Training day and an "Interrogation"

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I grab my glasses from the side of my bed and look at the clock 3:30 A.M.

Great. It's gonna be one of those mornings.

I don't remember what I was dreaming, but all I know is that I feel sad.

You know the drill: I got out of bed, went to the bathroom, etc. I grabbed my shoes and a bag with my gym clothes in it. 3:45 A.M.

I climbed out of the tree near my room balcony. It's early enough, may as well walk. It's only about a fifteen minute walk, maybe ten if I run or jog


I got to the place and stayed for a while I grabbed my journal. And I know what you're probably thinking Oh, she has a journal, how girly. But, so what? I'd prefer to keep this around me at all times than to punch someone in the face everytime I get angry and I'm not home. I wrote until my alarm went off 4:50A.M. I put my book away and headed for the gym.

At the gym:::

I changed and went to the barn to check on the animals before I started jogging/running around the place. I was putting a saddle on Daisy since she was awake and wanted to walk around and talk. I heard a the sound of the floor creak, I turned around to see if it was Eli. No one was there. I grabbed the knife that was I the saddle.

I started walking to the door as quietly as I could, before I knew it there was a bag over my head, Daisy was freaking out and then, it all went black.


My head hurts. It was dark here. And I couldn't move. I struggled with the restraints.

"Struggling's not gonna do you any good." I heard a guy say.

"Where am I?"

"Somewhere, where no one can hear you." The lights turned on.


"Nice to see you again Lindsey."

"I would say the same, but that'd be lying."

He walked up to me and slapped me across the face. "I see you haven't lost your spark."

"I see you haven't lost your manners." I said looking back at him.

"You have something of mine. And I want it back."

"Your dignity or your pride? Cause I don't think that you can get those back once you lose them."

Slap. Pulls my hair back.

"The stones. I want my stones back."

"I think that once your stones fall off you lose a lot. And you can't get them back either."

Punch this time.

"The element stones you bitch."

"Hey, hey, there's no need to resort to name calling idjit."

He laughed evilly.


Belle's Pov::

Where is she, it's 6:45am, where the hell is she? She isn't in the house. I was on my way to the barn when I saw her knife on the ground. I saw I saw two lines in the dirt. She was dragged.

"No no no. Where is she!" I grabbed the knife. And looked up to see daisy with a saddle on. "Daisy do you know where she is?

I heard a cough from behind me. "Hey Belle."

"Lindsey, what happened to you?" I said looking at her face.

"I got interrogated, not a fun experience when the interrogator hates you."

"Caleb? How'd he find you?"

"Who knows. But he probably has the place on the grid."

"Ok, let's go inside."

"Good idea. Are the idiots up yet?"

"Not yet."

"Why not?"

"I was busy looking for you."

I put her arm around my shoulder, but she took it off.

"I can walk." And she could, but she was limping. "How bad do I look?"

"No more than usual, just with blood, cuts and bruises."

"So not that bad?"

We made it to the house and were going to her bathroom. This part, she needed help on.

*step "ow"

*step "ow"

*step "ow"

* st- well you get the gist of it.

We made it to the room, where I am getting her cleaned up, with her struggling.

"The more you move the longer it will take."

"My nose is itchy"

"To bad."

"What time is it?".

"7:10, why?"

"And there goes the first training day gone to waste, because of me."

"No, it's because of Caleb and his baboons. And it's not going to waste. I'll finish you up and you can eat and chill if you haven't exercised yet you can choose to do that."




I was drinking tea the best I could with this busted lip. So the outcome of the interrogation is: black eye, cuts, busted lip, and somehow a sprained ankle. I don't remember him doing anything, just me kicking him unconscious.

Belle has taken the guys training already and they were all upstairs taking showers.

"Good morning, Monkey." I recognize that voice. Maaan.

"Morning Styles. How was training?" I asked looking at him. He was washing an apple.

"Good, tiring, where were yo--" yep he saw my face. Not the first time that's happened. "What happened to you?"

He asked walking towards me and placing the apple on the table. I got interrogated. "Nothing?"

"That's not nothing, who did that to you?"


"Don't worry about it." I told him trying to drink my tea.

"I'm not just going to forget about this."

"Ok. Then just look at it as a sign of how capable I am at keeping secrets. 'Cause the guy that did this was looking for you guys. And some stupid rocks."

"All that for rocks and us?".

"Kinda. The dude has a grudge against my family, except Veronica."

"Veronica is?"

"No one worth talking about." And that was the truth.

He was going to say something else but I just remembered something.

"Look as much as I would love to continue this conversation I have to go do something." I told him getting up and walking to the door.

"If I ask if we can talk later on would you say yes?"

"Maybe." I said and I just walked, well limped, out closing the door.


I went to the barn and Told Daisy and Derek that i was fine. Bruised, but fine.


Hey guys, so i am FINALLY updating. And also this is my last week of school this year. So imight be able to update every Friday or on the weekends.

Also that's Caleb

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