Chapter 2

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"My name is Carly." "Thank you for saving my ass over there I was kind of just escaping from battery City I was looking for a place to crash." "Anytime, we have a place if you want to stay." "if it wouldn't be too much that would be great." "I course. Let's introduce ourselves." "I am fun ghoul." The short one said. "I'm jet star." The one with the fro said. "And I am kobra kid." The blond one said. "We are the fabulous four." "well it is nice to meet all of you and thank you so much for letting me stay at your place." "I don't have one of those fancy killjoy games like you all do I never really got around to getting one." "Well you can make One up when we get to the diner." Fun ghoul said. "you can just follow us on your motorbike while we drive there." "Sounds good thank you so much." They hopped in their car and you got on your bike. They then drove off to the diner and you followed. Once you got there it was around five or 6 o'clock. They then parked the car and got out you parked your bike right next to them and hopped off. "Nice place." You said. They then lead you inside you carried your bag inside too it was a duffel bag inside was a bunch of food, coffee, clothes, and your makeup. (Mostly eyeliner). "I can show you to your room." Said party poison. He lead you down a long hallway that led to a small room with a little bed and a closet. "My room is right next-door so if you need anything just ask." "thank you so much part of this really means a lot." You gave him a hug and he hugged back. He then flashed a small smile then walked away. You dropped your bag on the bed and laid out all your clothes. You then continue to set them up in the closet and put your make up in the small drawer. You then mumble to yourself "I think this'll work out just fine." And thought it was a good idea to give the boys some of the coffee and all the food since you'll probably be Sharing it. Then carry your bag out to the kitchen where they all are. "Am I don't know if you guys need this but I brought some extra food and coffee from home if you want it." "That would actually be great!" Jet star said. "Wait you have coffee?" Party said "Yep, can't live without it!" "Guys I like her." Fun ghoul said giving you a wink. You giggled. You then set the cans of food out and all the coffee grounds out as well. Then party took all the coffee and put it in one of the cupboards. "So do you guys want to have dinner, I can make it. It can be a thank you for saving my ass back there." "Thank you!" They all said. They then went and sat in one of the booths. You then took out your i-pod and played (song on tøp) your play list. You liked to be calm while cooking. You took out the bread and put it in a pan and so fourth. (Time skip brought to you by Gerard getting weirded out when a girl threw her bra on stage) when you were done making grilled cheese you brought it out to them. "Order up!" They all took a plate and said thank you. You sat next to party. You all ate your grilled cheese and talked about everything that had happened and what your life was before you decided to run away. "We should probably make your killjoy name and make you an outfit!"said fun ghoul. "I can help her get a mask and an outfit." Said party. "I can try to think of a name." "How bout toxic rainbow?" Said jet star. "I like it!" "Well toxic rainbow it is!" Said party. "So do you want to go work on the outfit?" Said party. "Sure. Also guys just leave the dishes by the sink I'll do them in a little bit." You said. Party took your hand which you were a little surprised by then he lead you to your room.

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