Chapter 14

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"It was your fault." "I'm sorry." Was all you heard before you woke up. "Good morning sugar." It was party. "How did you sleep." You just pulled the blanket over your head. "So I'm taking it was bad." You uncovered your face and nodded. You sat up and so did he. He hugged you. "It's ok." "I'm here." He rubbed your back. "I love you." He let go and you put your head on his shoulder. "Look at the sunrise." He pointed out. It was beautiful. He draped an arm around you. "You know we are gonna have to tell them eventually." You sighed. "When do you want to?" I don't want to tell them. I don't want them to take you away from me. I love you too much. "Well whenever your ready I am ready." You smiled. You just stayed like that for a while until party wanted coffee. He stood up put the pillows and blanket back then walked back to you. He held a hand out and you took it and stood up. "Do you think you can try and walk?" You nodded. You probably looked like you were a child trying to learn to walk for the first time. He ran over to your side. You took one step after another. "You can do it." You stumbled back. He immediately caught you. "You walked!" You smiled. He lifted you up then he took you down the ladder. When you two got inside the boys were looking at you. "So what were you two doing last night on the roof?" Asked kobra. "Stargazing." Party responded. "Are you sure that's all you were doing?" Asked ghoul. You nodded your head. "Okay whatever you say." Said ghoul. You signaled party to put you down. He did and you stumbled over to the booth. "Good job toxic! Your learning to walk again!" Said jet. You smiled. Ghoul walked over and sat next to you. "So we have anything to do today?" Asked kobra. "Not that I am aware of." Said party. Just then missile ran out to you. "Hey toxic!" You just smiled and gave her a hug. "Can we do something fun today?" Asked missile. "Sure." Said party. "But what?" Asked jet. You shrugged. "We could go camping?" Said ghoul. "Or we could go get food then have a picnic?" Said jet. "Where in the hell would you get food?" Asked party. "Oh I know a place." Said ghoul. "So Who's coming to get food?" Asked ghoul. "I'll go!" Said jet and kobra. "Party you want to go?" Asked ghoul. "Um I can stay here with missile and toxic." He said. You motioned for paper and a pencil. He handed it to you. I can take care of her. You go have fun (;. "Your sure?" He said. You nodded. "Okay lets go!" Said ghoul. They all grabbed their ray guns and went out the door. Then party came back in and gave you a small peck on the lips. "Toxic?" You looked over and realized she just watched you and party kiss. She walked over to you and sat next to you. "Do you like party? Like, like like?" You smiled. You wrote down. Party is my boyfriend. But can you please keep it a secret? She looked at the paper then nodded. "Thank you." You said very quietly. "Can we play a game?" She asked. You nodded. You wheeled yourself to the living room and she walked right next to you. Once you got in the living room you parked your chair then slowly got up and sat on the couch next to missile. "Do you want to play go fish?" You nodded. She got up and got the cards. She shuffled them then gave you the cards then got herself some cards. (Time skip brought to you by frank blowing smoke on Gerard's neck.) "I win!!!" How is this girl so good at card games?  "Third time!" She screamed. "When are the boys coming back?" She asked. You shrugged. Just then you heard the boys voices from the other room. "Hello!!!" Party screamed from the other room. "Hi guys!" Missile screamed back. The boys ran to the living room. "Hey girls ready to go?" Asked jet. You shook your head no. "Do you need to get dressed?" Asked party. You nodded. You walked over to your wheelchair and sat down. "Okay I'll help you." He then wheeled  you to your room. He turned on the lights and closed and locked the door. "Okay do you want to pick your outfit?" You nodded. You then wheeled over to your closet. You picked out your outfit and grabbed your makeup. "Do think you can get changed by yourself?" You nodded. He turned around and you got dressed. (Outfit on tøp) you walked over to him. He turned around. "I missed this." You felt a little more healthy because you weren't taking the pills and you were eating regularly. You looked heather too. He lent in and so did you. You kissed. It felt amazing. "Hey party! Come on we want food!" Really ghoul you god damm cockblock. "Coming!" "To be continued?" You nodded. You took party's hand. "Do you think you can walk?" You nodded. He opened the door and you both walked out. You went to the kitchen where everyone was. "Yay! Your walking!" Said ghoul. "We knew you could do it!" Said jet. Kobra nodded and smiled at you. "Okay ready to go?" "Hell to the ya." You all went to the garage and the boys went in the car and you and party hopped on the motorcycle. The boys sped off and so did you and party. You then resumed your same position with your hands on his waist and your head on his shoulder. (Time skip) when you got to the same water hole as before party parked your bike and hoped off. You soon followed. The boys then parked the car and got out. Missile then hoped out and walked over to you and held your hand. You guys walked over to a nice spot and ghoul laid out a big blanket and you all sat on it. Jet then pulled out a bag full of real food. Not power pup, actual food! "So y'all ready to have actual food for once?" You all nodded. "So I have a pb and j sandwich for missile." Said jet. Then so forth he handed everyone food and you all talked. You just smiled and held missiles hand. "This is nice. It kinda makes you forget about what's going on." Said party. Everyone nodded in agreement. (Time skip brought to you by princess fro-fro) "Well that was amazing." Party said. "Can we do that again sometime?" Asked missile. You nodded and took her hand and stood up. The boys stood up and packed up the stuff. The boys went to the car and got in. Missile let go of your hand and ran in the car. You then walked to the motorcycle and hoped on. Party then followed. He go on in front of you and started the bike. the boys sped off and you soon followed. You resumed your position with your arms around his waist and your head on his shoulder. "Hey sugar." You said nothing. Not all your emotion had come back. The pills were still in your system. You loved him you just cant say it. "You felling better then you did a while ago?" You nodded. He felt this. "Love you toxic." (time skip) Once you got back you got off and went inside to parties room. You opened the door and collapsed on his bed. Thoughts were rushing through your head. Talk god dammit! why cant I talk to party? How did I talk to missile? Fucking talk! I love him, I want to tell him. He tells me this, I want to say it back. You then saw a woman with long brown hair and a long white dress. "Hi carly." You said nothing. " It's your mother." She walked closer to you. "I know what yo are going through." You inched back as she got closer. "I'm not going to hurt you." Should I trust her? I mean she just showed up and she looks like the girl from the ring. "You can trust me." You stopped moving. She sat on the bed right next to you. You were on the verge of having a panic attack. "Calm down." She held out her hand and you slowly took it. "It's me. You can trust me." You looked into her eyes. "I am here because I know you can't talk to the one you love." You nodded. "Look inside yourself." "You love him right?" You nodded. "I know that deep inside you my amazing little girl is still there." "I love you, I love you to the moon and back ." You were on the verge of tears. "Don't cry sunshine. I'll always be with you. Now you need to be here for him." "I-I l-love you t-to the m-moon and b-back." You said now crying. She opened her arms up. You hugged her and she wrapped her arms around you. She slowly let go. "I love you carly. I will always be in your heart." She pointed to your heart and looked at you with a faint smile. "I l-love you m-mom." She then slowly disappeared. "I l-love you t-to the m-moon and back." You then slowly laid down on the bed. You heard the door open, it was party. "Hey sugar are you alright? I heard something." You sat up and opened your arms. He walked over and sat down. He wrapped his arms around you and you did the same to him. "I-I love you gerard."He let go and looked at you then smiled. "I love you too." You let go of him and he looked at your lips. He then kissed you like it was the last time you would ever see him. You soon kissed back. You kissed for what seemed like hours. "Toxic! Party! DINNER!' shouted ghoul. Party looked at the clock and it was seven. You had been in his room for four hours. "Wow." "Wow." was all you two could say. He stood up and you did the same. "To be continued?" you asked. "You know it." He kissed you one last time and you headed to the booths. "Well tonight I the master chef-" ghoul started. " Your not a master chef ghoul." kobra cut in. "Shut up I am! now I have prepared salad and grilled cheese thanks to leftovers and my amazing fucking cooking skills." He gestured to the booth and everyone walked over. Everyone took a plate and sat down. Everyone got food and dug in. "Okay this is actually good." said jet. "I told you I am a chef." Said ghoul. "Sure you are ghoul. Keep telling yourself that." Said party. Everyone laughed. "So toxic you feeling better?" Asked jet." "I'm doing better thank you for asking." You said. They all looked at you wide eyed except for party who was just smiling. "You spoke." Said kobra. "Yes, yes I did." You said. (Time skip to after dinner.) "Well good night toxic!" Said ghoul. "Good night ghoul." You said back. The boys went to bed. "Toxic can you put me to bed?" Asked missile. "Of course." You answered. You held her hand and lead her to your room. You opened the door and she ran up to your bed and jumped on it. You walked over and tucked her in. "Goodnight missile, I love you." "Goodnight toxic, I love you too." You smiled then walked over to the door and turned off the lights and left then shut the door. You walked over to parties room and walked in. "Well hello sugar." Said party. "Hey love." You then shut the door and went over to him. He put his arms around your waist and you put your arms around his neck. "Sugar we have got to tell them." "I'm afraid of losing you party." "You will never loose me." He then crashed his lips into yours and you soon kissed back. You both broke apart and walked over to the bed. He sat down on the bed and you sat on his lap. He once again put his lips on yours and his hands on your waist while your arms were around his neck. He wanted to go further. You broke apart. "Gerard I don't think I'm ready." "It's ok sugar. I love you and we don't have to do anything you don't want to do." "I love you." "I love you too." You quickly got in your pjs and so did he then you turned off the light and you both hoped in bed. Party pulled the covers over both of you and draped an arm around your waist. "I love you Carly." "I love you too Gerard." You then drifted off to sleep.

I'm sorry for not updating!!!

I'm sorry for not updating!!!

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