Chapter one

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Running, that's all you needed to do at this point. You ran away once they tried to shove those pills down your goddamn throat. You were sick and tired of not being different you wanted to be yourself not one of those fucked up happy people who are always happy no other emotions. Your name well it was Carly. You didn't make up a killjoy a name yet because you had really got to the time. All you New is that you grabbed a bunch of clothing, food, and water then ran out the door before they could catch you. At this point you were kind of just running aimlessly through the zones. Not knowing where you're going you found a gas station up ahead you decided to stop there because you had not a lot but a little money with you and you were kind of getting tired. You needed coffee coffee was kind of your one thing keeping you awake. You hadn't gotten much sleep because you had constant nightmares. You Headed into the small gas station to be greeted by The smell of shitty hotdogs and coffee you walked over to the coffee machine and got one of those tall mugs and got one of those and a bunch of mini caffeine shots poured those all in then walked up to the counter. "How much?" "two dollars, I'm guessing you need to know where you are and also if you need a vehicle because if you're trying to get up to one of the other zones probably a couple miles." "Do You have vehicles for sale and how much?" "I have an old motorcycle and it's for 500." You only had about $700 with you that you took from your mother and father because they wouldn't notice and you were leaving them. "i'll take it." He took you to the back and gave you the motorbike. You hand him the $500 and took your coffee you chugged down and set off. (About 2 hours later) you were getting very tired and really wanted to stop but you were scared you wanted to find a place to stay for the night you thought you were in zone six. Just as you were thinking you saw a bunch of tracks and for men shooting them down one being short with black hair another being a little taller with red hair one being same height with an Afro type thing and another being a little taller with blonder hair. You wanted to help so bad but you don't have a ray gun and you can't really fight that well you just decided to stay back that plan didn't really work they saw you and decided oh yeah it'll be great to fucking chase after this helpless girl. That was actually a great idea on their end but that meant you were fucked. They started chasing after you but then the man with the man red hair saw this and signaled you to come over to them. You saw this and headed over there. When you Got over there he tossed you a ray gun. You then proceeded to shoot down a bunch of dracks. Once you shot all them the man with the red hair looked back over you. It took him a second but he finally responded. "Names party poison."

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