. I don't know why but my mind started to think 'what if I am pregnant.' I shook my head to try and get rid of a stupid thought. I should not have done that. As I felt sick again and ran to the bathroom.

Another 2 weeks went by, I was being sick as always, "Vincent I really think its time you went to the doctor again this is beyond the joke!" said Danny knocking on the door. I could tell he was worried about me. i reached up and unlocked the door, Danny looked at me and said "shall i make an appointment for you?" i just nodded and turned back to the toilet.

The Day of the appointment worried me, i held my hands together between my legs, shaking. Danny turned to look at me and took a hold of my hands "Its okay Vincent, its the doctor not a warden" whispered Danny, what the fuck did that mean?! i just gave a crooked smile and nodded. I wanted to be sick again hen the Doctor called my name, i wanted to sink into the chair and disappear but Danny throw up his hand yelling "He's right here!" pointing down towards me. Ugh, Thanks Danny.

I did a urine sample and gave it to the doctor. "Thank you Vincent." said the Doc writing down notes, "Right okay i need you to jump up on the table and let me take a little feel of your tummy okay?" I jumped up on the table as the doctor lifted up my shirt to expose my stomach, "sorry if my hands are cold Vincent" she said with a chuckle trying to lighten up the room i suppose. I jumped a little when she touched me, she said sorry and pushed down on my skin, i hissed a little when she touched a part that hurt, "hmm, okay i think i need to do an ultrasound if that's okay with you Vincent, i nodded, She left the room and came back with a computer thing i have seen one up close before kinda made me a bit nerves. She turned it on and grabbed a bottle shaking it "I'm just gonna put the jelly on you okay it will hep me see what's going on in tum. alright?" she said. i don't think i had much of a choice. So i just smiled, i looked at Danny with big eyes, and he came up and sat next to me holding my hand "Its okay Vince! she knows what she's doing." Danny smiled. It kinda put me at ease. the doctor pressed down on my stomach again with the ultrasound wand thing i have no idea what they are called. She looked puzzled. "w-what's wrong?" i said squeezing Danny's hand tight. "I, i don't know what to say, i don't know how this could have happened, i " she paused for a moment, then took a deep breath and said "Vincent your Pregnant. i say your about one month and 3 weeks pregnant." I froze then laughed. "Have you been talking to Danny? he said that i sounded like I'm pregnant weeks ago as a joke back at home, did he put you up to this?" i said laughing pointing at Danny, Danny sat quietly and shook his head as if to say 'no, Vince it wasn't me'. The doctor sighed again only to reach up to the monitor and turn the screen towards me, i stopped laughing, tears filled my eyes, i squeezed Danny's hand so much that he fell to the floor in pain. I didn't want to let go. I could see the head, the spine and what i believe to be either a hand or a foot. i wanted to scream! 'THIS IS NOT FUCKING REAL!!!' My nightmare is well and truly far from being over!


UH-OH!!! wow. sorry it takes me so long. sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm just to lazy to fix them! lol I'm a busy woman lol comment please! and vote on if you want the baby to be a girl or a boy! :)

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