Platonic Cuddling.

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Dinner at the Sames household was awkward for Reece, particularly because he'd just followed Evie on Twitter and everybody was wondering whether or not they should talk about the elephant in the room. He didn't think that anybody was cross with him, per se, it's just that he knew they knew, and they obviously had a strong opinion about what he did, but he didn't know what the opinion was. It was stressing him out.
Sasha, James and Melanie were dancing around the subject whilst Reece was sitting silently, eating his dinner, wondering whether or not he should bring it up. He'd told Melanie what had happened when he'd left Evie's (or rather, been sent away from Evie's by the little girl, Nova, who had told him off for making Evie late to the tea party), but he hadn't really gone into that much detail as he had been tired, and he knew his girlfriend wanted to question him further. But was it a good idea to bring it up? Evie had told him that Brad and Sasha both knew she remembered, and that Sasha was very angry with her (quite rightly, too) when she found out. Reece didn't want to cause any drama.
"Are you watching that new TV series? The one about the Victorian doctor?"

"Yes, we are! We really like it."

"James and I have mixed opinions of it, we're only on the third episode though so we'll have to wait and see."


"I heard Harry Styles' new song the other day - I don't like it that much."

"Neither, I like the one which came out before that."

"Me too."


"We should do this more often."

"Yeah, we should."


"Maybe we can-"

"I spoke to Evie!" Reece burst out, the torture of the small talk and the awkward silence forcing the words out of his mouth. "I know about the lie."
Reece looked around to see three slightly shocked expressions staring at him, and cursed himself for saying anything. He should have stayed silent. That was the better option. Now it was going to be even more awkward and- Was Sasha smiling?
"She told you?"

"Well, I kind of worked it out when I went to see her, but she admitted to it when I asked." Reece explained to Sasha, frowning as he watched the corners of her mouth curl up into a grin.

"She's fixing everything, she's actually fixing everything? I- I honestly didn't think she would."

"Sorry, can I just butt in here - what lie?" James questioned, being the only one in the room who was oblivious to Evie's lie. Reece assumed Sasha would have told her fiancé (Yes, fiancé, took them long enough) about Evie's lie. Why wouldn't she?

"Evie lied about not being able to remember... well, everything. Me, the boys, everything before she went to America. I only just found out that she was lying."

"Oh..." James trailed off, not sure what to say. "And you knew about this, Sasha?"

"I did, but I only found out at the end of their tour, before I came back to England. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just figured it was something that Evie should try and sort herself before I said anything - I didn't want it to get back to the boys before she had a chance to tell them." Explained Sasha, feeling bad for lying to her fiancé but knowing that she had good reason to do so.

"It's alright," James reassured "have you told Blake and George?"

"No," Reece admitted "I don't think they'll take it very well if they hear it from me. I mean, they won't take it well if they hear it from her either, I don't think, but I know that they need to hear it from her. To be totally honest, I have no idea how they're going to react but I imagine that Blake's going to blow it way out of proportion and George is just going to use it as another reason to be pissed off at Evie."

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