Jugs and Bottles.

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"You fell asleep, mid-morning, in the forest... how did that even happen?"
Evie was standing behind Alick in the boy treehouse, watching him mess around with his hair in the mirror. It was captivating, in a way, to see him put each hair into their specific place on his head, as if they were actors in a movie scene.
"I don't know. Had a bad night's sleep?" Suggested Evie, exhaustively, wishing that Alick would just lay off her for a while; she wasn't in the mood to deal with one of his lectures.

"Evie, it was the forest." Alick stated, provoking a sarcastic comeback from his blonde 'fiancée'.

"Oh, really? I thought I was in the middle of a fucking night club."
Alick rolled his eyes and sighed. "I don't even see why you're so worked up about it - you should be joking about it, laughing about how stupid I am. That's what mates do, right?"

"I'm worked up about it because you had the perfect opportunity to be alone with Blake and to talk to him, and it ended with him in his bed in the treehouse and you - somehow - asleep in the middle of a forest." Ranted Alick, ruffling his hair in the mirror and then re-placing it, obviously not satisfied with his last attempt.

"I didn't want to talk to Blake!" Evie whined, getting frustrated. "I thought we were coming here for the lols, not to force me to befriend somebody who obviously doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. He literally looks at me like rich, snobby men look at cheap wine! There is no point in me even trying to talk to him, because he obviously is not interested."
The blonde crossed her arms and flopped onto the sofa like a stubborn 5-year-old who had just been told that her mum wouldn't buy her the barbie doll she saw in the supermarket, a pout on her plump lips.
"Look Evie," Alick sighed, "we both know that however much you deny it, you cannot be properly happy again until you've befriended them. Even if you move on and get other friends, you'll still be thinking back to this moment asking: what if? I'm not expecting the two of you to be best friends again straight away, but you don't have to fight him every time he tries to brush you off; it doesn't help! You need to persist and show him that you deserve to take that place as his best friend."

"So now it's my fault, is it?" Spat Evie, completely missing the point of what Alick was trying to say. He started to protest, but she stood front the sofa and walked towards the door of the treehouse. "Come on, the lovebirds are waiting for us at the restaurant. I came in here to tell you to hurry the fuck up."

The two couples were sitting on a table at the on-site restaurant, having dinner.
Dinner was not fun. Well, depending on whose point of view you looked at it through. If you looked at it from Blake and Evie's point of view, the dinner was going terribly and nothing sounded better than jumping off of a cliff. If you looked at it through Alick and Elisha's point of view, everyone was having a whale of a time talking about all the funny things which had happened throughout all of the challenges Elisha and Alick had completed that day.
"Honestly guys, it was hilarious, you should have seen it."

"Sounds bloody terrific." Blake replied in a flat tone, taking a gulp of his beer - he needed something to help him get through that dinner alive. Evie was surviving off of white wine. Not a glass, a bottle. To be fair on her, Blake had been refilling his beer glass from a large jug of beer meant for the table... which only he was drinking from. It was half empty. Both were feeling slightly dizzy.
"Sounds better than our fucking day." Grumbled the blonde, shooting a glare at Blake, who scoffed.

"Oh, m'sorry that I didn't actually want to spend any time with a bitch I don't like."

"Unfortunately for you, you can't leave yourself." Evie smiled sarcastically at Blake, who kicked her shin under the table.

"Ow! Dickhead."




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