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I know some of you don't read the A/N at the end but please read this one, I have a thing I wanna chat about.


'Awkward' wasn't enough to describe the current situation that Evie was in. In fact, she didn't think there was a word powerful enough to accurately describe what she was experiencing.
She was sitting in a Costa, opposite her first love and his fiancée. Yes, fiancée. As in sparkly ring, big dress, white wedding - the whole shebang, fiancée. Sitting next to Evie was her fiancé Alick. Except, he wasn't, Blake and Elisha just thought that he was.

"Oh, so you're Evie! Blake's told me a lot about you, like how you moved to America. Who's this dashing young man?"

"This is Alick, my-"


When that word had left Alick's mouth, Evie had been confused and went to correct the information, but stopped short after seeing the fat, sparkling set of over-the-top coloured jewels sitting on Elisha's wedding ring finger, which were shaped into a flower with a pearl in the middle. Not Evie's idea of an engagement ring but each to their own, she supposed.

"What a lovely ring"

"Isn't it beautiful? It's not the original one he proposed with, but after a chat with Blake, we decided it was better. Where's yours?"

"Oh... I urm- I left it at home, for uh, you know, safekeeping. Don't wanna lose it"

It clicked then, in Evie's mind, what Alick was doing. Blake had gone and gotten himself engaged to Elisha, so Alick was trying to make him just as jealous of Evie as Evie was of Elisha. Smart and stupid at the same time.

"I didn't realise the two of you were engaged! Isn't that so cute, Blake?"

"Yeah well, I didn't realise the two of you were engaged. Congrats, Elisha"

"Thanks, Evie, that's so sweet of you. I know! We obviously all need to catch up, why don't we go for coffee?"

An even more stupid idea was when Alick agreed to coffee. Evie didn't think she could last much longer with the silence which was sitting over them like an overcast sky. What was Elisha thinking? The only people who needed to catch up on each other were Blake and Evie, and even then they weren't going to because they were both stubborn like mules. It seemed that this coffee date was to end in absolute tragedy.
"So Evie" Elisha started, using the same overly-happy tone she had been using in the park, as if trying to break the awkward silence which was smothering them. Evie wondered if she could even feel the tension - the girl seemed oblivious to it. "How's life?"
That was probably the worst question to ask at that moment, Evie wondered if Elisha had asked it to spite her, but realised that the other blonde didn't know anything about what had happened to her post-prison, so Evie couldn't really accuse Elisha of that. Unfortunately. She was, ashamedly, searching for a reason to hate Elisha, but so far the only thing she could think of was that Elisha had taken what was her's.
No, Evie thought, not mine. He hasn't been mine for four years. Elisha looked in the lost and found box and took him home because there was nobody to claim him.
"It's been good" Evie lied, putting on a smile which anybody who knew the blonde well could tell was fake. Yes, she was very aware that lying was a sin, but she was already going to hell, seeing as she had told many lies before that point. What's a few more?
Blake scowled at her, as if telling her off - for having a good life without him or for lying, Evie couldn't tell which. "Especially now I have Alick" She added, shuffling closer to the boy beside her and resting her head on his shoulder, watching in satisfaction as Blake's glare fell to the table.
Funny thing is, Alick's gay.

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