Guess they're here

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Monkey's POV::::::

"How's you're nose doing?" Belle asked

I was riding Daisy and Belle was on Derek heading to the orchard to get to the starting point of the course we had set up. "Fine, still bothers me a bit but better than last night."

"Good. That punch looked like it hurt, I am really surprised that nothing broke or got fractured."

"Me to dude.You realize that things will be more hectic around here right?" I asked Belle. she just nodded her head.

"Why?" Daisy asked

"One Direction are going to be living with us for a while."

"Who's that?" Derek asked

"The boyband that we saved in California."


"Telling them what's happening?" Belle asked. "I'm so jealous."

"Why" I asked her as we reached the start line.

"You can talk to animals. Plus I want to know what they're saying and actually understand them."

"It's a gift and a curse."

"Lucky." she said pouting out her bottom lip a bit. "Hey, how are the guys going to get through the fence?"

"I left the key in the lock."

"How do we know when they get here?" we looked at each other and said "Eli." at the same time.

"Wait. Did you tell him to attack them?"

I faked a hurt expression "What? Me? I would never do anything like that. I told him to scare them when they got into the house."


"And tackle one of them to the floor."

She looked at me while shaking her head. "Oh come on, I know you want to smile." I kept poking her cheek while saying "smile, I know you want to." till she smiled and laughed a bit.

"Let's just start." Before we could move we heard some screaming, and "GOOD DOG!" and our names being called.

"guess they're here." Belle said we started to move to the edge of the orchard

"Wait, I have to record this." I got my iPod out and unlocked it and went to record it. I had to zoom in a bit since we were far from them. Eli had tackled Zayn, his face was priceless. The other guys had ran back to the car they came in.

"Okay he's had enough." Belle said, I stopped recording and put my iPod away, I whistled for Eli. He stopped "Attacking" and looked up an towards us, I whistled again and he came running towards us.

"How was that? Was I good?" he said as he sat down beside us.

"You my friend were perfect, great job dude." I put my arm out to pet him.

"Alright come on, let's go." Belle said I looked back at the house, the guys had come out of the car and were talking to Zayn.

"Eli you go first."

"What do I do this time?" he asked excited?

"Run and bark." Belle said this time.


"Wait, let me get my iPod out. Okay now go."

"Okay." he said and started running towards them. As soon as they saw and heard him they all bolted towards the car.

"We're so mean." Belle said between laughs. "Alright, alright. Call him off." I whistled and he stopped.

"Sit." I shouted and he did, still facing the guys. "Let's go." I say and we started to over to them. When we get there Eli get's up and comes towards us. "Good boy."

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