Bartenders and Businessmen.

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Bringing back two old characters from the first book, eyes peeled!!


Lacey O'Brien was tired. Her father, Lance O'Brien, asked her to visit his office at 8am to discuss 'things', as he had put it. Now, Lance O'Brien was not a bad man. In fact, he was one of the nicest men you could ever meet. So Lacey was concerned when he had sounded fed up and angry on the phone, seeing as normally his tone held a cheerful song.
"He's gone and done it again!"

"Who's done what?" Lacey questioned with a sigh, rubbing her eye with her hand. It was 7:39am and she had just woken up. It seemed that her father had forgotten that mind reading didn't exist yet.
"That good-for-nothing step brother of yours!" Insults. Wow, he really must be angry. Lacey thought as she watched her father angrily ruffle through papers to show her something. She sighed.
Her stepbrother wasn't really her step brother... her dad had taken him in at a young age, as his parents had died in a place crash and Lance had a lot of room, being rich and all. he was raised well and Lance taught him business, which he excelled in.
Lacey knew him as her, rather misguided, step brother. The rest of the world knew him as Perry Smith, one of the most successful business men currently to roam the streets of New York.
"He's gone and made more payments without telling me!" Lance accused, handing Lacey a bill and frantically pointing at all of the different things Perry had bought.

"Why does it matter? You're both rich"

"We're rich, yes, but this boy is wasting money. He's using the business funds, does he not understand that no matter how successful a business is, it's still at just as much risk at failing?" Lance had made Perry his business partner as soon as he had left university, and Lacey often found herself wondering if he regretted it. Probably did.
"I mean, look at Carter-Green & Co. They flopped spectacularly and now they're both in prison, and their daughter is probably homeless somewhere. Which reminds me, I need to find her"

"Evelyn? What do you want with Evelyn Carter-Green?" Lacey questioned, frowning. Her father hated the Carter-Greens with a burning passion, why would he want to find one of them willingly?

"I need to have a talk with her" The man stated, taking the bill back off of his daughter and placing it on the desk.

"What about?"
Before Lance could reply, there was a knock at the door and his personal assistant walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. O'Brien, but your 8:30 is here." She announced.

"Thank you, Brenda. Let them in" Brenda nodded and left. Lance turned back to Lacey. "Please try talking to your brother? He only really listens to you" The businessman asked, a pleading look in his eye. The red-haired girl sighed, scratching her head underneath her bandanna as she thought it through. "I'll buy you something to make up for it, how about that?"

"Ugh fine, but I'm not promising anything - you know how he is" Lacey replied, before hugging her father goodbye and leaving the office.

Evie was in the hospital. She hated hospitals, she always felt so odd inside them - knowing that she was inches away from people who were battling for their lives or suffering immense pain, and she couldn't do anything about it. She hated seeing people cry, too, and couldn't stand to see broken family members crying over their loved ones. That's why she visited Parker when she knew Lauren wasn't going to be there.
Parker had to stay in the hospital for a while, to track how he was doing and have some treatments, so Evie figured that she should visit him. It had been a couple of weeks since she had left their apartment and she found herself missing the couple dearly, with no sour feelings towards them, despite them kicking her out. She guessed it was because she understood how it felt to be broke - she wouldn't dream of trying to support somebody else, so why should they?
It was all behind her, now. The only thing on her mind was how Parker was doing.
"It's not so bad" Parker stated with a sigh "It's just annoying that I'm not home with Lauren, you know? I want to be there with her whilst she goes through her pregnancy, and I can't do that whilst stuck in a hospital bed"

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