Return of the Bitch.

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Blake did a Club Cam for the second day of their tree-top hideaway holiday, seeing as he had promised his viewers he would, seeing as when he did he thought that it was just going to be him and Elisha. It was extremely difficult to film and act happy when Evie was near, partly because it was difficult to not get her in shot and partly because he was so distracted with how quiet she was being. She should have been cracking jokes with Alick or making subtle digs at Blake, so why was she acting like somebody was holding a gun to her head? But saying that, the silence wasn't a sad and fearful silence - it was a thoughtful silence, as if Evie was rethinking everything which had ever happened in her life, every little detail, wondering how different life would be if she had lived another way... Which was exactly what Evie was doing, not that Blake realised he could still read her like a book.
Anyway, it seemed that he had been so busy trying to work out why she was being quiet whilst editing his Club Cam that he had completely forgot to edit out a whole section with her in the background, laughing at something Alick said - one of the only times she was being loud during the day. He didn't even realise this until he had gotten home from the trip and was greeted with a grumpy looking George, who questioned "Are you dumb?" As soon as Blake walked in the door.

"What?" Blake replied, frowning at the blonde who rolled his eyes.

"Don't act as if you don't know!" He exclaimed, elaborating with "The Club Cam!" When Blake widened his eyes and shook his head defensively. George huffed and grabbed Blake's hand ((Glake otp)) before dragging him into the lounge and pushing him onto the sofa, where George's laptop was. "Look." The blonde demanded, picking up the laptop and dumping it on Blake's lap. It was paused on the part of the Club Cam where Blake was in the cafe with Elisha and they were talking (lying) about what they had done the previous day, leaving Evie and Alick out of it completely. "See?"

"See what? What am I meant to be seeing?" Asked Blake as his eyes scanned the picture. George huffed and plopped down next to the brunette, jabbing his finger onto the screen, just over Blake's shoulder in the video where a blonde girl had her head thrown back, laughing at something somebody who wasn't in the shot had said. Evie. "Oh."

"Oh? Oh?! Is that all you have to say for yourself?! Oh?!" George was glaring at Blake, the brunette could feel his glare on the side of his face, but he didn't turn to meet the blonde's eyes. Instead, his eyes stayed fixed on Evie's face, her happy expression causing Blake a deal of pain as he compared it to the picture of her eyes filling with tears as they fought.
"What do you want me to say, George?! Tell me what you want me to say and I'll say it, because clearly my responses aren't good enough for you."

"It's not what you're saying, it's just you."

"What does that even mean?" Blake questioned, frowning at the blonde who was pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, eyes shut as if he was collecting himself.

"I mean that I don't like the fact that you don't seem to care about this." George explained, opening his eyes and dropping his hands to his hips, now looking more like a disappointed parent.

"Of course I care about it, George! I get that it's going to ruin our reputation by being associated with Evie because she was in prison or whatever and I'm sorry - I didn't know she was coming on the holiday and I'd already promised to do a Club Cam and I tried not to get her in it, alright? I just made a mistake."

"Yeah, a pretty fucking big one. That's not what I'm talking about, anyway. Fuck what people think of us, have you seen the comments?" George questioned, earning a shake of the head from Blake. George sat back down on the sofa and scrolled down to the comments, pointing at a few in a silent order for Blake to read them.

NewxHope: Oh God, return of the bitch

Rileyyyy: *Sees Evie*
                     *Dislikes video*

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