Storytime With George.

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Let's hope this chapter doesn't create any holes in the plot rip.


Melanie and Rocha were having a sleepover. Melanie had managed to kick Reece out of the apartment for a night so they could have a proper girl's night, which Rocha was thankful for, because she wanted to talk to Melanie about how weirdly George had been acting. The boy in question had been refusing to meet Rocha's eyes and being really formal whilst around her, overly polite, like how you'd expect a nervous boyfriend to act whilst meeting their partner's parents for the first time.

"I just don't understand it," Rocha whined, despairingly, whilst shoving another chocolate into her mouth. "One minute we're cuddling and being adorable and now it's like my perfume has turned into George-repellent. Like, I get that he's dating Lara but we've always acted really close, why stop now?" 

"Maybe Lara's getting at him about it. Maybe they're having fights about him being close to other girls or she's refusing to have sex with him until he cuts you out his life."

"Yeah right, as if Lara could keep her hands off of George for more than two seconds." Rocha spat. Melanie turned to look at her and the two girls caught eyes, before they both burst out laughing. Neither one even found the situation that funny, but that's what an overload of sugar will do for you.

"Honestly though, I don't see how George hasn't left her for you yet. You two are meant to be!" Melanie insisted, causing Rocha to roll her eyes and pop another chocolate in her mouth.

"I honestly don't think it's gonna happen. It's alright for you, Reece fell for you as quickly as Connor Ball fell off the stage whilst supporting Taylor Swift."

The girls both laughed, then let it die down whilst they followed different trains of thought. Melanie was thinking about the first time she'd met Rocha - it was at a party, one the New Hope Boys were throwing (she couldn't remember why), and Reece had invited her. Their relationship was still early days back then. She remembered hanging out with Reece, and then he left her to go get them drinks. Choosing to wait by the side of the room, Melanie leaned against the wall and let her eyes scan the crowd, until they landed on George. He was dancing with a girl, a brunette, and the two were laughing and holding each other close, as if worried the other would let go and fall away.
"You looked so happy, that day," Melanie said, breaking the silence "when Reece first invited me over to that party, the day I met you. You and George were dancing, and I thought you two were in love. That's how it looked. The way he looked at you, and the way he had his arms around you, holding you to his chest, just made me think - that right there. That's the type of love I want. They are what I want Reece and I to be."

Melanie stole a glance at Rocha, but her eyes were fixed on the coffee table in front of them, as if she was in an intense flashback and couldn't hear a word Melanie said. "When Reece came back, I asked 'is that George's girlfriend, the one he's dancing with?' and I watched as he looked around for you two, then as he started to laugh. He explained that you weren't his girlfriend and for a moment I thought you were some sort of side chick- I, urh, no offense or anything." Melanie coughed awkwardly "Anyway, I said that to Reece and he laughed harder and explained that you two were just friends but he thought you should have been something more. I thought you should have, too."

"Then why doesn't George?" Rocha whispered, raising her eyes to meet Melanie's, showing the longing and sadness held within. The love she had felt for George had dragged out for years, and no matter how much she tried to get rid of it, it only seemed to become stronger, like a thorn which was stuck in her skin and couldn't be pulled out.

"I... I honestly don't know." Melanie replied, hating herself for not having any better words to say.

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