It's Decision time. Chapter four

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The car drive home was silent. I rested my head against the window, "Vince, say something please. you okay?" said Danny watching the road. I cried so much that I screamed, Danny got scared of course and pulled over on the side of the road, un clipped his seat belt and climbed over to me holding me in his arms as my tears soaked though his shirt to his bare skin underneath. I have till I am 24 weeks to decided what I'm going to do, to keep it or get rid. Danny was on the phone making up an excuse to our boss so I didn't have to go into work, Danny walked in still on the phone and dropped a white square piece of card on the table and walked away, I took a hold of the paper  of the table and opened it slowly to see a photo of the ultrasound, I stared at it for awhile thinking 'I wonder what it is, its so small and helpless.' I closed my eyes and took a breath. "Da" said a small and squeaky voice my eyes shot open and looked down on the floor, something was grabbing my leg to pull its self up, what I saw made me cry a little. A child. A small child, I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy but the child looked up at me and smiled, "Da!" said the child, I think it wanted to say 'daddy' I picked up the child and held it close, It didn't feel wrong or strange it was like I knew this child. It grabbed a hold of my shirt and rested his or her's head against my chest to hear my heartbeat and fell asleep. I woke up with a jump to Danny shaking my arm "The boss said it's fine for you to take a week off work, you okay Vince?" I looked towards the floor and saw nothing, no child. Was this the child the child I am carrying? was this my mind playing tricks on me? I decided not to tell Danny, I just simply nodded to him that I was okay even though that was a lie. The week flew past and I was due to return to work, I was worried. I got ready to go and went to work I stood outside and looked at the banner 'Freddy Fazbear's pizza!' I closed my eyes for a second only to get a flash back to what happened with Richard in the repair room, I felt sick, I held my stomach to feel a small lump, I sighed and walked in. The place was buzzing with kids yelling, and banging, Freddy, Bonnie and Chica singing and dancing, Foxy appearing from around his curtain taking like a pirate, kids jumping for joy just because they have seen him. Parents moaning at each other trying to talk over the sounds of excitement. The smell of Pizza, and metal in the air. As I walked down the long corridor to the bathrooms and the security room I could see some of the guys messing around in the repair room, laughing at each other, I cringed at the sight of that room. Danny came running towards me and grabbed a hold of my tie, "Come on Vincent! Mike wants to see you!" Danny said with a cheer. I walked in the door way and saw Mike also known as 'Phone Guy' as he was always on the phone to his controlling Girlfriend. "I'll call you back! what- No! I'm not cheating on you for fuck sake Debbie! I'm working! Ugh BYE DEBBIE!" As Mike hung up the phone he turned to me and said "Hey Stranger! how are you? how are you feeling? its not everyday that a guy turns out to be pregnant huh!" my face dropped. How the fuck did he know! then my eyes drew themselves towards Danny who had an awkward smile across his face, he raised his hands up and said "In my defence! Mike knew something was up! He got it out of me!" I grinded my teeth together "What did he do huh, give you a wet willy or something?!" I yelled though my teeth, clenching my fist. "No, I just asked and Danny told me. don't worry Vincent I haven't told anyone I swear!" said Mike jumping up out of his chair and darting in front of Danny. I wanted to kill him but I wouldn't hurt him, maybe punch him in the arm but that's it. I rolled my eyes and turned to leave. I stopped dead. My heart was going insane! Richard! Richard was standing at the end of the Corridor!! Oh fuck! where do I go?! He hasn't seen me! good! I can disappear! I ran into the boys bathroom, got into a cubicle and locked it! I sat on the seat breathing heavily, I need to calm down! I took some deep breathes and felt sick, I haven't had my morning sickness yet. Uh-oh! I jumped off the seat lifted up the rim and throw up everything I had! Oh God! I hate this part! "Vincent." said a quiet but rough voice, my eyes widen. It was Richard! I tried to stay quiet, "Vincent, you don't have to open the door but please I beg you to just listen to me for a moment, I have no excuse for what I did to you. I got drunk and  I know that the AA would not approve of my actions so I decided to go back to the AA for help I have been sober for a month now and remember everything I did. I know it is wrong of me to ask for your forgiveness but please if you do find yourself being able to forgive me it would mean everything to me. I am so sorry Vincent I didn't mean to hurt you. I hope we can be friends still, but if not then I will understand, and look for a new job else where. Thanks for listening." Richard walked out of the bathroom and shut the door quietly. my eyes flooded with water. I know Richard pretty well we went to school together, and he has Never said Sorry to anyone! He really did mean it didn't he!? I held my stomach again and looked down. I got up and flushed the toilet, washed my hands and went to find Danny to not just tell him what Richard had said but to also tell him I had made my Decision.


Holy farts that took a long time! I think my brain needs some ice-cream because its over heated!

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