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I just want to say that if you're in a bad mood and you're hoping this will cheer you up, it probably won't because I'm in a shit mood and my writing reflects my mood so... yeah. If you're having a good day then don't let this spoil it.


Job interviews were not fun. By this point, Evie could have made a list of reasons taller than her about why she hated them, including the fact that most of the interviewers were snobby and didn't want to hire a girl who didn't have luxurious shiny cocoa butter hair. Or that could have just been because she wanted her hair kit back, either one.
She was tired of job hunting, it had been going on for months and she hadn't gotten anywhere. McDonald's hadn't even hired her. Fucking McDonald's. She reckoned that her father had jinxed her all those times he had told her that if she didn't revise then she'd end up working at Macca's, because now she couldn't even get a job there.
Then again, she was thinking of any and every reason to blame anybody but herself - to be fair to her, if her parents hadn't been greedy idiots then her company wouldn't have gone corrupt and she wouldn't have been left with nothing but shit clothes and half a healthy shine hair kit, which had long since ran out. Yes, she was still salty about the hair kit.

The blonde girl was sitting on a grey chair, listening to the female candidate to the left of her, who sniffed every three fucking seconds! She could also see the man across from her pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose every time they slid back down and another guy who checked his phone every couple of seconds, as if he was expecting a call from the bank, telling him that he suddenly had £100,000,000 transferred into his bank account. That thought slightly depressed Evie, seeing as she did have that in her bank account, until it was taken away from her. That, coupled with the vast amount of grey in the room she had been sitting in for the past half hour was enough to make her want to jump off of a cliff. Plus, George Smith kept cropping up in her thoughts. It took all of her effort not to think about him nowadays, it's like his words to her a few months prior were playing on a loop in her brain. Those words, at the time, made her feel important, like he needed her. Now she realised that they were said because she was an inconvenience. The blonde boy was exterminating her like a rat infestation he needed riddance of, whilst making it sound like she had a purpose so he didn't feel as guilty about it. ((You won't understand this and that's because you don't know what he needed so dw if you're confused, you're meant to be))

It has to be you who helps me.
It has to be you who helps me.
It has to be you who helps me.
It has to be-

"Evelyn Carter-Green?" Evie's head perked up at the sound of her name and saw a woman with dull brown hair tied tightly in a bun and a pair of glasses propped neatly atop her head. The blonde stood when the woman beckoned her to follow and walked to the office with her, going through her responses in her head. She wasn't nervous for the interview - she was past the point of nerves, seeing as she had done so many interviews in the past few months. Either she really wasn't cut out to do any type of job or every person in the universe had heard about her parents and Carter-Green & co, she wasn't too sure, but whatever it was, it was stopping her from being hired and she despised it. "Hello, I'm Lloyd Carmichael. Evelyn is it?" A man's voice drifted into her ears when she entered the office. The blonde replied with a 'yes, sir' and walked to the desk, shaking the man's hand as he gave her an odd look. He knows she thought he knows who I am and how the last business I was involved in was highly corrupt. "Please, sit down" The blonde took a seat and gave the man a confident smile, despite feeling like a pile of shit. "So, Evelyn, what can you tell me about yourself?" The grey-haired man questioned, whilst the woman with the tight bun sat down next to him and whipped a pen out, looking at the girl expectantly so she could quickly write down the response. ((btw if you go for an interview, please don't take inspiration from this as I have no idea how to answer these questions lol))

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