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Elisha felt like shit. After spending a few days thinking about what Lara had manipulated her to do at the restaurant, she now felt like a mean person and wanted to take back her actions. Which is why she was on the phone to Alick, inviting him and Evie to tag along on her and Blake's little trip they had planned.
"Honestly, you'll both love it! It's designed to make you stronger as a couple and find a deeper level of teamwork and trust!" She enthused down the phone, tempting Alick with every word. He enjoyed trips like that.

"It sounds great! Send me all the details and I'll book me and Evie in!"

"Oh, it's alright!" Elisha exclaimed "I've already booked a room for you guys... it was originally for George and Lara, but I'm currently not on speaking terms with Lara and figured it was best to get some space." The blonde explained. Lara didn't actually know they weren't on speaking terms as Elisha hadn't had a chance to ignore her yet, as she was hanging around George a lot, but still! She was proud of herself.
"Oh, okay! Well, send me the date, time and the address and we'll see you there!" Alick cheered, before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.
He knew that Evie would never agree to going on the trip, so quickly made up a little story before calling her on the phone.
"Really, Alick, you've already spent so much on me - you really don't have to take me on a trip on top of it all. My birthday was three days ago."

"I know, but I want to! Plus, I've wanted to go for ages and you're the first person I've had to take with me. Please?" He begged, dragging out the last word in an annoying tone. He heard Evie sigh in defeat and a smirk came onto his face.

"Fine, fine! But I don't approve of you spending so much money on me - I'm not your actual fiancée, you realise"

"I know, but still! It'll be so much fun, I promise!"

"This is not fun!" Evie hissed as she watched Elisha practically skipping towards them, a grumpy looking Blake being dragged along behind her. "Why didn't you tell me that we were going with the hell couple?!"

"Because I knew you wouldn't come" Alick replied, smiling quickly at Elisha before turning to Evie. "Please just try and enjoy it? It's a good opportunity to get back in the good books with Blake!"

"No, it's not!" Evie hissed again. Any more hissing and she'd turn into a bloody snake. "He doesn't know I remember him, he thinks I'm a heartless bitch who hates him and can be easily replaced by the Tesco value- this place is such good value for money!" Evie quickly changed her sentence as Belisha reached them, not looking to start a fight from the second they had gotten there. 

"I know, right!" Elisha cheered, pulling Evie into a hug (shocking her in the process). "I'm so glad you guys came!" She pulled Alick into a hug then, causing him to be glared at by Evie as he accepted it with open arms. Fraternizing with the enemy. 

"Thanks for inviting us, I'm so excited!" Alick cheered, following Elisha towards the reception area.
The whole venue had a summer camp vibe, with cute wooden cabins and surrounded by trees. There was a lake to do watersports on, massive green fields for football matches and basketball courts, as well as picnic areas and both an indoor and outdoor swimming pool. Evie thought she may even enjoy doing exercise at this place, if she wasn't stuck with Belisha the whole time.
"I booked us treehouses right next to each other!"
Well, at least I'll have space away from them. Evie thought as she followed the other three towards the reception, so they could get their keys and be shown to their treehouses. Evie had to admit, she was excited to stay in a treehouse; she had always wanted to but had never had the chance to, so she was glad that at least there was something good about this trip after all.
They collected the keys and got delivered to their treehouses, looking up with mouths wide open (apart from Blake, who had grumpily stomped over to one and started to climb it).
"I have an idea!" Elisha called, and Evie could tell that she wasn't going to like it. "Why don't we have a girls room and a boys room? We'll be spending the days in our couples, it'll be nice to hang out as friends!"

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